
  • 网络Continuance Commitment;continuous commitment;continue commitment
  1. 组织承诺分为三个维度:继续承诺、规范承诺、情感承诺。

    Organizational commitment divides into three dimensions : continuance commitment , normative commitment , affective commitment .

  2. 组织承诺的表现性质通常有感情承诺、继续承诺和规范承诺三种形式;成员组织承诺的指向是多向度地指向管理者和组织。

    It is presented in the following three forms : affective commitment , continuance commitment and normative commitment .

  3. 如同紧急需要增加获得治疗一样,我们也必须继续承诺以预防新的HIV感染。

    Just as there is an urgent need to increase access to treatment , we must also renew our commitment to preventing new HIV infections .

  4. 他拒绝继续承诺将国防开支占国民收入的比例保持在北约(NATO)制定的2%的目标。

    He has refused to renew a commitment to hold spending to a Nato target of 2 per cent of national income .

  5. 而只有员工与团队取向对继续承诺存在预测作用。

    Only employee and team tropism can forecast continuous commitment .

  6. 处于不同职位的员工,只有继续承诺不同。

    Continuous commitment is different among employees of different position .

  7. 未婚员工的理想承诺水平高于已婚员工,而继续承诺水平则低于已婚员工。

    Married employees show higher Continuance Commitment but lower Ideal Commitment than unmarried Ones .

  8. IT企业员工继续承诺影响因素的实证研究

    An empirical study on the mechanism of the continuous commitment of employees in IT industry

  9. 其中程序公平、领导支持、情感承诺、继续承诺维度对工作绩效的影响较大。

    The fair procedures , support from leader , affective commitment , and continuance commitment affect job performance most .

  10. 继续承诺扩展连接性、功能和性能,并在此最新版本中可以明显看到。

    The ongoing commitment to extending connectivity , function and performance continue and are seen very clearly in this latest release .

  11. 结果表明自我效能感和投资分别重要且直接影响感情承诺和继续承诺。

    The hypotheses testing results indicate that self-efficacy and investments are key factors that significantly and directly influence affective commitment and continuance commitment respectively .

  12. 对量表统计分析后表明:专业承诺包括情感承诺、继续承诺、规范承诺和理想承诺四个维度;

    The results showed that the professional commitment was consisted of four components which are affective commitment , continuance commitment , normative commitment and ideal commitment ;

  13. 高职学生专业承诺的四个维度中,规范承诺得分高于感情承诺、理想承诺和继续承诺。

    Among the four areas in professional commitment , normative commitment level is higher than that of affective commitment , ideal commitment , and continuance commitment .

  14. 为期两周的联合国生物多样性大会于5月30日在德国波恩闭幕,各与会国继续承诺将到2010年前大力削减生物多样性丧失的速度。

    The two-week conference in Bonn , Germany , ended last month ( 30 May ) with renewed promises from countries to substantially reduce the rate of biodiversity loss by2010 .

  15. 本研究主要研究结果如下:1.高校辅导员职业承诺的结构是五维的,分别是情感承诺、继续承诺、理想承诺、规范承诺、代价承诺。

    The occupational commitment of the college counselor is a five-dimensional structure , including affective commitment , continuance commitment , ideals commitment , normative commitment , cost commitment . 2 .

  16. 以实际行动反对各种形式的保护主义,继续承诺并严格执行不对商品、投资、服务设置新的限制措施。

    We need to take concrete measures against protectionism in all its forms and renew and fulfill our pledge to refrain from setting new barriers to goods , investment and services .

  17. 研究结果显示:(1)中国员工的组织承诺结构中包含四个因子:理想承诺,规范承诺,感情承诺和继续承诺。

    This research showed the following results : ( 1 ) The structure of Chinese employee 's organizational commitment includes four factors : Ideal Commitment , Normative Commitment , Affective Commitment and Continuance Commitment .

  18. 不同年级的护理本科男生在情感承诺、规范承诺、继续承诺因子及总分上均存在非常显著的差异,但在理想承诺方面差异不显著。

    The differences of affective commitment , normative commitment , continued commitment and the total scores of male nursing undergraduates in each grade are significant , but the difference of ideal commitment is not significant .

  19. WTO成员如能形成同样共识,继续恪守WTO承诺,不采取保护主义措施,坚定不移地坚持对外开放,就可凝聚起强大的力量共克时艰。

    As long as WTO members can form consensus to stand by their WTO commitments , not adopt protectionist measures and remain open , we will be able to gather enormous strength to tide over the crisis .

  20. 领导人并不想调整工业政策以及继续推进超出WTO承诺的改革。

    Leaders are not minded to curtail industrial policy and proceed with reforms beyond their WTO commitments .

  21. 我们在继续信守我们的承诺,并将它传递给美国的员工。

    we are keeping our promises and delivering for the American Worker .

  22. 但是,我们将继续信守我们的承诺。

    And - but , we are going to continue to keep our commitment .

  23. 本周,我们采取了历史性行动,继续实现这样的承诺。

    and this week we took historic action to continue delivering on that promise .

  24. 2014年以后,美国关于帮助重建一个统一、主权完整的阿富汗的承诺将会继续,但我们承诺的实质性内容将会改变。

    Beyond 2014 , Americas commitment to a unified and sovereign Afghanistan will endure , but the nature of our commitment will change .

  25. 中方不追求长期对美贸易顺差,将继续履行入世承诺,进一步向美国产品开放市场。

    China is not after prolonged surplus in trade with the United States , and will continue to honor its WTO commitments by opening its market still wider to U.S. products .

  26. 中国将在更大范围、更广领域、更高层次上推进对外开放,实行更加积极主动的开放战略,以开放促发展、促改革、促创新,继续履行所作承诺和应尽义务。

    China will raise its opening-up program to a higher level by expanding its scale and broadening its scope . We will more actively pursue the opening-up strategy , promote development , reform and innovation through opening-up and continue to honor our commitments and due obligations .