
  • 网络bockel;Claudia Bokel;H.T.Buckle
  1. 不过博克尔表示,在实力更强大的非洲联盟维和部队进驻索马里之前,埃塞俄比亚军队不应该撤离。非盟维和部队既能保护索马里政府,也能维持治安。

    But he says the Ethiopians should not leave before the deployment of a more robust African Union peacekeeping unit , which can protect the government and maintain security .

  2. 索马里议会副议长奥斯曼.艾尔米.博克尔说,如果埃塞俄比亚军队下个月撤出索马里,索马里政府可能会不复存在。索马里政府严重依赖埃塞俄比亚军队的保护,才能免受叛乱分子的攻击。

    Somalia 's Deputy Speaker of Parliament Osman Elmi Boqore says if Ethiopian troops leave Somalia next month , the government , which depends heavily on Ethiopian forces to protect it from insurgent attacks , may cease to exist .