
  • 网络Target Deploying
  1. 2013年,欧盟(eu)和美国将签订自由贸易协定,或者至少朝着这一目标展开严肃的谈判。

    2013 will be the year of an EU-US free trade agreement , or at least serious negotiations towards that goal .

  2. 我们可以就如何才能更好地实现这些目标展开讨论。

    We can argue about how to best achieve these goals .

  3. 民俗变革也正是围绕这两个目标展开。

    The Folklore changes took place under this situation .

  4. 我们准备就如何最好地实现我们的共同目标展开讨论。

    We are ready to discuss how we can best achieve our common goals .

  5. 经销商的抗议在去年11月下旬形成势头,当时正值就返利和销售目标展开关键的年终谈判前夕。

    The dealer revolt gathered momentum in late November , ahead of crucial end-of-year discussions about rebates and sales targets .

  6. 多个设计者同时对同一目标展开协同设计,加快设计进度。

    Secondly , multi-designers cooperatively design the same goal at the same time , which will certain to expedite design progress rate .

  7. 质量部协助管理者代表建立、保持质量体系,并组织公司质量目标展开工作。

    Quality department shall assist the management representative to establish and maintain the QMS and arrange the various works of quality objectives in company .

  8. 这仅仅是告诉你,你的站点应该围绕一个目标展开,而实现这个目标与你获得经济收入直接相关。

    This simply means that your site should focus on its primary purpose , and that purpose should be directly related to revenue-generating activities .

  9. 市场瞬息万变,很多商业模式也在变化之中,因此,关于战略、方向和目标展开真刀实枪的辩论,在今时今日尤为重要。

    With markets changing so fast , and many business models in transition , real debates on strategy , direction , and targets are extremely critical today .

  10. 这三个层次四个维度都是围绕公司战略目标展开,同时相辅相承的形成一个涉及公司各个层面的纵横交错的有机网络体系。

    This three-level , four dimensions are launched around the company strategic objectives . Involved and formed a company network at all levels of the organic system .

  11. 业绩持续增长是销售经理的头等大事,公司的人力、物力调配都是围绕这个目标展开。

    To keep the sustained sales growth is the top priority of the sales manager , all the manpower and deployment of the firm are around this goal .

  12. 市场导向已经慢慢演变成了一种企业文化,促进企业以提高顾客价值为目标展开一系列行动,从而提高企业的组织绩效。

    As a corporate culture , market-orientation can promote companies to take some actions to create higher customer value , and thus companies can achieve superior organizational performance .

  13. 如果要将展开服务器从所有通讯组列表中清除,应将目标展开服务器选项保留为空,以便通讯组列表可以使用任何展开服务器。

    If you want to clear the expansion server from all distribution lists , leave the target expansion server option blank so that the distribution lists use any expansion server .

  14. 无论是实验教材建设、实验内容的设置与实施,还是实验成绩的评定,都应该围绕这一目标展开,以突出医用物理学实验课程的奠定基础和服务医学的特点。

    It is to improve the students'skills to conduct scientific experimental results should tumed solely on the goal in order to show the characteristics of the laboratory courses of medical physics .

  15. 本课题针对上述目标展开研究,以微波滤波器的基本理论和电容加载技术为基础,研制了一系列高性能、小型化梳状滤波器。

    According to this target , in the base of the basic theory and capacitance loading technology , this paper will show you a series of comb filters with high-performance and small volume .

  16. 在此基础上以提高最大静转矩幅值并改善矩角特性曲线波形为目标展开此种增强型混合式步进电机齿层结构、定转子气隙和定子槽中永磁材料性能的优化设计。

    Optimization design of enhanced hybrid stepper motor tooth layer structure , air gap and properties of the stator slot permanent-magnetic materials are carried out , based on the target of maximum static torque output and improve torque-angle characteristics curve waveform .

  17. 本文的目的就是设计一款应用于数字电视调谐器中的分数频率综合器,以此为目标展开了详细的电路分析和设计。本文首先分析比较了环路参数设计的两种不同分析方法。

    The main purpose of this paper is to design a fractional-N frequency synthesizer for DTV-tuner applications and based on the purpose much detailed circuits analysis and design is carried out . Firstly , two different loop parameters design methods are compared .

  18. 本文以在仿真系统中建立负荷控制系统模型为目标展开工作。首先对超超临界机组负荷控制系统的热工特性进行分析并在此基础上建立适用于控制设计的模型。

    In this paper , aiming to build a load control system model in the simulation system , the thermodynamic characteristics of load control system in the ultra-supercritical power plant was analyzed . And a model for control is established based on the preceding analysis .

  19. 本研究着眼于将第三方物流这种新型、有效的物流组织模式引入军事物流领域,以架构基于军事物流中心的第三方军事物流这一目标展开探讨。

    With an eye to leading the third-party logistics ( TPL ), a new-style and effective pattern of logistic organization into military logistics field , this investigation discusses on constructing the third-party military logistics ( TPML ) based on military logistics center ( MLC ) .

  20. 作为较早开展信用卡电话营销的银行之一,Z银行针对目标客户展开了精准的数据库营销,在近几年实现了高速发展,弥补了直销渠道在获取及经营目标客户方面的不足。

    As one of the earliest commercial bank in credit card telemarketing , Z bank launched accurate database marketing to the target customers , and made rapid development in recent years , making up for the lack of direct sales channels .

  21. CS战略是企业建立以顾客利益为中心,以顾客满意为宗旨服务理念,围绕着顾客满意这一目标而展开的一系列对于产品、服务的策划活动。

    The strategy of CS is a series of planning activities for products and service , establishing the service concept with the core of the customer ′ s benefit and their satisfaction , with the objective of the satisfaction of the clients .

  22. 论文围绕频率编码雷达目标探测展开,基于Costas频率编码信号和Pushing频率编码信号,提出一种联合目标探测方案,并通过计算机仿真证明了该方案的有效性。

    In this paper , we focus on the detection for frequency coded radar and propose a target detection scheme based on the jointly use of Costas and Pushing frequency sequences signals . Furthermore , the efficacy of this scheme has been verified via computer simulations .

  23. 其次分析了甘肃省高校毕业生就业的现状,具体研究分析了甘肃中医学院毕业生专业情况、就业现状、面临的主要困难及其成因,并针对甘肃中医学院毕业生就业面临的目标市场展开STP分析。

    Secondly , it makes another analysis of the employment situation for college graduates in Gansu , particularly a research into specialization , employment situation and main difficulties with its causes for those graduates from Gansu College of TCM , also a STP analysis of target employment market .

  24. 银行竞争是不同银行主体之间为实现各自的经营目标而展开的比强争胜行为。

    Competition between banks is mainly for their management objectives .

  25. 课程改革将围绕六个目标系统展开。

    The course reformation will be carried out around the six aims system .

  26. 绩效的评价指标应该围绕企业的战略目标而展开。

    The evaluation of merging performance should be focused on the strategic objectives of an enterprise .

  27. 安利改变了我的生活目标,展开了我的新生活。

    Amway has allowed me to identify my goals and turns a new page in my life .

  28. 中华民国以法治为目标,展开了对中华法系大规模的改革。

    In order to gain the goal governed by law , the Republic launched a line of large-scaled reforms .

  29. 质量目标的展开职责应当予以规定。目标应当系统地评审并在必要时进行修订。

    Responsibility for deployment of quality objectives should be defined . Objectives should be systematically reviewed and revised as necessary .

  30. 竞争是两个以上主体为追求同一目标而展开角逐以争取胜过对手的社会现象。

    The competition is a social phenomenon that more than two corpuses fight for the same target and excel the opponents .