
  • 网络hidden cost;Implicit cost
  1. 我国货物运输隐性成本的核算与控制

    Calculation and Control of the Freightage Implicit Cost in Our Country

  2. 基于降低消费者隐性成本的品牌传播研究

    Study on brand communication based on reducing consumer ′ s implicit cost

  3. 但由丹尼尔•考夫曼和魏尚进(音译)撰写的一份世界银行(WorldBank)报告显示,如果计入隐性成本,增长优势就没那么显著了。

    But it becomes less so once the hidden costs are factored in , according to a World Bank study by Daniel Kaufmann and Shang-Jin Wei .

  4. 工程项目成本包括显性成本与隐性成本。

    Engineering project cost includes recessive cost and dominant cost .

  5. 控制隐性成本提高企业利润

    Raise Enterprise ′ s Profit by Control the Recessive Cost

  6. 论政府采购的隐性成本控制

    On the Control of the Recessive Cost of Government Procurement

  7. 试论电子商务物流隐性成本控制

    Discussion on the Recessive Cost Control of the Material Flow in the E-commerce

  8. 浅谈建筑企业项目隐性成本控制问题

    On recessive cost control problem in building enterprise project

  9. 商业银行的隐性成本及控制

    The Implicit Costs and Control of the Commercial Banks

  10. 企业隐性成本浅析

    Preliminary Analysis of the Enterprises Shadow Cost

  11. 对高等教育隐性成本的探讨

    Discussions of Higher Education 's Intangible Cost

  12. 但是,这其中还有隐性成本。

    But there are hidden costs .

  13. 银行此举的影响或其潜在隐性成本难以估量。

    It is difficult to overstate the significance of this , or the potential hidden costs .

  14. 夏基称,他们成立Brandless网站是为了帮助顾客省去购买大品牌的隐性成本。

    Sharkey says they created Brandless to help shoppers avoid the hidden costs of buying a big brand .

  15. 要求总价格包括所有的“隐性成本”,用它在你的谈判。

    Ask for a total price inclusive of all " hidden costs " and use it during your negotiation .

  16. 而国民经济动员的隐性成本在实质上表现为相应危态发生后的实际经济损失。

    The recessive cost of national economy mobilization represents actual economical loss caused by certain crisis situation in essential .

  17. 毫无疑问,阻燃化学药剂拯救了许多生命,但它似乎也给人们带来一些隐性成本。

    Flame-retardant chemicals have undoubtedly saved many lives , but it seems possible that there have been some hidden costs .

  18. 为了寻找新的利润增长点,家电制造企业必须把目光投向巨大的隐性成本&库存成本。

    To seek new profit growth point , household appliance enterprises must pay attention to the gigantic invisible cost-inventory cost .

  19. 由于交易成本表现形式多样,既有显性成本,又有隐性成本,应采用以货币和非货币相结合的计量手段。

    Due to its multi-manifestation of both dominant and hidden cost , we should measure it by both monetary and non-monetary terms .

  20. 结论家庭干预是降低精神分裂症康复直接、间接、隐性成本和提高康复效果的有效服务形式

    Conclusion This follow up study indicates that family intervention can be considered as a cost efficacy and effective community service for rehabilitation of schizophrenia

  21. 提出了可转换债券融资的资金成本是由筹资费用、票面利息和隐性成本三项构成,并给出了成本计量的方法;

    This paper suggests that the financing cost of the convertible bond financing consists of fund raising cost , face interest and conceal cost .

  22. 一方面好的企业社会绩效通过提高企业的潜在收益、降低企业隐性成本来提高经济绩效;

    On one hand , the higher corporate social performance will improve economic performance through increasing firms ' potential benefits and decreasing their implicit cost .

  23. 企业核心员工的离职除了“初始成本”和“更替成本”,还存在“隐性成本”。

    There is implicit cost as well as " initial cost " and " renewal cost " in the severance of core employees in enterprises .

  24. 对企业而言,风险是一种成本:事前的隐性成本和事后的实际成本。

    As far as the enterprise is concerned , the risk is a kind of cost : In anticipation recessive cost and afterwards actual cost .

  25. “直销的销售模式”,让客户采购更简单、节约更多的隐性成本,并能买到质量可靠的产品。

    " The direct sales model ," allows customers to purchase more simple , saving more recessive cost , and can buy quality and reliable products .

  26. 项目成本管理的目标,就是采取有效措施,降低工程项目的显性成本与隐性成本,提高项目效益。

    The target of project cost control is to adopt the efficient measures , reduce the recessive cost and dominant cost , and improve the project profit .

  27. 由于这些成本的复杂性、多样性和模糊性,对核心员工流失成本(尤其是隐性成本)的计量还存在一定的难度。

    Because complexity , diversity and faintness of these costs , it still has certain difficulty to measure core employees ' turnover costs , especially hidden costs .

  28. 如服务质量的不稳定、客源流失、员工培训成本增加、良好的企业文化难以形成等等,其造成的隐性成本损失难以估量。

    Instability such as service quality , customer loss , employee training costs , good corporate culture is difficult to form and so on , the hidden costs caused substantial losses .

  29. 本研究虽然具有一定局限性,但是为建筑企业隐性成本控制工作的开展提供了依据,对建筑工程项目隐性成本的研究具有一定的参考价值。

    Although the research has some limitations , it provides the basis for construction enterprise recessive cost control activities and has a great reference value for building project of implicit cost .

  30. 核心员工的流失不仅会给企业带来显性成本的大幅增加,还会伴随出现客户流失等影响更大的隐性成本。

    Core-employees turnover would not only bring enterprises dominant costs significantly increase , but also appears hidden costs which would bring greater influence to enterprises , for example customers ' turnover .