
  • 网络Diversified production;variety production
  1. 减少零部件种类是大批量定制生产企业降低内部多样化生产的主要措施。

    The main measure to reduce the internal variety of the enterprise for mass customization is to reduce the component category .

  2. 在俄罗斯经济发展中,小企业发挥了日益重要的作用,为稳定社会,发展多样化生产,安置失业人员,提高国家竞争力做出了重要贡献。

    In the development of Russian economic , small enterprises play an increasingly important role for the stability of society , the development of diversified production , the placement of unemployed workers , and also for the improvement of national competitiveness .

  3. 信息时代和需求多样化给生产研究领域带来了诸多全新研究课题。

    The information era and the varied market demands have brought about many a new research topic in PR.

  4. 1960年标志汽车从专业化走向多样化:生产小型轿车和经典私家车。

    In 1960 Peugeot changed from being a specialist to a generalist : the production of classic sedans and small models .

  5. 随着经济全球化、消费多样化、生产柔性化、流通高效化时代的到来,广大客户对物流企业提供的服务的要求越来越高。

    As the coming period of economic globalization , consumption diversity , flexible production , efficient distribution , customers expect higher to logistics service .

  6. 生产过程的复杂化以及产品种类的多样化使得生产成本管理工作难度加大,管理人员不能及时有效地获取产品成本信息,大大降低了企业竞争力。

    The complex process and the diverse kinds make the cost control much more difficult , the enterprises cannot get the cost information of products in time so that reduce the competitive power .

  7. 随着客户需求的多样化和生产环境的日益复杂,越来越多的企业对制造系统进行柔性投资,以期在迅速变化的环境中获得并保持竞争优势。

    With the diversification of customer demand and the increasing complexity of the production environment , more and more enterprises invest in manufacturing flexibility to obtain and maintain competitive advantage in the rapidly changing environment .

  8. 目前市场经济已经进入消费多样化、生产柔性化、流通高效化的时代,形成了国际物流体系与物流企业完善供应链必须相一致的新格局。

    Into the consumer market economy has diversified , flexible production , distribution and efficient era , the formation of the international logistics system and logistics companies to improve supply chain must be consistent with the new pattern .

  9. 需求的多样化、生产的比较优势与新型的贸易结构等是产业内贸易大发展的主要动因,发展中国家应充分把握有利时机,改善贸易条件,提升产业结构,并最终提高获益水平。

    The diversification of demand , comparative advantage and the new trade structure are the main motives . The Developing countries should grasp the opportunities , improve the terms of trade , upgrade the industrial structure and enhance gain from trade .

  10. 另一方面,消费者需求的个性化、多样化在给生产厂家以更多的机会的同时,也加剧了企业的竞争。

    On the other hand , the diversification and individuation of demand give the chance and challenge to the company .

  11. 企业化的经营管理将有助于电影系统的资本结构、产权结构和所有制结构的调整,使电影的投资主体多样化,电影生产市场化。

    Management and administration that run an enterprise on a commercial help film capital structure , property right structure and adjustment of ownership composition of system , making the investment subject of the film diversified , the film produces marketization .

  12. 随着社会的进步和技术的发展,顾客对产品的需求日趋多样化,单件产品生产(OKP)方式已成为制造业发展的一种模式,这对生产控制系统提出新要求。

    As the progress of the society and the development of the technology , customers have more and more variety demands on products . OKP ( One-of-a-Kind Production ) is becoming one development mode of manufacturing .

  13. 自卸半挂车形式多样化,为企业生产和运输带来了极大的社会和经济效益。

    The self-unloading semi-trailers ( SUST ) which have many types make remarkable social and economic benefit for enterprise production and transportation .

  14. 在本模型中,城市与区域空间系统的集聚力量除了区位的因素外,主要来自于消费者对消费品多样化的偏好和生产企业对中间产品的多样化偏好。

    In this model , the agglomeration forces of cities and regions come from the tastes for variety in consumer goods and intermediate-goods besides the local advantages .

  15. 科学技术的发展,导致产品更新换代的加快和人们需求的多样化,产品的生产也趋向种类多样化、批量中小型化。

    The development of science and technology , product to update the speeding up of the people and the diversification of the product demand , production tend to be the diversity , batch of miniaturization .

  16. 当前随着全球经济和技术的发展,客户需求日趋多样化,相应的生产制造模式越来越多的转变为多品种、中小批量生产,使得制造过程中生产物流系统的瓶颈大量存在。

    At present with the development of the global economy and technology , customer demand becoming more diverse , the manufacturing mode more and more change which is varieties , medium and small batch production . This makes production logistics system bottlenecks massive existence .