
  • 网络one child policy;the one-child policy
  1. “独生子女政策就是理由”K女士说到。

    " The one-child policy is their raison d ' ê tre ," says Ms Kaufman .

  2. 在周二发表于《中国经济时报》(ChinaEconomicTimes)的一篇文章里面,国务院发展研究中心的三位研究人员认为,中国应当尽快调整独生子女政策,以免出现人口危机。

    In an essay published in the China Economic Times newspaper Tuesday , three researchers with the Development Research Center argued that China should adjust the one-child policy ' as soon as possible ' to head off a potential demographic crisis .

  3. 在过去五年里,梁建章在斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)攻读了经济学的博士学位,并且刚刚出版了一本挑战中国人口过剩这一观点的书。梁建章说,他感觉到最近社会上正围绕独生子女政策展开开公讨论。

    in economics at Stanford University and just published a book challenging the notion that China has too many people , said he has felt a recent opening up of discussion around the one-child policy .

  4. 克里斯托弗·J·L·默里(ChristopherJ.L.Murray)是华盛顿大学健康指标和评估研究所(InstituteforHealthMetricsandEvaluation)的所长。他认为,即使在取消独生子女政策之后,中国在公共卫生方面已经获得的改善也很有可能会保持下去。

    Even after ending the one-child policy , China is very likely to hold onto its gains in public health , said Dr. Christopher J.L. Murray , director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington .

  5. 独生子女政策正在产生很多问题。

    The one child limit is causing a lot of problems .

  6. 当然,也有独生子女政策这个原因。

    Of course , the one child policy helps as well .

  7. 独生子女政策破坏了家庭的(和睦)而且扰乱世代平衡。

    The policy damages families and upsets the balance between generations .

  8. 这独生子女政策不不需要改正。

    Yet the one child policy is in need of repair .

  9. 王先生和他的同事们辩称独生子女政策应该去。

    Mr Wang and his colleagues argue the one-child policy should go .

  10. 2016年1月1日,中国取消了强制性独生子女政策。

    China abolished the mandatory one-child policy on January 1 , 2016 .

  11. 取消独生子女政策可能也不会使这产生较大的改观。

    Revoking the one-child policy would probably not make a big difference .

  12. 取消独生子女政策可以有效地帮助中国缓解老龄化社会这一挑战

    Scrapping one-child policy should help China ease challenges of an aging society

  13. 三中全会《决定》表示,中国将放开实行了几十年的独生子女政策。

    The decision says China will loosen its decades-long one-child population policy .

  14. 中国官员们不遗余力地严格奉行独生子女政策。

    Chinese officials are fiercely attached to the one-child policy .

  15. 政府否定了独生子女政策失效。

    The government denies the one-child policy was irrelevant .

  16. 中国的独生子女政策有时还将问题复杂化了。

    China 's one-child policy has sometimes complicated matters .

  17. 独生子女政策更是进一步加强了这些期望。

    The one-child policy has further reinforced these expectations .

  18. 但是中国后来观点发生转变,并且开始实行独生子女政策。

    But the Chinese position afterwards changed , and China introduced one-child policy .

  19. 自1980年起,中国实行独生子女政策。

    Since 1980 China has had a one-child policy .

  20. 对于中国而言,持续30年的独生子女政策的弊端将很难消减。

    For China , three decades of one-child policy proves hard to undo .

  21. 因此,中国应该结束,或者至少放松独生子女政策吗?

    So , should China end , or at least relax its one-child rule ?

  22. 专家相信中国的独生子女政策将对国家的多个方面产生影响。

    Experts believe china 's one-child policy has affected the country in other ways .

  23. 在独生子女政策实施的起步阶段,这有时意味着杀死女婴。

    In the earliest days of the one-child policy , this sometimes meant female infanticide .

  24. 推行独生子女政策前与后出生的独生子女间个性对照研究

    Personality comparison of the only children born before and after the one child family policy

  25. 还有独生子女政策?

    CCC : still one child policy ?

  26. 我认为你一点也不知道我们中国的独生子女政策。

    Cause I don 't think you know anything about One Child Policy in China .

  27. 中国的独生子女政策,导致“小皇帝”数量远大于“小皇后”。

    With China 's one child policy , little emperors are more than little empresses .

  28. 然而中国官员并没有质疑独生子女政策所发挥的主要作用。

    But Chinese officials do not dispute that the one-child policy has played a role .

  29. 与独生子女政策有关的数据证实了中国重男轻女思想持续的统治地位。

    Statistics on the one-child policy confirm the continuing dominance of a patriarchal mentality in china .

  30. 为了控制人口增长,中国在1979年实施了“独生子女政策”。

    China implemented the " one-child policy " in1979 in an effort to control population growth .