
chún jīn
  • pure gold;fine gold
纯金 [chún jīn]
  • [fine gold] 含杂质极少的金

纯金[chún jīn]
  1. 向欧西里斯王致敬:把你的脸转向西边,去点亮两片纯金之田。

    Hail to you Osiris : Turn your face to the west . That you may illumine the two lands with fine gold .

  2. 并且是“万足金”北京独家总代理,世界黄金协会“纯金精品”指定零售商,在业内曾获得多项殊荣。

    And is " Wan Chuk Kam " Beijing exclusive distributor , the World Gold Council ," fine gold " designated retailer , has received many awards in the industry .

  3. 水龙头似乎是用纯金制成的。

    The taps appeared to be made of solid gold .

  4. 这只戒指不是纯金的,里面掺有其他金属。

    The ring is not pure gold ; there is some alloy in it .

  5. DCARC发射光谱法测定纯金中18个杂质元素

    The Analysis of 18 Impurity Elements in Pure Gold with DC ARC Emission Spectrometry

  6. 是纯金的还是K金的?

    Is it pure gold or carat ?

  7. 在没有纯金红石型或锐铁矿型标样的情况下,利用线性回归方法求出参比强度K。

    The reference intensity K has been obtained by means of linear regression without available the pure rutile or the pure anatase .

  8. 当时奖牌在我的电脑包里,由于是纯金做的它吸收了所有的X射线,整块奖牌变成了黑色。

    It was in my laptop bag . It 's made of gold , so it absorbs all the X-raysit 's completely black .

  9. 用高纯铂板作靶材,在玻璃基板上采用磁控溅射方法,制备成Pt薄膜热敏电阻,并在两端制作纯金电极。

    Pt thin film was sputtered on glass substrates . Au electrodes were made on both terminals of the resistor .

  10. ICP-MS法测定高纯石墨中的痕量杂质元素乙酸乙酯萃取&ICP-AES测定高纯金中的痕量杂质

    Determination of Impurity Elements in High Purity Graphite by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry

  11. 方法可用于纯金、金合金和首饰等材料中Au含量的精密分析,选择性很好。

    The proposed method has been applied to the precise analysis of gold content in pure gold , gold alloys and jewelry with good selectivity .

  12. 人们可以像操作ATM机一样,从这台柜机里购买24K的纯金金币和金条。

    People could buy24-caratgold from this machine .

  13. 用DCARC发射光谱法研究了纯金中杂质元素的定量分析方法,配制了一套适合贸易、科研、生产的光谱标样。

    The quantitative analysis method of trace impurities in pure gold was investigated with DC ARC optical emission spectrometry . A series of standard materials , suitable for the trade , research and production were prepared .

  14. 耀眼的新娘LiuCheng确定在她大喜的日子里她不会穿着£200000的纯金首饰走过通道。

    Dazzling bride Liu Cheng made sure she would not be shown up on her big day by donning £ 200,000 of solid gold jewellery to walk down the aisle .

  15. 纳米复合镀层的接触电阻与纯金镀层相差不大,纳米SiC粒子的加入对镀层的电性能影响较小。

    The difference in contact resistance of composite coating and pure gold coating was not obvious , which showed that the nano-SiC added in the coating has a little effect on the electrical properties of it .

  16. 本论文以钛酸四丁酯为钛源,以高浓度盐酸溶液为反应介质,采用水热法制备了纯锐钛矿相、纯金红石相及锐钛矿与金红石混相纳米TiO2粉体。

    Pure rutile nano-powder , pure anatase nano-powder and mixed-Phase TiO2 were synthesized by hydrothermal method , using tetrabutyl titanate ( TBT ) as material , using high concentration of hydrochloric acid as acidic medium .

  17. 起初,婚戒是由24K纯金制成的。

    Originally , the rings were made of24 karat purest gold .

  18. 以聚四氟乙烯和纯金电极为主要材料,制成了一种成本低、操作简便的Clark型溶氧传感器,并将该传感器在不同温度下的淡水和盐水中分别进行了测试。

    A cost-effective and user-friendly Clark-type dissolved oxygen ( DO ) sensor is fabricated using teflon membrane and gold electrode , and the tests are made in fresh water and salt water under different temperatures .

  19. 利用纯金红石相TiO2纳米晶自制的防晒霜紫外屏蔽效果及稳定性更好,优于市售的化学防晒及物理防晒商品,且具有无毒、不被吸收等优点。

    The self-preparation suntan oil using pure rutile nano-powder has better UV-shielding properities and stability than chemistry suntan oil and physical suntan oil on the market . And it has the other advantages , such as non-toxic and no absorbed by skin .

  20. 在修复工程中,新的火炬由24K纯金薄片仔细覆盖。

    During that project , the new torch was carefully covered with thin sheets of24k gold .

  21. 测量了这些电极和纯金电极在H2SO4溶液以及含有Fe~(3+)/Fe~(2+)的酸溶液中的光电化学极化行为。

    Photoelectrochemical behaviors of Au-coated semiconductor electrode and pure Au electrode were measured in H_2SO_4 solution and acid solution containing Fe ~ ( 3 + ) / Fe ~ ( 2 + ) .

  22. 我们能买一架A-380空中巴士吗纯金的都行宝贝

    Can we buy an Airbus A-380 ? Solid gold , baby !

  23. 在瑞士海关统计部门工作的哈桑德米尔(HasanDemir)表示:瑞士公司在熔炼纯金金条方面享有极佳的声誉。

    Hasan Demir , who works in the statistics department at Swiss customs , said : Swiss firms enjoy an excellent reputation for smelting pure gold bars .

  24. 我当时对卢茨·隆格感受到的是24K纯金般的友谊,我所获得的所有金牌、所有金杯都不足以构成这纯金友情的一个镀层。

    All the gold medals and cups I have wouldn 't make a plating on the24-carat friendship I felt for Luz Long at the moment .

  25. 用自组装技术在金(纯金和经阳极氧化的金)表面上获得了新型两亲聚合物PAMC(16)S的有序膜。

    Ordered films of a novel amphiphilic polymer PAMC_ ( 16 ) S have been obtained on gold surfaces ( clean gold and anodized gold ) by self-assembly technique .

  26. 这只鞋又小又漂亮,是纯金打造的。

    It was small and dainty , and of pure gold .

  27. 王春丽说菜市口的纯金饰品的销售额相当稳定。

    Wang said sales of pure gold jewellery at Caishikou were stable .

  28. 快乐王子全身是纯金包的。

    The Happy Prince was covered entirely with pure gold .

  29. 其中有一间庙有一座由两吨纯金打造成的佛陀。

    One has a two-ton Buddha made of solid gold !

  30. 进行电沉积实验时,阳极采用纯金平板,阴极采用纯铜板。

    Anode is pure gold plate , cathode is pure copper plate .