
chún lì
  • net profit;pure profit
纯利 [chún lì]
  • [pure profit] 扣除了所有者提供的不计报酬的劳务成本(若从别处提供劳务,则应支付)后的利润

纯利[chún lì]
  1. 他净得纯利2000美元。

    He made a net profit of2000 dollars .

  2. 第五年每亩盈纯利1800余元。

    In the fifth year , a net profit of more than 1800 yuan per mu is gained .

  3. 这就是美国政策所获的纯利。

    This is a net gain for the American policy .

  4. 所有这一切都使得重新造林的纯利益极难估算。

    All of this makes the net benefit of reforestation extremely difficult to measure .

  5. 我从那笔交易获得两千美元的纯利。

    I netted $ 2000 from the transaction .

  6. 胃盲囊、前胃上有排列紧密的细长刺:食道、嗉囊及后肠上均有纹状缘:盲肠上生有成群的纯利此项研究为讲一步防治病虫害提供了依据。

    This research has provided the basis for further preventing plant disease and insect pests .

  7. 结果,经3个月短期育肥,试验牛平均日增重为1.040kg,每头牛获纯利204.9元,具有较理想的增重效果和经济效益。说明,对幼龄蒙古牛实行短期育肥是可行的。

    The results indicated that the average daily gain was 1.040 kg Per head with net Profit of 204.9 Yuan .

  8. 该厂创造利润和人均创造纯利在全国同行业中名列榜首。

    Profit created by the factory and net profit created by per people are listed the same trade of China .

  9. 即使如此,惠姆奥公司到9月初仍售出两百万个呼拉圈,获得纯利三十多万美元。

    Even so , by early September Wham-O had sold two million hula hoops for a net profit of over $ 300000 .

  10. 这格里的纯利数字是由这格的总盈利减去这格的成本算出来的。

    The net profit figure in this cell is calculated by a formula that subtracts the costs in this cell from the gross profit in this cell .

  11. 富邦集团是台湾第二大的金融服务业集团,资产值达三百七十亿美元,2003年营业额为四十六亿美元,税后纯利为四亿一千九百万美元。

    Fubon , Taiwan 's second-largest financial-services group , with assets of $ 37 billion , earned $ 419 million in after-tax profit on revenues of $ 4.6 billion in2003 .

  12. 中石油总裁陈耕公布半年业绩,纯利破香港纪录。预料全年业绩亦会创下香港纪录。

    PetroChina expects to set a record net profit for the full year after reporting the highest interim net profit for Hong Kong-listed companies this year , according to president Chen Geng .

  13. 怀特先生接过波士顿那家小肥皂厂的领导职位时,还很年轻。从那时起直至他事业的终结,他将工厂的大部分纯利捐献给了慈善事业。

    As a young man , Mr. White took over the leadership of a small soap-manufacturing plant in Boston , and throughout his career he gave away to charity a large part of his net profits .