
  • 网络doctoral education
  1. 美国博士生教育评价:演变趋势及启示

    American Doctoral Education Evaluation : Evolvement Trend and Enlightenment

  2. 以学术为业&美国博士生教育本质之争

    Science as a Vocation & Discussion about the Nature of U.S. Doctoral Education

  3. 基于4P模式构建研究型大学博士生教育体系

    On the Base of 4P Model to Construct Doctorate Education System of Research University

  4. 进而在4P模式的基础上,融合博士生教育活动的相关因素,构建了研究型大学博士生教育的体系。

    And it continuously constructed a doctorate education system of research university on the base of 4P model .

  5. 我们的确打算通过这些实验重塑博士生教育,反思我们传授给学生的技能,该项目负责人,英语教授马修·戈尔德(MatthewK.Gold)这样说。

    We are really thinking about it as a kind of laboratory for reshaping doctoral education and rethinking the kind of skills that we give our students , said Matthew K. Gold , an English professor who runs the program .

  6. 从1993年开始,针对博士生教育难以适应高等教育对大学新教师的要求,美国学院与大学联合会和研究生院委员会共同发起了未来师资培训规划项目(PFF)。

    Since 1993 , Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Graduate School Committee co-sponsored the " Preparing Future Faculty " project ( PFF ), according to the fact that it is difficult to make the doctoral education adapt to the requirements of new teachers in University .

  7. 美国博士生教育质量评估体系发展研究

    Exploration into the Development of American Assessment System at Doctoral Level

  8. 论图书馆学博士生教育的发展与走向

    The Development and Trends of Library Science Doctoral Education

  9. 博洛尼亚进程背景下的法国博士生教育改革

    The Reforms on Doctoral Education in France under the Background of the Bologna Process

  10. 试析我国博士生教育收费制度

    Analysis of Chinese Charge System of PhD Education

  11. 美国旅游酒店管理专业博士生教育概述及其对中国硕士研究生的几点启示

    Hospitality and Tourism Doctoral Programs in the United States Implications for Chinese Master 's Students

  12. 而该体系完整的结构和系统的功能,则能使博士生教育在保持相对封闭的同时又不失弹性。

    As well as the integrate structure and function make the system relatively close and elastic .

  13. 博士生教育是学历教育的最高层次,是一种精英教育。

    Doctoral education , elite education in other words , represents the highest level of tertiary education .

  14. 作为高等教育的最高层次,博士生教育受到越来越多的重视。

    Being the highest level of high education , the doctoral education is gaining more and more importance .

  15. 为解决当前问题,博士生教育中首先作出反应的应该就是招生环节。

    Enrolment system should react firstly in the whole doctoral education in order to solve the quality problems .

  16. 但是河南省的博士生教育跟其他省份相比,处于落后的地位。

    However , compared with that in other provinces , the doctoral education in Heman province is relatively backward .

  17. 当前我国博士生教育国际交流与合作问题分析&基于5所研究型大学的调查

    Analysis on Problems of International Exchange and Cooperation in Current Doctoral Education & Based on Survey in Five Research Universities

  18. 第三部分(第7章)对学术职业和博士生教育之间的关系进行理论概括。

    The third part ( the 7th chapter ) tried to theoretically summarize the relations between the academic profession and the doctoral education .

  19. 博士生教育质量的内涵主要涉及课程学习、科研实践以及学术成果和学位论文等三个层面;

    The connotation of quality in doctoral education involves of three segments including course study , research practice and academic achievement & degree dissertation .

  20. 精心筹划,搭建创新科研平台。认真分析、总结经验,以进一步提高博士生教育质量。

    Exquisitely planning and building innovative scientific research platform , carefully analyzing and generalizing experiences so as to further enhance the quality of doctoral students ' training .

  21. 开展交叉学科博士生教育,是学科综合化发展的重要趋势,也是解决重大技术、社会问题的必然选择。

    Interdisciplinary doctoral education is the inexorable tendency of development of integrating of different disciplines . It is also widely applied to solve both technological and social problems .

  22. 国家竞争的实质是创新能力的竞争和创新人才的竞争,创新能力的提升和创新人才的培养也愈加依赖于高层次教育,博士生教育便成为重要的平台之一。

    The innovation improvement and cultivation of innovative talents are also increasingly relying on high levels of education . The doctoral education is one of the important platforms .

  23. 概述了世界图书馆学博士生教育的发展历程,并对我国年轻的图书馆学博士生教育进行了思考,对其未来的发展提出了一己之见。

    The authors summarize the developing course of Library science doctoral education in world , think about chinese library science doctoral education , and give some advises to its developing trends .

  24. 我国的博士生教育已由规模发展转入以质量为核心的发展阶段,进一步提高博士生培养质量已成为当前我们面临的主要任务。

    The core of Chinese doctoral education has gradually changed from enrollment expansion to quality . In a word , cultivating quality should be further improved is the main task of doctoral education .

  25. 博士生教育是我国学历教育的最高层次,博士生学术水平是衡量一个国家高等教育发达程度和文化科学发展水平的重要标志。

    Doctoral education is the highest level of academic education in china . Doctoral education is the main measure of the development degree of national higher education as well as the national culture and science .

  26. 劳动报酬是博士生教育的研究参与性的本质属性,学业激励和生活津贴是对博士生教育的效率与公平的强调。

    The payment for labor is the born essential attribute of doctoral education , but the reward of encouraging studies and the allowance for living is the emphasis to efficiency and fair of doctoral education .

  27. 从体育学博士生教育的历史视野、研究方向、人才类型、培养制度、论文规范等方面,提出了改革创新的理念和设想。

    This paper proposes ideas of ways of reform and innovation of P.E doctoral program from the historical point of view , the research direction , the student type , the cultivation system , and the standard of dissertation etc.

  28. 知识经济时代,世界各国都将博士生教育及其国际化战略看作是保持和提升国家竞争力的重要途径,并纷纷制定各种政策吸引博士生人才。

    In the Era of knowledge economy , the world have all treat doctoral education and its international strategy as the important way to maintain and enhance national competitiveness , and have developed a variety of policies to attract doctoral talents .

  29. 体育学博士生教育肩负着为我国体育事业培养具备高素质、创造性高端人才的重任,其目的是专门培养各学科的学术带头人和技术骨干。

    The doctorate education of sports culture carries on the heavy task of fostering sports talents with high quality and creativity for Chinese sports cause , which aims at fostering special academic leaders and technical experts of various subjects in sports culture .

  30. 具体来讲,全文共分三个部分,第一部分(第2章)作为全文的铺垫,初步分析学术职业与博士生教育之间的关系,从而提出本论文的研究假设。

    Specifically speaking , the full text is divided three parts , the first part ( the 2nd chapter ) as the foundation of the full text , explored the relation academic profession , the talent training and the reserve talent training .