
  • 网络management information;Manage Information;MIS;ERP
  1. 这些系统可能在一个管理信息系统中结合的非常紧密。

    These systems may be tied together very closely in an MIS .

  2. 本文研究了病案管理信息系统特点及系统解决的关键技术问题。

    Characteristics and key technology of medical record MIS was studied in the paper .

  3. 维护和操纵数据库,以便产生有关的管理信息。

    maintain , and manipulate the database to produce the relevant management information .

  4. 利用Java实现管理信息系统中的工作流管理

    Using the Java Realization Management Information System in Work Flow Management

  5. 并介绍了Web数据库技术及动态联盟物流管理信息平台的工作原理。

    The working principles of web database technology and dynamic alliance logistics management information platforms are introduced .

  6. MATLAB在智能网络管理信息处理中的应用

    The application of MATLAB in information processing of intelligent network management

  7. GPS数据库管理信息系统

    GPS Database Management Information System

  8. 基于RFID技术的装备管理信息系统研究

    Research of Equipment Management Information System Based on RFID Technology

  9. 各地区、各级学校都在不同层次上引入了教育管理信息系统(EducationManagementInformationSystem,简称EMIS),提高事务管理的效率。

    For improving the efficiency of management , many areas made use of EMIS ( Education Management Information System ), especially in some schools .

  10. SybaseSQLServer与管理信息系统设计

    Sybase SQL Server and Management information system design

  11. 采用了XML技术将管理信息以XML文档的形式存储;同时设计了一个创建的服务对象类型可以动态扩展的对象工厂模型。

    We use XML technology to save the information and design an object factory model that can dynamically expand the object type .

  12. 数据库安全是管理信息系统(MIS)正常运行的重要保障。

    The database security is the Management Information System ( MIS ) normal operation important safeguard .

  13. 因此,可以利用ASP+ADO和COM技术去设计设备管理信息系统

    So make use of ASP , ADO and COM technology to design this equipment management information system

  14. 文章针对管理信息系统的发展现状和嵌入式系统的特点,提出一个基于XML的嵌入式远程过程调用的实现方案。

    Aiming at the status quo of MIS and the characteristic of embedded system , this paper illustrates an XML-based embedded remote procedure call solution in detail .

  15. 开发基于CRM的销售管理信息系统有利于企业降低销售成本、提高客户满意度。

    Develop CRM - based enterprise sale management information system can reduce the sale cost and enhance the customer satisfaction .

  16. 鉴于地质工作中产生的数据资料纷杂、难以有效使用的问题,用VC++开发了GIS的工程地质管理信息系统。

    As complicated data in geology work can 't be effectively used , Engineering Geology Management Information System of GIS is developed with VC + + technique .

  17. 采用HL7设计管理信息系统中的通信模块

    Designing a Communication Module of Management Information System According to HL7 Protocol

  18. 应用J2EE设计模式建立高抽象层次的可复用软件体系架构,并将它应用于东方航空进出口公司管理信息系统中,从而提高本系统软件的开发效率和质量。

    Reusable software construction based on J2EE design patterns with high-abstract level is applied to the development of CEAIEC to improve efficiency and quality .

  19. 文章探讨了J2EE平台上MIS系统开发过程中遇到的问题,并给出了相应的解决方法,同时以一个省级电力营销管理信息系统为例,详细讨论具体产品中各部分的设计和实现。

    This paper discusses problems of the development of MIS based on J2EE , and gives relevant solutions to each part of Management Information System .

  20. 对管理信息系统(MIS)的特征作了描述,在此基础上分析了管理信息系统的发展趋势。

    This paper describes the characters of the information systems , on the basis of this , it analyses the development tendency of the MIS .

  21. Internet的发展和Web技术的广泛应用,企业建立的基于B/S模式的管理信息系统(MIS)越来越多,这使得MIS的安全问题日益重要。

    Along with the Internet and Web technology developed and widely applied , and many Corporations developed their MIS base on B / S , the MIS security become more and more important .

  22. Internet上管理信息主要是通过软件来实现的,因此软件开发在Internet应用上的地位显而易见,它已成为政府、企事业单位信息化建设中的重要组成部分,从而倍受人们的重视。

    Internet information management software to achieve mainly through the Internet applications in the software development position is that it has become the government , enterprises and institutions informationization construction of the important components , thereby open people 's attention .

  23. 随着计算机网络和Internet的普及,运用先进的管理信息系统(MIS)及软件开发平台,对信息进行科学化和网络化管理,已经成为高校信息系统的发展趋势。

    With the development of network technology and the prevalence of Internet , managing the campus information using advanced MIS technology and software development platforms has become the latest trend sweeping the university management architectures .

  24. 采用光纤以太网实现系统所有节点的网络连接,并完善后台监控系统并实现与管理信息系统(MIS系统)接口。

    Uses optical fiber ethernet realization system all pitch points the network connection , and consummation backstage supervisory system and realization and management information system ( MIS system ) connection .

  25. 利用VISUALFOXPRO数据库编程技术开发了高校毕业生就业指导管理信息系统,使毕业生就业指导工作更加规范化和科学化。

    This paper , the MIS of University graduates obtain employment coach has been developed by using Visual Foxpro Programming technigues , So as to made it more standard and scientific .

  26. 研究内容及结果如下:1、本研究利用VISUALBASIC6.0并结合数据库为开发工具,研制出一套水貂养殖场生产管理信息系统。

    The contents and results of the study are as follows : 1 . Mink farm production management information system was designed by using Visual Basic 6.0 and database as exploitative tools . The information system contains six functional modules ;

  27. 文章详细描述了如何使用LDAP模式(Schema)脚本定义网络管理信息对象类和属性,并通过命名规则建立LDAP目录树。

    This paper describes how to define network management information 's classes and attributes in a LDAP schema and how to establish the directory information tree by the naming model .

  28. 依据此安全策略,初步设计铁路运输调度指挥管理信息系统(DMIS)的安全防护体系;

    Based on this safety strategy , a dispatching management information system ( DMIS ) is preliminarily designed .

  29. 广州市水政水资源管理信息系统是一个基于GIS技术的、客户/服务器结构下的环境信息系统,本文介绍了系统的总体设计与关键技术。

    The water policy and resource management information system of Guangzhou city is based on GIS technology and under the structure of Client / Server system . This paper introduced the overall design and key technology of this system .

  30. 开发支持BPR的企业管理信息系统(MIS)的首要问题是,在系统分析和设计阶段建立能够有效描述业务过程动态变化的模型。

    In order to support BPR , which causes frequent variable of enterprise business process , enterprise management information systems ( MIS ) should have the competence to re configure dynamically .