
  • 网络Museology;museum studies
  1. 博物馆学重建十年的回顾与断想

    Review and think of the ten years of rebuilding of museology

  2. 但是,博物馆学和考古学有牢不可破的密切关系。

    But Museology and archaeology has an unbreakable close relationship .

  3. 对博物馆学学科属性的初步探讨&兼与范广杰同志商榷

    A preliminary study on the classification of the subject " museology "

  4. 博物馆学是一门随着社会发展不断发展的学科。

    Museology is a continuous development discipline along with the social development .

  5. 因此,在现代世界博物馆学成为一个重要的学科。

    Therefore , Museology has now become an essential subject in the modern world .

  6. 博物馆学基本概念的几点思考

    Pondering over the Basic Concepts of Museology

  7. 博物馆学研究在河南

    The study of museology in Henan province

  8. 论康有为《意大利游记》中的博物馆学思想

    On the ideas of museology in Kang Youwei 's work " A Travel round Italy "

  9. 以马克思主义原理为指南,是中国博物馆学的优势和长处;

    Guided by the principles of Marxism , the study of museology in China has much superiority .

  10. 中级学院单元09博物馆学

    Intermediate unit 09 Museology

  11. 在现代世界,博物馆学专家开发了许多新的记录藏品方法。

    In the modern world field of Museology specialists have developed many new methods to record museum objects .

  12. 2003年,我在斯里兰卡考古学研究所得到了博物馆学的硕士学位。

    After that 2003 I got Master degree in museology in Post Graduate Institute of Archaeology in Sri Lanka .

  13. 因此,许多博物馆学专家写了很多相关博物馆学各种主题的书。

    As a result , many specialists of this field have written a lot of books under various topics related to this subject .

  14. 现代博物馆学则以系统与整体设计为出发点,要求设计师进行既是形象的、又是抽象的思维创作。

    The modern museology requires designers to do creations in both abstract thinking and thinking in images from the viewpoint of the systematic and overall design .

  15. 随着社会和经济的发展,作为博物馆学的一门重要分支,博物馆照明设计己成为专门的学科。

    With the social and economic development , museum illumination design has become a specialized discipline of study , which is an important branch of the museum science .

  16. 文中指出了开展该项活动的理论依据,对新博物馆学理论及社区博物馆作了介绍,举证了美国自然历史博物馆、美国大都会艺术博物馆等的博物馆之友活动的成功实例。

    The new museology and community museum was introduced . The article introduced the successful activities of Friends of the American Museum of Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art .

  17. 博物馆学是研究博物馆目的、组织与运作规律的新兴学科,在博物馆建筑设计研究中引入博物馆学的基本思想,将使建筑设计研究更符合博物馆的实际需要。

    Museology is an interrelated new discipline , which investigates the purpose , organization and law of the operation of museum . It is valuable to consider the basic conception of museology in museum architecture design .

  18. 本文在最后运用新博物馆学的理论,分析和讨论了江西省内博物馆改革与发展,需要走管理现代化和产业化以及虚拟化的道路。

    This use of the new museum in the final theory , analysis and discussion of the Jiangxi Provincial Museum of reform and development within the need to take the management of modernization and industrialization as well as the virtual path .

  19. 因而博物馆学理论,原则和技术的历史(收集,分类,记录,保护,保管,教育,展览等)与此同时开始存在的。

    Thus , history of the theories , principles and techniques of museology ( collecting , classifying , registration and documentation , storing , exhibition , conservation , education , managing , etc ) emerged as the museum came into existence .

  20. 在上个世纪初,博物馆学是考古学的一个组成部分,后来在过去三四十年开发展成一门单独的学科。

    At the beginning of last century , Museology was a part of Archaeology . After that during the last thirty or forty years it developed as a separate scientific discipline in the field of archaeology , and relating to various scientific subjects .

  21. 博物馆是学知识、受教育的最好的课堂。但有些策展人就像监狱里的看守一样,手拿着钥匙,把文物关起来,不允许有人参观,想方设法地把人拒之门外。

    Museums are the best classrooms for knowledge and education , but some curators are like prison wardens , holding the keys , keeping the antiquities imprisoned , not allowing visitors , trying to keep people out .

  22. 在此文中,作者回顾了近八十年来中国博物馆及博物馆学发展的状况。

    In his paper , the author reviews the development of both chinese museums and museology in recent 80 years .

  23. 博物馆观众研究在整个博物馆学界中发展迅速,成为了当前博物馆学的热门领域。

    Museum audience research has been fast developed and become a hot spot in current Western Museum research area .

  24. 本文以一座历史文化名城为基点,分析研究了苏州市博物馆群体建设中的博物馆学诸问题。

    This artical is on the basis of a famous historical and cultural city , and analyses a series of problems on museology of the museum colony construction in Suzhou .

  25. 就最简单的层面来说,所谓的「新」其实是来自博物馆专业和外界对「旧」博物馆学的不满。

    At the simplest level , I would define it as a state of widespread dissatisfaction with the " old " museology both within and outside the museum profession .

  26. 该主题活动的实施,是对博物馆与小学科学课合作、博物馆中小学科学课程资源开发由理论走向实践的操作,是一次意义重大的探索。

    This theme activities , is a significant exploration for the implementation of the museum and elementary school science class cooperation and the museum of science curriculum resource development by theory to practice the operation .

  27. 博物馆的数量正在与日俱增,在世界各地的博物馆学迅速发展。

    The numbers of museums are increasing day by day throughout the world and the subject of museology quickly developing .

  28. 剑桥大学就共有7座这样的博物馆——费兹威廉博物馆、考古与人类学博物馆、动物学博物馆、古典考古博物馆、惠普科学历史博物馆、塞德威克地球科学博物馆、史考特北极研究所博物馆等。

    In the University of Cambridge , there are altogether seven such museums-Fitzwilliam Museum , Museum of Archaeology1 and Anthropology2 , Museum of Zoology3 , Museum of Classical Archaeology , Whipple Museum of the History of Science , The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences , Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute .

  29. 中小学拟设博物馆课程教育部和国家文物局10月19日联合发布关于利用博物馆资源开展中小学教育教学的意见。

    The Ministry of Education and the National Cultural Heritage Administration co-released a document on Monday to guide better introduction of resources of museums into education at school .

  30. 在我们的研究中,我们对革命博物馆、纪念馆的定义、特征、分类等基本的学术概念进行了谈论,这在博物馆学领域内是一个重要的,但是容易被忽视的话题。

    In our study , we discuss definition , characteristic , classification and basic academic concepts of the revolutionary museum , memorial hall , which in Musicology field is an important , but a neglected topic always .