
lǒng gōu
  • furrow;field ditch;drill
垄沟 [lǒng gōu]
  • [furrow;field ditch] 田垄间的沟,用于排、灌、上肥等

垄沟[lǒng gōu]
  1. 废弃韭菜在垄沟水中的腐解特征及其水环境效应

    The Character of Discarded Chinese Chive 's Decomposition in the Furrow and Its Effect on Water Environment

  2. 垄沟种植向日葵产量高于垄台种植的。

    The production of corps in furrow sown tillage was higher than those growing in ridge sown tillage .

  3. GPS技术帮助拖拉机划出直线的垄沟,并将适量化肥投放到合适位置。

    GPS technology helps the tractor cut rows in straight lines and put the right amount of fertilizer in the right place .

  4. 电脑负责大部分的驾驶工作,借助全球定位系统(gps)的卫生信号,gps科技帮助拖拉机沿直线划出垄沟,在正确的位置放入适量的肥料。

    The computer does most of the driving . It uses signals from satellites in the global positioning system . GPS technology helps the tractor cut rows in straight lines and put the right amount of fertilizer in the right place .

  5. 结果表明,地膜、保水剂、PAM和间作方式有利于大垄沟较好地保持土壤水分,其保水能力分别比平种高出17.4%、8.5%、11.6%、5.3%;

    The results showed that the treatments of plastic film , aquasorb , PAM and intercropping could improve soil water effectively , and the water content of these treatment was 17.4 % , 8.5 % , 11.6 % and 5.3 % more than level planting respectively .

  6. 垄沟耕作条件下的土壤水分分布试验研究

    Experimental study on soil water distribution under ridge and furrow cultivation

  7. 垄沟和漫灌单元处理污水效果的研究

    The study for sewage treatment efficiency of channel-dyke and broad irrigation systems

  8. 我也注意到大多数梅子核上都有隆起的狭长垄沟。

    I also noticed that most of them had ridges .

  9. 平衡施肥对全膜双垄沟播春玉米产量及养分吸收规律的影响

    Effect of Balanced Fertilization on the Yield and Nutrient Absorption of Spring Maize

  10. 陇东旱作塬区春玉米垄沟周年覆膜栽培及配套技术研究

    Study on Cultivation and Supporting Technology of Anniversary Pitch-Film for Spring-Corn in Longdong Dryland

  11. 称为灌水垄沟的小沟用于不中耕的粮食作物和饲料作物。

    Small furrows known as corrugations are used for uncultivated grain and forage crops .

  12. 宽垄沟灌覆膜条件下土壤水分运移初探

    Preliminary Research on Soil-water Movement Characteristics under the condition of Film-mulched Wide Ridge and Furrow Irrigation

  13. 黄土丘陵区垄沟改良措施对玉米水分利用效率的影响

    Effect of improved ridge-furrow planting measures on water use efficiency of maize in loess hilly region

  14. 垄体垄沟带状深松技术对重茬大豆根腐病及大豆生育的影响

    Impact of band-deep-tillage on soybean root rot and soybean growth under the condition of continuous cropping

  15. 微地形雨水叠加利用垄沟比的几种求解方法

    Several Solution Methods for the Ratio of Ridge and Ditch of Micro - Topography Rainwater Superimposing Utilization

  16. 甘肃省不同旱作区全膜双垄沟播玉米增产效果研究

    Effects of Ditch Sowing in Corn Double Ridge Mulched with Plastic Films in Different Dryland Areas of Gansu

  17. 我注意到有一行笔直的土棱,从河边伸向内地,就象是犁出来的垄沟。

    I noticed a number of straight mounds , like plough furrows , running from the river inland .

  18. 旱地全膜双垄沟播技术在甘肃省旱作农业中的应用

    Application of the Techniques of Whole Plastic-film Mulching on Double Ridges and Planting in Arid Agriculture in Gansu

  19. 而不同垄沟形式将直接影响沟中径流量和土壤水分状况。

    Different ridge and furrow systems directly affected the runoff quantity to the furrow and thus soil water condition .

  20. 垄沟耕作条件下滴灌冬小麦田间土壤水分的动态变化

    Dynamic changes in soil moisture in winter wheat field under conditions of drip irrigation , furrow and ridge planting

  21. 大垄沟及其改良栽培措施对玉米生长及产量的影响

    A Big Cheater Effects of chemical treatments or coverings on growth and yield of maize grown in broad ridges

  22. 垄沟覆膜集雨系统垄宽和密度效应对玉米产量的影响

    Effects of ridge width and planting density on corn yields in rainwater-harvesting system with plastic film mulching on ridge

  23. 降雨冲刷使粘土和有机物比沙粒更多的流入垄沟。

    Description : Raindrops have splashed clay particles and organic matter into the furrows , further than the sand particles .

  24. 旱地全膜双垄沟播玉米水分变化特征探讨

    Study on the Characteristics of Water Change of Ditch Sowing in Corn Double Ridge Mulched with Plastic Films in Dryland

  25. 公野猪把地面拱得像一条垄沟,耕地给糟蹋得不能种庄稼了。

    The wild boar plow the earth up like a furrow , and does irreparable damage in the cultivated lands .

  26. 有五种方法用于水利灌溉:土地漫灌,垄沟灌溉,喷洒法,地下灌溉和滴灌法。

    There are five methods of applying irrigation water to fields-flooding , furrow irrigation , sprinkling , sub-irrigation , and trickle irrigation .

  27. 甘肃省旱地全膜双垄沟播技术研究与应用进展

    Research and application development for the techniques of whole plastic-film mulching on double ridges and planting in catchment furrows in dry land

  28. 他穿着打扮,从松松垮垮的服饰到地垄沟式的发型,让联盟不得不直面城市文化。

    His stylistic choices , from baggy clothes to cornrows , forced the league to confront its relationship with urban culture directly .

  29. 种植密度对全膜双垄沟播玉米生理特性及产量的影响

    Effect of Planting Density on the Physiological Characteristics and Yield of Maize with Whole Covering on Double Ridges and Planting in Catchment Furrows

  30. 宁南山区旱地苜蓿垄沟集水种植生物群体生长特征及其水分利用效率

    Growth Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Biotic Colony Under Catchment and Furrow Planting Technique of Medicago Sativa in Southern Ningxia Mountain Region