
  • 网络unique ability;distinctive competence;Distinctive Capability;Distinct Capability
  1. 企业的长期竞争优势被认为是单个企业拥有的能够比竞争对手更加卓有成效地从事生产经营活动,并解决各种难题的独特能力,即核心能力。

    The sustained competitive advantage of enterprises is regarded as the result of the distinctive competence , which makes the enterprises doing better than their rivals , that is so called core competence .

  2. 雷纳表示,“战略悖论”出现的原因在于,企业要获得成功,就不得不对未来(市场、产品和发展独特能力)做出大胆的战略承诺。

    It arises , says Raynor , because to succeed companies have to make bold strategic commitments to the future to markets , products and developing distinctive capabilities .

  3. 要知道,毛鼻袋熊拥有一项独特能力,每天都能拉多达100个与众不同的立方体便便。

    You see , bare-nosed wombats have the unique ability to produce up to 100 distinctive5 , cuboid pieces of poop every day .

  4. Expect具有系统程序员通常需要的独特能力。

    Expect has unique capabilities systems programmers often need .

  5. DITA处理技术信息的的独特能力来自于两个重要特性

    DITA 's unique strength for technical information stems from two key features

  6. 通过多媒体辅助化学实验教学的实践,论述了CAI在改进化学实验教学上的独特能力及运用,提出了使用多媒体辅助教学时存在的问题及建议。

    Through the practice of multi-media supplementary chemical experiment teaching have discussed CAI in improvement the unique ability on chemical experiment teaching and utilize , have put forward suggestion and the problem of using the existence in multi-media supplementary teaching .

  7. 2002年至2004年,辛迪斯公司多次测试一款名叫NorianXR的产品,在被注入人体骨架之后,这种骨水泥产品具有一种转变为骨骼的独特能力。

    Between 2002 and 2004 , synthes had tested a product called Norian XR , a cement that has a unique capacity to turn into bone when injected into the human skeleton .

  8. 他们独特能力已经成为了其天性的一部分

    Their unique abilities are now part of their nature .

  9. 人类监控时间的独特能力

    in the uniquely human ability to monitor time --

  10. 企业核心竞争力是指企业所拥有的独特能力和优势。

    The core competitive power means the unique capability and advantage of an enterprise .

  11. 拥有独特能力能够抵制脓液和感染抗细菌并愈合伤口。

    Possesses the distinct ability to counteract pus and infection ( anti-bacterial ) and to heal wounds .

  12. 我们发现这些改变在最基本上植根于人类监控时间的独特能力,

    we 've found that these changes are grounded fundamentally in the uniquely human ability to monitor time

  13. 新发明的六角形编织能满足此要求,并且具有生产多角形预制件的独特能力。

    The novel hexagonal braiding machine can meet the need and is capability of fabricating polygonal cross-sectional preforms .

  14. 类依赖性,你选择你将普信或消防螺栓,这是你的独特能力。

    Depend of class that you chose you will have Poson or Fire bolt , that is your unique ability .

  15. 如果那是个庞大且供不应求的市场,而我们刚好又有相应得独特能力,那我们会进入的。

    If that were a huge underserved market where we had a unique capability , we would go into it .

  16. 卫星的持续监测大片区域并发现灾害以及灾害何时发生的独特能力让它们在提供早期预警方面具有关键作用。

    Satellites'unique ability to continuously monitor large areas and spot disasters as and when they happen gives them a crucial role in providing early warnings .

  17. 简而言之,我有着可以为这个职位做贡献以及为贵公司长久发展所需要的独特能力。

    In brief , I have may make the contribution as well as the unique ability which for this position needs for your firm long-time development .

  18. 同一班级的学生,虽然年龄相近,但是每个学生都是具有独特能力、气质和性格等心理特征的个体。

    The students in the same class , although they are in similar age , every student has a unique ability , temperament and psychological characteristics as an individual .

  19. 正是在政治经济转型期的风云际会中,牛宏这样一个有着独特能力和独特性格的人成了时代的骄子。

    It is in the period of the political and economic transition that Niu Hong , who has unique capability and special personality , becomes the pride of the era .

  20. 发问者:你是不是要说,那么,第一步就是找出每个人来到世间的独特能力?这样说正确吗?

    Questioner : Would you say , then , that the first step would be to find an individual with ability brought with him into this incarnation ? Is this correct ?

  21. 研究发现六角形编织具有编织多角形预制件的独特能力。

    It could be an important tool to investigate interior structures of hexagonal braided performs . ( 3 ) It is found that hexagonal braiding has unique capability of fabricating preform with polygonal cross-section .

  22. 熊和豹形态确实是游戏中职业的子集,但是具有职业所没有的独特能力,使得形态自身独一无二。

    The bear and panther forms are truly subsets of the in-game classes but with unique abilities that will not be available to the classes , making them very unique in their own rights .

  23. 企业核心竞争力是企业所拥有的、能够创造经济效益,并难以被竞争对手模仿的独特能力,它是企业建立和保持优势的必要条件。

    The core competences of enterprises are the unique capabilities and owned by enterprises and difficult to imitate . They are necessary conditions for the enterprises to set up and maintain the competitive strength .

  24. 当面临着如何做才能保护人民免受更大伤害的生死存亡威胁时,我们展示出了美国所拥有的独特能力和独特力量。

    We were able to demonstrate that we have this unique ability as a country-unique strengths as a country-when faced with existential threat to do what 's necessary to protect people from much worse harm .

  25. 在对跨国公司进行海外投资的许多动机的研究中,人们发现有二个动机尤为突出:一是拥有独特能力的企业对海外进行自我扩张以获取更高的回报。

    In prior research of Multinationals ' different motives for expanding abroad , we find two motives are very prominent : one is that firms with unique capabilities expand abroad themselves to obtain higher returns .

  26. 而这才是巴菲特的独特能力,比别人更善于估量价值和安全边际,更善于等待机遇,他也因此而被称为“奥马哈先知”。

    And that 's the super ability , has a better eye for valuation and margin of safety as well as waiting for the opportunity , also he earned the name " Oracle of Omaha " for this .

  27. 军工电子企业产业化转型需要结合企业拥有政府许可的行业资质这一独特能力,为产业化转型推波助力,降低转型失败的风险。

    The industrial transformation of military electronics companies requires a combination of the unique ability of having the industry Qualification approved by government , which can make help to the industrial transformation and reduce the risk of transformation .

  28. 企业的组织环境、战略环境和独特能力都与定义和推动过程存在正向相关性,表明与它们一致的项目更可能得到公司的批准,同时他们也推动了公司实现的战略。

    Corporate organizational context , strategic context and unique ability positively correlate with process of definition and impetus , which denotes that projects consistent with them have more chance to be approved , and help form corporate realized strategy .

  29. 旋转电弧传感器具有抗强磁场、抗弧光和抗高温的独特能力,它与焊接电弧总是统一的整体,可以进行实时焊缝跟踪,因此它具有工业应用的前景。

    Rotating arc sensor with the unique ability of anti-magnetic field , anti-arc , and resisting high temperature resistant , is always consistent with the welding arc . The rotating arc sensor can be used as real-time seam tracking and has the prospect of industrial application .

  30. 在这个以技术驱动的全新领域,独特能力或许包括对消费者更加深入的理解,对数字以及移动营销手段的创新使用,以及解决零售商或市场个别问题的新办法。

    In this new technology-fueled landscape , distinctive capabilities might include a deeper understanding of the shopper , an innovative usage of digital and mobile marketing , a sensitive deployment of multichannel marketing , or an innovative approach to solving problems unique to that retailer or market .