- 网络structural assets

German banks , including Deutsche pfandbriefbank , are examining the possibility of issuing structured covered bonds .
Some banks are examining whether quasi - or structured covered bonds sitting somewhere between covered bonds and a traditional securitisation can help fill the gap .
It is hard for investors to work out where the collateral backing deals is " really " sitting , or what " really " lies inside any structured asset deal .
Mbia is trying to separate its public finance business from its structured finance portfolio , the home of its mortgage business .
If the government is impairing use of other hedging tools like credit default swaps [ through regulation and other restrictions ] then FX is the last asset class that would be structurally affected if a government does alter other markets .
Standard Chartered , the emerging markets bank , and HSBC , the UK-listed bank , have also unveiled plans to take the assets of SIVs on to their books .
As a result , by mid-July some investors decided to stop buying ABCP paper from SIVs suspected of subprime exposure .
Fifth , risk models failed to capture the risk inherent in off-balance sheet activities , such as structured investment vehicles .
Another possibility is that a combination of radical structural reforms with a fire sale of assets would draw a wave of inward direct investment .
These were compounded by an unprecedented boom and slump in the price of US houses , which were the underlying asset in many struggling structured products .
This means banks must step in to provide finance if the SIV cannot raise commercial paper in the normal way , unless the SIVs ' assets suffer significant ratings downgrades .