
dú zhàn
  • have sth. all to oneself;monopolize;gain sole control;hog
独占 [dú zhàn]
  • [have sth. all to oneself;gain sole control;monopolize] 独自占有

  • 独占资本

独占[dú zhàn]
  1. 她想独占他的时间。

    She tried to monopolize his time .

  2. 近年来,在计算机操作系统方面,Windows操作系统独占市场的局面已经打破了。

    In recent years , in the computer operating system domain , it was broken that the Windows Operating System monopolize market .

  3. 它未能独占市场。

    It doesn 't have the market to itself .

  4. 人们很想独占礼券。

    People were very possessive about their coupons .

  5. 人们在饭馆吃饭时,喜欢独占一张桌子。

    When one dines in a restaurant , one likes a table to oneself .

  6. 有一件事是肯定的:海底不再是地球科学家所独占的领域了。

    One thing is certain : the sea floor is no longer the province of Geoscientists alone .

  7. 审计服务市场被几家大型会计公司独占了。

    The auditing services market is dominated by a few large accounting firms .

  8. 可就是用不着别人对他慈爱:我一心要独占他的感情

    Only nobody else must be kind to him : I 'm jealous of monopolizing his affection .

  9. 专利权是指依法批准的发明人或其权利受让人对其发明成果在一定年限内享有的独占权或专用权。

    Patent right is a kind of monopolized or special right approved by law for inventors or alienee in definite term .

  10. 曾有一位学者说道:“如若天下文采共有十斗,曹植一人独占八斗。”

    One scholar said of him : " Heaven gave the world ten decalitres of talent , and Tsau Jr alone has eight of them . "

  11. 挂起是由表EMPLOYEE上一个独占式的行锁导致的。

    The hang is caused by an exclusive row lock on table EMPLOYEE .

  12. 使用lock方法获得对文件的独占访问。

    You use the lock method to gain exclusive access to the file .

  13. UPDATE语句会导致EMPLOYEE表中的每行上发生一个独占(X)锁。

    The UPDATE statement results in an exclusive ( X ) lock on each row in the EMPLOYEE table .

  14. 因为磁盘检查实用程序需要独占访问到磁盘上某些windows文件不能执行磁盘检查。

    The disk check could not be performed because the disk check utility needs exclusive access to some Windows files on the disk .

  15. 为了检入测试资产,Rational管理员需要有访问所有测试资产文件路径的独占权限。

    In order to check in the test assets , Rational Administrator will need to have exclusive access to all of the test asset files .

  16. 用于可部署WSDL的模式定义以独占方式保存在消息集的消息定义中。

    The schema definitions for deployable WSDL are held exclusively in message definitions within the message set .

  17. 在目标页中对该行进行格式化,并获得该行上的一个X(exclusive,独占的)行锁。

    The row is formatted in the target page and an X ( exclusive ) row lock is obtained on it .

  18. 这些独占锁会一直持续下去,直到使用COMMIT或ROLLBACK语句结束事务。

    Those X-locks persist until the transaction is ended by a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK statement .

  19. 当等待状态的servlet持有一个持久性请求时,该servlet会独占一个线程。

    While a servlet holds a persistent request in a waiting state , that servlet is monopolizing a thread .

  20. 第二个会话中的UPDATE语句被第一个会话中的事务所持有的独占锁阻塞,因此它必须等待。

    The second UPDATE statement in the second session is blocked by the exclusive lock hold by the transaction in the first session , thus it has to wait .

  21. 由于ICT产业自身的技术特征,单个企业由于各方而的局限性,独占标准非常困难。

    For the reasons of characteristics in ICT industry , single enterprise has many limitations and impossibly monopolizes standard .

  22. 本文简要介绍了FDA对药品市场独占权的规定。并将其与中国的新药保护政策进行比较分析。

    The authors briefly introduced FDA s regulations on new drug exclusivity and compared them with Chinas new drug protection policies .

  23. 不能存在并发用户(应用程序独占地访问数据库文件),但因此也没有额外的线程和TCP连接开销。

    There can be no concurrent users ( the application has exclusive access to the database files ), but there are no additional threads nor TCP connection overhead .

  24. SQLite通过数据库级上的独占性和共享锁定来实现独立事务处理。

    SQLite implements isolated transactions through exclusive and shared locks at the database level .

  25. DB2在执行索引或表扫描时,如果遇到一个被另一个事务独占(X)锁定的未提交行,那么DB2将阻塞在行锁上。

    When DB2 performs an index or table scan , DB2 will block on a row lock when it comes across an uncommitted row which another transaction has exclusively ( X ) locked .

  26. 对开源软件有深刻理解的人都明白这一点,因为MySQL是开源的,任何人都无法独占它。

    It is well understood by those knowledgeable about open source software that because MySQL is open source , it cannot be controlled by anyone .

  27. 例如,DB2数据库管理器可以让应用程序独占地控制表中的特定行,而不是让该应用程序独占地控制整个表。

    For example , rather than giving an application exclusive control over an entire table , the DB2 database manager can give an application exclusive control over a specific row in a table .

  28. PPS开始跻身于以前为环氧等热固性树脂独占的电子电气元件封装领域;

    USA. PPS began to beat its way to the area of packaging of electric and electronic components which was usually dominated soly by thermosetting resins such as epoxy resin .

  29. 下面描述的操作当前对sharepoint中央数据库拥有独占的写入访问权限,因此您正在尝试的任务目前无法运行。

    The operation described below currently has exclusive write-access to the SharePoint central database , therefore the task you 're attempting cannot runat this time .

  30. 数据独占权应当适用于所有的适应症和制剂,而非仅限于NCE(新的化学实体)的首次批准。

    Data exclusivity should apply to all indications and formulations , not just the first approval of an NCE .