
  • 网络Structured Information
  1. 然后按照deepweb数据的特点制定抽取规则,从而提取方法树的结构化信息。

    Then according to the characteristics of Deep Web data for extracting rules , and extraction method of tree structured information .

  2. 这篇文章描述SOA上下文中的结构化信息联合。

    This article describes the federation of structured information with a focus on the SOA context .

  3. 面向Web结构化信息处理的汉语知识库构建研究

    On Knowledge Base Construction for Structured Chinese Web Information Processing

  4. 使用Internet数据库连接器实现网络上的结构化信息的交流传输。

    The structure information is transferred by internet database linker .

  5. Web挖掘就是近来逐步兴起的针对Web上异质、非结构化信息进行知识发现的研究领域。

    Web mining is just the recently emerging research field to solve this problem .

  6. 基于归纳学习的Web半结构化信息抽取

    Web Information Extraction Based on Inductive Study

  7. 山东省大地构造格局和地质构造演化构造web文档中半结构化信息的技术

    Tectonic Framework and Tectonic Evolution of the Shandong Province ; Extracting Semistructured Information from Web

  8. 从WEB文档中构造半结构化信息的抽取器

    Extracting Semi-Structured Information from the WEB

  9. Web信息的大量出现使得Web中存在的各种半结构化信息与日俱增。

    The proliferation of Web information make the Web presence of the increasing variety of semistructured information .

  10. 基于Ontology和XML的非结构化信息语义表示机制研究

    Research of Semantic Representation Mechanism of Unstructured Information Based on Ontology and XML

  11. 基于SOA的非结构化信息检索的模型研究

    The Model Research of Unstructured Information Retrieval Based on SOA

  12. 基于Ontology的非结构化信息访问机制研究

    Research of Access Mechanism of Unstructured Information Based on Ontology

  13. XML作为数据表示和交换的新标准,具有统一的非结构化信息描述机制。

    As the brand-new criterion on data express and data exchange , XML has a unique description mechanism for unstructured information .

  14. deepweb与普通网页相比,信息量更大、主题更专一、数据结构化信息更好、信息质量更高,能有效地对deepweb中的资源进行搜索,为用户提供更有价值的信息。

    Compared with ordinary web pages , Deep Web has lager amount of information , more specific themes , better structured information , and higher quality .

  15. 可扩展标记语言XML(EXtensibleMarkupLanguage)是Internet上描述结构化信息和内容的一种极有前途的标准。

    The Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is a promising standard for describing structured information and contents on the Internet .

  16. 相反,非结构化信息包括了免费的文本报告、文档、Web页面、生命科学数据、音频、视频等等。

    Unstructured information , in contrast , involves free text reports , documents , Web pages , life science data , audio , video , and so on .

  17. XML加密只关于加密和解密结构化信息,而不规定密钥交换的任何特定方法。

    Note that XML Encryption is only about encryption and decryption of structured information and does not dictate any particular method of key exchange .

  18. 利用nativeXML数据库可以为采用XML所表示的非结构化信息提供真正有效的存储和信息获取能力。

    Native XML database is just the one to provide the really efficient storage and retrieval ability for those unstructured information described by XML .

  19. XML是一种标准化的可以在Web上表示结构化信息的文本格式,利用它可以存储有复杂结构的数据信息。

    XML is a set of rules for designing text formats that let you structure your data , which can be used to store complex structure data info .

  20. 为了最大程度的利用这些deepweb资源,需要通过各种技术手段将网页中的无结构或者半结构化信息抽取出来。

    To maximize the use of these Deep Web resources , those semi-structured and unstructured data on the web page need to be extracted through a variety of technical means .

  21. 然后,Text操作器可以从文本列中提取结构化信息,把它们作为新列(其中包含找到的姓名、技能、日期等概念)添加到输出中。

    Text operators can then extract structured information from text columns and add them to the output as new columns containing found concepts like names , skills , dates etc. .

  22. deepweb上的信息具有异构性、自治性和动态性等特点,这些特点决定了传统结构化信息集成方法已不能满足人们的需求。

    Information hidden in Deep Web has such characteristics as heterogeneous , autonomous and dynamic , which decide that the methods of traditional information integration could not meet the requirements of modern people .

  23. 类似于Dictionary和RegularExpression操作器,找到的实体能够映射到数据库表的列,经过进一步处理之后可作为结构化信息使用。

    Similar to the Dictionary and Regular Expression operators , the found entities are mapped to database table columns and can be further processed and used like other structured information .

  24. 采用RDF框架可以在声明过程中保留一些结构化信息。

    Using RDF as a framework enables you to retain some of the structural information during the declaration .

  25. 由W3C定义,SOAP是一个旨在在分散的分布式环境中交换结构化信息的轻量型协议。

    Defined by W3C , SOAP is a lightweight protocol intended for exchanging structured information in a decentralized , distributed environment .

  26. 基于Boosting的半结构化信息抽取对信息抽取技术的发展和趋势作了一定分析,并讨论了当前半结构化信息检索领域的先进抽取技术。

    Semi-structured Text Information Extraction Based on Boosting Algorithm The development of information retrival technology and advanced information retrival technology is analyzed .

  27. 利用Wikipedia的结构化信息计算语义相关性

    Computing semantic relatedness using structured information of Wikipedia

  28. 在XML中以通用的格式呈现结构化信息(不受使用信息的方式影响)甚至更加重要,因为通用的格式不受限于文档领域。

    Delivering structured information in a generic format that is independent of how that information is being used is even more important in XML , which is not limited to the realm of documentation .

  29. 文章首先给出一种基于SGML/XML进行结构化信息组织与Internet信息发布的模型,并重点讨论了实现该模型的两个关键问题:SGML/XML信息的获取与信息的Internet发布。

    This paper puts forward a model how to organize information and publish it on the Internet based on SGML / XML , then some key questions are discussed .

  30. 由W3C组织定义的XML元标识语言能够以平台无关的方式在协作应用或商业合作伙伴间描述和交换结构化信息。

    XML is a meta-markup language defined by the W3C , and enables one to describe and exchange structured information between collaborating applications or business partners in a platform-neutral manner .