
  • 网络The Fundamental Attribution Error
  1. 然而,人们在解释他人行为原因时往往有一种高估个人内在因素而低估情境因素作用的倾向,即基本归因错误(fundamentalattributionerror,FAE)。

    However , when explaining why others behavior , people often have a tendency to overestimate the role of personal internal factors and underestimate the role of situational factors , namely " Fundamental Attribution Error "( detailed FAE ) .

  2. 这种现象也被称为,基本归因错误。

    This is also sometimes known as the fundamental attribution error .

  3. 这是一种基本归因错误的延伸。

    This is an extension of the fundamental attributional error .

  4. 心理学家们称之为基本归因错误。

    Psychologists call this fundamental attribution error .

  5. 基本归因错误的文化局限性

    Cultural Limitations of the Fundamental Attribution Error

  6. 然后转而谈了另一个对他人看法的偏向,基本归因错误。

    We then turned to talk about a bias and how we see other people , the fundamental attribution error .

  7. 人们在道德问题判断时经常会产生基本归因错误,即人们经常把他人的行为归因于人格或态度等内在特质上,而忽视他们所处情境的重要性。

    When making ethical judgment , people are always making basic attribution mistakes , i.e. People always attribute the behaviors of others to personality and attitude and other inner qualities . They have ignored the importance of their circumstances .

  8. 心理学家们称之为“基本归因错误”。毕竟,我们自己表现恶劣时会说,“我今天心情不好”或者“我平常不是这样的”。我们不认为自己是坏人。

    Psychologists call this " fundamental attribution error . " After all , when we ourselves act badly , we simply say , " I had a bad day , " or " I wasn 't myself . " We don 't define ourselves as bad .