
lǒnɡ duàn zhě
  • monopolist;cornerer
  1. YKK拉链是世界拉链行业中的佼佼者,更是领导者和垄断者。

    YKK is the outstanding one in the world zipper trade , are leader and monopolist even more .

  2. 联通去年10月推出iPhone,成为这种手机在中国的唯一合法销售渠道。当时联通似乎把iPhone当作从昔日的垄断者、如今的市场领先者中国移动(ChinaMobile)那里挖走用户的神奇武器。

    When China Unicom introduced the iPhone in October last year , becoming the only legal channel for the handset in China , it seemed to count on the device as a wonder weapon for poaching subscribers from former monopolist and dominant market leader China Mobile .

  3. 几年来,他一个一个地战胜了他的竞争对手,现已实际上成了垄断者。

    Over the years , he 's picked off his competitors so that he now has a virtual monopoly .

  4. IBM对计算领域的控制被攻破,英特尔(与微软(Microsoft)一道)把自己变成了科技行业占主导地位的垄断者之一。

    IBM 's grip on the computing world was broken and Intel - along with Microsoft - had turned itself into one of the tech industry 's dominant monopolists .

  5. 垄断者有时能够利用它们的规模和现金流造就真正的创新——回想一下贝尔实验室(BellLabs)的辉煌年代。

    Monopolists can sometimes use their scale and cash flow to produce real innovations - the glory years of Bell Labs come to mind .

  6. 借助于结构行为绩效(SCP)分析,本文得出如下结论:(1)对于享有高市场势力的网络垄断者,进入阻挠将成为监管焦点;

    Conclusions are drawn that : ( 1 ) for a monopoly with substantial market power , regulatory focus should be on entry deterrence ;

  7. 在双边垄断的情况下,买卖双方均为垄断者。

    Both buyer and seller are monopolists in a bilateral monopoly .

  8. 微软公司是软件生产世界里的垄断者。

    M $ is a monopoly company in software production world .

  9. 土地垄断者对所有这些改善完全没有

    To not one of those improvements does the land monopolist

  10. 根据传统经济学的经验,垄断者应不惜重金搞科研。

    Conventional economic wisdom holds that monopolies should spend heavily on research .

  11. 遗憾的是,垄断者往往是政府官僚的朋友。

    They are , alas , often the friend of government bureaucracies .

  12. 画出垄断者的需求曲线、边际收益曲线和边际成本曲线。

    Draw the demand , marginal-revenue , and marginal-cost curves for a monopolist .

  13. 故徽州盐商不是垄断者。

    So Huizhou salt merchants were not the monopolists .

  14. 垄断者不是健康的民主制度的朋友。

    Monopolies are no friend of a healthy democracy .

  15. 法律要求自然垄断者的产品定价等于平均总成本。

    Suppose that a natural monopolist were required by law to charge average total cost .

  16. 为何垄断者的边际收益低于其产品价格?

    Why is a monopolist 's marginal revenue less than the price of its good ?

  17. 特殊市场的假设垄断者测试须考虑价格歧视和差异化产品市场情形。

    Special market test to be considered hypothetical monopoly price discrimination and differences in product market conditions .

  18. 贴现因子对耐用品垄断者选择的影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Discount Factors on Choosing Between Renting and Selling in the Durable-goods Monopoly

  19. 网络鼓励了很多进入者,还有那些看似无懈可击的垄断者&知道他们丧失垄断地位。

    The web encourages many entrants , but also seemingly unassailable monopolies – until they are not .

  20. 总之,影响垄断者创新采用的三个基本因素分别为:创新的程度、生产成本和需求。

    Three basic factors affecting monopolist motivation are the degree of innovation improvement , production cost and demand .

  21. 随着成功的企业变为垄断者以及贫富差距的扩大,资产阶级将成为自己的掘墓人。

    As successful companies became monopolies and wealth disparities widened , the bourgeoisie would become their own gravediggers .

  22. 其约束性的分配系统因州立酒精垄断者的串通投票丑闻而备受关注。

    Its restrictive distribution system is under the spotlight thanks to an ongoing bid-rigging scandal at the state-run alcohol monopoly .

  23. 但在美国反垄断法的历史上,从未有单独一家公司被宣布为非法买方垄断者的案例。

    But there has never been a case in US competition law of a single company being declared an illegal monopsonist .

  24. 而一旦在国债期货市场上形成垄断者或垄断势力,就极易发生操纵市场、合谋等不当行为。

    Once monopoly and monopolist are present in treasury future market , it will easily create market manipulation and collusion issues .

  25. 在纸币发行上,它并没有政府垄断者的角色,但是随着时间的流逝,它成为了英国纸币的主要发行者。

    It did not have a government monopoly on note issue but over the time it became the prime issuer of U.K.notes .

  26. 供应航油的国有垄断者拒绝为私营航空公司提供跟三大集团一样的慷慨条款。

    The state-owned monopoly that provided jet fuel refused to service private carriers on the same generous terms given the big three .

  27. 电信运营业是一个较特殊的行业,重庆移动经过了重庆电信业的两次分拆,已经由一个移动通信业务的垄断者变成了一个市场竞争参与者。

    Chongqing Mobile Communication Company Limited is a special enterprise , which has been changed from a monopolist to a market competition participator .

  28. 无论是从经济实力,还是国家安全的角度考虑,只有政府可以充当最终垄断者的角色。

    Whether we take economic strength or national security into consideration , only the government can play the role of the final monopolist .

  29. 当管制者告诉自然垄断者其价格必须等于边际成本时,会有哪两个问题?

    Describe the two problems that arise when regulators tell a natural monopoly that it must set a price equal to marginal cost .

  30. 当大公司是垄断者时,它们游说的动力就更大了,因为它们能独占便利的新法规带来的利益。

    When they are monopolists , the incentive to lobby increases because the gains from convenient new rules and laws accrue solely to them .