
  • 网络structured transactions;structured settlement
  1. 2008年年中,CLO的发行量和其他结构性融资交易一样出现枯竭。

    Issuance of clos dried up in mid-2008 along with other structured finance deals .

  2. 在传统证券业务中,佣金和服务费水平一直面临着压力,如同斯密所讲述的那样。但在结构性衍生品交易领域,情况却完全相反。

    Whereas in traditional securities businesses , commissions and fees have been under pressure in a way that Smith would recognise , the opposite is true in structured derivatives trades .

  3. 投资者很难搞清楚担保支持交易“实际上”位于何处,或者任何结构性资产交易内部“实际上”是什么样的。

    It is hard for investors to work out where the collateral backing deals is " really " sitting , or what " really " lies inside any structured asset deal .

  4. 澳大利亚国民银行表示,此次入股将有助于该银行利用其在结构性地产融资交易和基金分销方面的专长。

    NAB said the purchase would help it leverage its capabilities in structured property financing transactions and funds distribution .

  5. 因此,监管者尤其需要对结构性金融产品交易市场严格要求,并对以前不受监管的机构提高报告要求。

    Regulators therefore need , in particular , to tighten up requirements for markets in which structured financial products are traded and strengthen reporting requirements for formerly unregulated institutions .

  6. 您会否在以往三年内执行过五宗或以上结构性或衍生产品交易?

    Have you executed five or more transactions in structured or derivative products within the past three years ?

  7. 市场微观结构理论基于结构性摩擦研究了交易制度对该过程的作用机理;

    Based on the structural friction , the market microstructure theory investigates how the trading mechanism imposes to it .

  8. 但随着时间的流逝,银行扩展到了风险更高、也更为复杂的活动,包括结构性金融、衍生品交易和监管套利,这可能会以扭曲的方式来配置资本。

    But over time , banks have expanded into riskier and more complex activities , including structured finance , derivatives trading and regulatory arbitrage , which can allocate capital in distorted ways .