
dú lǎn
  • arrogate;monopolize
独揽 [dú lǎn]
  • [monopolize;arrogate] 独自把持

独揽[dú lǎn]
  1. 同时,由于资源独揽,英吉利是亚洲唯一的鸸鹋油出口商。

    At the same time , due to resource arrogate English in Asia , the only emu oil exporters .

  2. 不久,他便独揽了整个国家的大权。

    Soon the whole country was under his sole dominion .

  3. 在动的水星独揽下,座须要辛勤才干取得安稳。

    Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury , Virgo works hard to stability .

  4. 他一人独揽设计制作大任?

    And he 's programming and designing them all by himself ?

  5. 那心灵的王国就将由你独揽。

    Then thou alone kingdoms of hearts shouldst owe .

  6. 爱情忌分享,权力喜独揽。

    Love and lordship like no fellowship .

  7. 总统身边独揽能源大权的人物

    The president 's energy czar

  8. 在俄罗斯,保守派看重的是独揽政治权力,而经济权力植根并从属于政治权力。

    Here , conservatives value undivided political power , with economic power rooted in and subordinate to it .

  9. 五月天独揽众奖今年金曲奖的大赢家非五月天莫属。

    Mayday 's clean sweep The biggest winner of this year 's Golden Melody Awards was definitely Mayday .

  10. 他认为,像巴西这样的主办国正惨遭国际足联插手,独揽所有收入。

    He believes that host countries like Brazil are suffering at the hands of FIFA , which monopolises all the income .

  11. 事实上,创新者给世界带来的益处不会被他独揽,甚至大部分都谈不上。

    The reality is that innovators do not capture all or even most of the benefits they bring to the world .

  12. 2002年《生活秀》独揽第六届上海国际电影节最佳影片、最佳女演员和最佳摄影三项大奖。

    His film LIVE SHOW in2002 won awards for Best Film , Best Actress and Best Photography at the6th Shanghai International Film Festival .

  13. 出乎现场人士的预料,铁西的9块地,最终被一买家独揽,而且拍卖的过程完全就是复制。

    What 's surprising for insiders is9 lands in Tiexi District were taken by one bidder and the whole process seems a same track .

  14. 获得信息需要技术的变革,商业模式的创新,它的特性决定了,任何人都无力独揽狂澜。

    Access to information needed to changes in technology , the innovation of commercial pattern , it is determined by the character , anyone can take out .

  15. 2021年格莱美奖获提名最多的是碧昂斯,一人独揽9项提名,紧随其后的是杜阿·利帕、泰勒·斯威夫特和罗迪·里奇,每人各获6项提名。

    The 2021 Grammy nominations were led by Beyonce who picked up nine nominations , while Dua Lipa , Taylor Swift and Roddy Ricch followed behind with six nods each .

  16. 这位牙买加选手以19秒30的成绩打破了200米短跑世界纪录,并成为1984年以来继美国运动员卡尔?刘易斯之后,第一个在奥运会上独揽男子100米和200米两枚金牌的选手。

    The Jamaican broke the world record by winning the200m in19.30sec , becoming also the first man since American Carl Lewis in1984 to sweep the100m and200m gold medals at an Olympics .

  17. 该戏剧于2016年7月在伦敦首演,在今年独揽破纪录的九项奥利维尔奖,该奖项是来表彰伦敦西区最佳影片的。

    The play , which first opened in London in July 2016 , this year won a record-breaking nine Olivier Awards , which honor the best of the city 's West End .

  18. 在国际保理的业务推广方面,则应推进制定非金融保理公司的市场准入制度,打破国内目前国际保理业务由商业银行独揽的局面,逐步实现国际保理公司经营的独立化和专业化。

    Regarding the business promotion of the international factoring , non-banking financial corporation should be permitted to participate the factoring market to assure the independent operation and professionalization of factor step by step .

  19. 反对理由其实很简单:两家交易所合并后,将独揽欧洲交易所交易衍生品市场90%以上的份额(加上纠正这种局面的补救措施不够充足)。

    The objection turns out to be simple : the 90 per cent-plus share that the exchanges would have in the market for European financial exchange-traded derivatives ( plus inadequate remedies to address this ) .

  20. 毕竟,如果金融业不再独揽最聪明、最出色的人才,那么其中一些人就可能转向其它更有生产力的领域这对经济有好处。

    After all , if finance no longer keeps monopolising the brightest and best workers , some of that talent could be diverted into other , more productive , arenas for the good of the economy .

  21. 因此,纽曼和达尔文为了“超越美国”,都想向威廉姆斯寻求帮助。达尔文独揽国家计算机部署权的打算,已经被悄无声息地破坏掉了,而威廉姆斯则在这两位之间犹豫着。

    Both Darwin and Newman , therefore , were looking to Williams to help them ' jump in ahead of America ' , and Darwin 's plan for a single national computer installation had already been undermined .

  22. 例如,根据我们的计算,自1992年以来便一直独揽奥运金牌的美国女篮赢得金牌的胜算是80%,而位居其次的队伍的胜算只有10%。

    For instance , the U.S. women 's basketball team , which hasn 't lost a game at the Olympics since 1992 , is an 80 % favorite to win the gold by our count-while the next most likely winners come in at 10 % .

  23. 在某种程度上,这与篮球的整体目标背道而驰,如果目标是赢得总冠军,但你更愿意记住的是威少单打独揽,还是哈登没有走步的后撤步三分球技术?

    In a way it ran counter to the whole purpose of basketball , if the purpose is to win championships , but what image would you rather remember , Westbrook fighting the ocean single-handedly or Harden technically not traveling on yet another stepback 3 ?

  24. 菲尔普斯现在已经拥有三项奥运记录—赢得最多的22枚奖牌,其中赢得金牌最多的18枚,而他在2008年北京单单一届奥运会中一举独揽8枚金牌。

    Phelps now has three Olympic records - for winning the most overall medals with 22 , for winning the most gold medals with 18 , and for the most gold medals in a single Olympics with eight , which he won in Beijing in 2008 .

  25. 另一部分人想抹煞这些成绩,这些人想重返过去“少数人为少数人的政府”,这些人想独揽实业,教育,环保和福利等方面的政策。

    The other side wants to tear down this achievement . It wants to go back to government by a few mates for a few mates where favoured groups get a special say in our workplaces , in education policy , in environment policy and in welfare policy .