
  • 网络Trading;Transactions
  1. 这在贸易领域中自然而然地引发了一场交易方式变革。

    In the area of trade in this naturally led to a change in control transactions .

  2. 随着网络的迅猛发展,电子商务的应用越来越广泛,将成为经济贸易的主要形式之一,它是传统交易方式的一种抽象,是传统交易在虚拟的Internet世界中的体现。

    With the rapid development of network , e-commerce , one of the main forms of economic trade , has been applied more and more widely as an abstract application of traditional transactions and a reflection of the traditional trade in the virtual Internet world .

  3. 然而这种通过Internet进行信息传递的交易方式面临的安全问题也是日益突出。

    However , the security problem brought by the transaction modes while transmitting information through Internet becomes much graver .

  4. 现在,通过跟踪用户交易方式,square扩大了多尔西的创业矩阵。

    Now square is adding to the Dorsey matrix by tracking how users transact .

  5. WEB数据库系统为从根本上改变了网站的组织、管理和交易方式。

    Web-enable database system provides the opportunity to fundamentally change the way web sites are produced , managed , and delivered .

  6. 在行为理论指引下,进一步探讨了信任在组织知识转化系统中的表现形式和动力机制,提出MAX信任拓展模型,代表了三种知识交易方式:市场型,权威型和X型。

    This model represents three kinds of knowledge-transaction : Market-based , authority-based and x-based . max had been found .

  7. 随着Internet的迅速发展,基于Internet的电子商务成为了新的热点,电子商务给传统的交易方式带来了一场革命。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the e-commerce based on Internet has become the new focus . The e-commerce has brought a revolution to traditional trade way .

  8. 随着全球网络通信和信息技术的发展,特别是Internet在世界范围的普及和扩展,给企业经营带来的最大变革是电子商务,企业内部运营模式和企业间的交易方式都将以电子方式进行。

    With the development of global communication network and information technology , especially the wide extention of internet in the world lead to electronic commerce which has brought an immense improvement on enterprises management . Enterprise operation model and transaction means will be based on electronic technology .

  9. 凭借其独特的交易方式和产品优势,ETF模式的减持方案成为解决由国有股减持和流通所造成市场问题的一个现实选择。

    Relies on ETF 's unique transaction way and the product superiority , the plan of ETF-pattern will be a feasible choice to solve the above problems .

  10. 随着第三方支付平台的兴起和信用评价体系的完善,C2C交易方式以灵活而自由的购物模式得到了越来越多消费者的认可。

    As the rise of the third-party payment and perfection of credit valuation system , C2C business has approbated by more and more consumers because of free and flexible shopping model .

  11. 通过加入单件利润交易方式,使得每个AUV可以获得更多的共享信息,大大提高了市场框架的最终优化结果,在绝大部分情况下都明显优于基于遗传算法的集中式控制。

    With the additional " single task profit " auction method , an AUV can acquire more information , which has considerably improved the final optimization results in most cases compared with the Genetic Algorithm based central controller .

  12. 拍卖与招标投标作为一种古老而又新型的交易方式在日臻成熟并展现其独特的优势,越来越多的企业采用招标的形式进行采购。

    Procurement bidding have been using by more and more companies .

  13. 电力交易方式及市场竞价结算机制

    Trade Form in Electric Power Market and Competitive Settling Account Mechanism

  14. 现货交易方式主要靠市场机制来约束。

    Spot transactions mainly rely on the market mechanism to restrain .

  15. 对新交易方式下发展现代物流的建议

    Some Suggestions of Developing Modern Logistics Under a New Business Pattern

  16. 作为交易方式,支票已经很大程度地取代了现金。

    Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange .

  17. 不同交易方式下的梯级水电厂日优化运行

    Daily optimal operation of cascaded hydropower plants under different trade mode

  18. 发电市场势力研究与交易方式对发电市场势力影响的分析

    Generation market power and the influence of bilateral trade on it

  19. 我国水产品拍卖交易方式探析

    Discussion on the auction trading mode of aquatic products in China

  20. 电子商务给传统的交易方式带来了一场革命。

    The e-commerce has brought a revolution to traditional trade way .

  21. 程序化交易方式在股票交易中的应用

    The Application of the Program Trading Mode in Stock Transaction

  22. 赊销已经成为各行业市场中主要的交易方式。

    Credit already become the main trade way in many trade market .

  23. 目的:探索较佳的药品交易方式。

    OBJECTIVE : To explore an optimal drug trading mode .

  24. 工程采购模式本质上是建筑市场的交易方式。

    Construction procurement mode is a trading way of establishing construction market .

  25. 禽流感后对畜产品交易方式的思考&来自上海市畜禽产品流通交易方式的调查

    Consideration on exchange way of animal products after avian influenza 's break

  26. 剖析两种交易方式的优势和劣势,以及应用范围。

    The characteristics and application scope of two transaction modes are analyzed .

  27. 市场交易方式的选择与市场交易立法的思考

    Study on the Choice of Market Transaction Mode and Market Transaction Legislation

  28. 在合同方式中信息共享程度高于现货交易方式。

    In the contract information-sharing is higher than spot transactions .

  29. 制糖企业与糖料农户之间的交易方式及效率;

    Bargaining relationship among sugar enterprises and farms who plant sugar crop ;

  30. 与传统交易方式相比,网上交易更为便利。

    Compared with traditional dealing methods , online dealing is more convenient .