
dú wǔ
  • solo dance;pas seul
独舞 [dú wǔ]
  • (1) [solo dance]∶即以最小的舞蹈单位--单独的个人进行表演的舞蹈。其最擅长表现特定舞蹈形象内部和外界的各种特征及个性;可以是某种特定情感的直接外化,也可以是花鸟鱼虫、飞禽走兽。此外,独舞最易发挥舞蹈者在表演与舞技上的独家功夫和独特风格

  • (2) [pas seul]∶单人表演的舞蹈或舞蹈片段

独舞[dú wǔ]
  1. 它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。

    It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework

  2. 你跳个独舞给聚会添个彩吧!

    It will spice up the party if you dance a solo dance .

  3. 2007年,她成为了一名独舞演员,2015年,她成为了该独舞团的首席舞者。

    In 2007 , she became a soloperformer , and in 2015 she became its principal dancer .

  4. 艺术之魂的独舞者:理解残雪

    Can Xue : The Solo Dancer of The Soul of Art

  5. 这姑娘喜欢因跳独舞而受到表扬。

    The little girl likes being praised for dancing alone .

  6. 伏尔塔动作,十字步,五月柱独舞定点伏尔塔。

    Volta Movements , Criss Cross , Maypoe , Solo Spot Volat .

  7. 我知道她再也看不到我非常后的毕业独舞表演了;

    I knew she would never see my final senior dance recital .

  8. 这男士一人独舞,旋转个不停。

    The man is dancing by himself , twirl round and round .

  9. 众神狂欢与英雄独舞&90年代大陆文学的两种精神流脉

    Two Spirit Sects of the Literature of Chinese Continent in 1990 'S

  10. 你错过了女儿的当众独舞表演,真是太遗憾了。

    Too bad you missed your daughter 's dance recital .

  11. 我看到她出现在我十四岁那年的独舞表演上;

    I saw her at my fourteen dance recitals .

  12. 这种独舞就象杂技一样。

    This form of dancing is almost like acrobatics .

  13. 这男士一人独舞,旋转个不停。乔看见一个年轻男子向她走来邀舞。

    Jo saw a young man coming towards her to ask for a dance .

  14. 一种由海员表演的英国独舞。

    A British solo dance performed by sailors .

  15. 拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克,联盟中最受欢迎的独舞�

    Russell Westbrook is your favorite solo artist

  16. 无论是揭示人物内心世界的独舞、双人舞和动人心魄的群舞,都很有光彩。一种单独一个人的舞蹈或舞蹈造型。

    A solo dance or dance figure .

  17. 他曾经在独舞中跳出了最恐怖的弗韦泰转

    the man who performed the most fouett é s ever in a single solo .

  18. 我给她拍了一张很好的快照。一种独舞强调快速的拍打。

    I snapped a nice photograph of her . a solo tap dance emphasizing sharp taps .

  19. 我们能够独舞,双人舞或是团体舞。

    We can dance alone , with a partner or as part of a large group .

  20. 一种类似扇子舞的独舞除了用泡沫代替扇子。

    A solo dance similar to a fan dance except large balloons are used instead of fans .

  21. 在芭蕾舞演出中,我更喜欢看独舞而不爱看集体舞。

    In a ballet performance . I 'd like to watch a solo rather than a group dance .

  22. 在她14岁时,她就将她的自由舞教给小孩,并举行了独舞表演。

    And by age fourteen , she was teaching her free dance to young children and giving recitals .

  23. 例如,本剧主演海伊曾是德国德累斯顿森帕歌剧院的芭蕾舞独舞演员。

    Hay , for instance , was formerly a soloist with the Semperoper Ballet in Dresden , Germany .

  24. 高地舞蹈属于独舞,由清晰但难度颇大的舞蹈动作组成,要求舞蹈者有良好的耐力和协调性。

    The Highland dances are performed solo , and have precise , difficult movements and require much stamina and co-ordination .

  25. 来吧,别害羞了!你跳个独舞给聚会添个彩吧!

    Come on , don 't be shy ! It will spice up the party if you dance a solo dance .

  26. 其中既有群舞表演,也有独舞表演,歌曲的类型包括摇滚乐、嘻哈音乐、流行音乐、乡村音乐和经典的眼滚歌曲等等。

    The men perform both group and solo numbers to a track of rock , hip-hop , pop , country and classic rock songs .

  27. 在四个独舞女演员中,最引人瞩目的是第三部剧中身材修长的刘昱瑶;她流畅的语调令人心旷神怡。

    Particularly impressive among the four solos for women was the long-limbed Liu Yu-Yao in the third ; her smooth phrasing was a delight .

  28. 下一个独舞,略过,对,然后你们同时做最后一段。

    The next solo , blah blah blah blah , yeah , and both at the same time , you do the last solutions .

  29. 第三章主要围绕笔者实践中创作的民族民间舞蹈作品,以线条构图和复杂图案构图为线索,梳理对于独舞、双人舞、群舞的调度应用。

    The third chapter the author practice in creation of ethnic folk dance works , to line of composition and complex pattern composition two to describe .

  30. 40年代自编自演的独舞《牧马》,成功地塑造了性格豪迈,马术高超的牧人形象。

    The solo dance " Herding Horses " choreographed and performed by Jia himself in the1940s successfully presented to us a broad-minded herdsman good at riding .