
  • 网络Management trust
  1. 第二章,介绍了股权投资信托、股权融资信托和股权管理信托以及它们各自的特点。

    Chapter II introduced the investment trusts , financing Trusts , management Trust , and The characteristics of them .

  2. 主要包括对信托当事人的选择、信托方案中两个相互联结又相互融合的部分即投资信托和股权管理信托各自的内容、特征及职工持股信托各方当事人的权利义务。

    This paper also probings the trust solutions to the ESOPs such as the selection of the parties , investment trust and management trust .

  3. 皇家汉普斯特德国民健康保险管理信托会,意大利佛罗伦萨Careggi大学的研究人员以及外科医生尝试应用新技术治疗威胁生命的疾病。

    Scientists and surgeons at UCL , GOSH , the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust , and the Careggi University Hospital in Florence , Italy , developed a new technique to treat the life-threatening condition .

  4. 委员会,管理信托或一协会的一组人

    A group of people who run a trust or a society

  5. 受托人必须受益人管理信托财产。

    The trustee must manage the trust property for the beneficiary .

  6. 欧洲国家托运人理事会委员会,管理信托或一协会的一组人

    European National Shipper 's Council A group of people who run a trust or a society

  7. 首先,成立和管理信托的成本将激增。

    For one thing , the costs of setting up and managing trusts will increase sharply .

  8. 处理房地产业务,从事代理服务,管理信托和监护人业务的银行部门。

    The part of a bank which settles estates , performs agency services , and administers trusts and guardianships .

  9. 认真管理信托财产,为每一个集合资金信托计划至少配备一名信托经理。

    Earnestly managing the trust property and arranging at least one trust manager for each trust plan of assembled funds .

  10. 受托人辞任的,在新受托人选出前仍应履行管理信托事务的职责。

    The resigned trustee shall continue to perform the duties of managing the trust affairs before the new trustee is appointed .

  11. 受托人管理信托财产,必须恪尽职守,履行诚实、用、慎、效管理的义务。

    The trustee shall fulfill his duties and perform the obligation of being honest , trustworthy and cautious , and managing effectively .

  12. 受益人对信托财产不享有所有权,包括不能占有与管理信托财产,但却对信托财产享有经济利益,且必须依附于受托人对信托财产分配权的行使。

    The beneficiary has the right of getting trust interests , but he has no right of holding and managing the regarding property and without legal tile of the property .

  13. 投资基金管理人信托投资义务问题探析

    A Theoretical Research on Duty of Trust Investment Performed by Fund 's Management Company

  14. 第二步:由受托人按照信托的目的管理处分信托财产,并将管理处分信托财产所得的信托利益分配给受益人。

    Third stage , the trustee manages the trust property according to the objective of the trust .

  15. 但现在对于中国发行人来说,一个大问题是来自替代固定收益投资的竞争更加激烈,比如财富管理和信托产品,其收益率达到8%到9%,并且有发行银行担保。

    But a big problem for Chinese issuers now is the tougher competition from alternative fixed income investments , such as wealth management and trust products , which offer yields of 8 or 9 per cent and are guaranteed by the issuing banks .

  16. 基金管理公司北方信托(NorthernTrust)也利用技术,为全球13000名员工提供辅导项目。

    Financial Manager Northern Trust also relies on technology to open up the mentoring process to its more than 13,000 employees across the globe .

  17. 我国管理者收购信托解决机制的探讨

    Discussion on the mechanism of trust solution to MBO in China

  18. 我国管理层收购信托融资的法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Problems of China 's MBO Trust Financing

  19. 联华信托的主要业务是创设及管理房地产信托计划。

    UTI primarily originates and manages property trusts .

  20. 作为一项财产管理制度,信托制度起源于英国的用益制度。

    As a property management system , the system of trust is derived from the English Use .

  21. 农村集体土地所有权信托的优势包括:外部管理模式、信托财产的独立性与同一性、信托的超越性、受益凭证的流通性。

    The advantages include : the external manage model , the independency and uniformity of trust properties , the transcendence of trusts , the negotiability of beneficiary certificates .

  22. 即不论基金管理人违反信托的行为是否存在过失或过错,其法律责任是恢复信托财产原状。

    That is , the legal liability of the fund manager is to restore the trust property with no respect to any negligence or fault on its part .

  23. 根据重组计划,由工会管理的医疗信托将把通用亏欠自己的一半现金转换为股权,使自己成为重组后企业的大股东。

    Under the plan , the union-run healthcare trust would exchange half the cash owed to it for shares , making it a substantial shareholder in a restructured enterprise .

  24. 不管是不是因为这样的不透明,这些隐藏的债务已经成为萦绕在中国问题专家脑子里的四大担忧之一,其余三个分别是资产泡沫、通胀和管理松散的信托公司。

    Despitethis opacity , or perhaps because of it , these hidden liabilities have becomeone of the four big worries haunting China-watchers , along with the propertybubble , inflation and lightly regulated trust companies .

  25. 信托制度是最科学合理的资产管理制度,信托的独特功能能够有效保障信托财产的安全和保护投资者的利益。

    The trust system is the most scientific and rational system of the asset management , the special of the trust is able to make the trust asset safety and to protect the interest of the investors .

  26. 信托业务作为信托公司的主营业务,已被纳入信托公司风险的管理之中,信托业务风险管理也因此成为信托公司面临的重要课题之一。

    Trust business as the main business of trust companies have been incorporated into the risk management . So risk management of trust business has become an important issue , one of the issues that trust companies are facing .

  27. 尽管受托人可以以自己的名义管理和处分信托财产,但是受托人支配信托财产不是为了谋求自身的特定利益,因此受托人对信托财产的支配缺乏权利的本质。

    Although a trustee can administer and dispose a piece of trust property in his own name , his purpose of doing so is not for his own special interest , for which that so-called trust right has no essence of rights .

  28. 根据我国国情和基本社会保障制度发展状况,我国应构建高度集中型的资金管理模式和信托基金型的资金运作模式。

    According to the national conditions of our country and state of development of basic social security system , our country should structure the fund operation forms of the fund management mode of " highly centralized type " and " trust fund mode " .

  29. 著作权集体管理的性质是信托法律关系。

    The nature of collective administration of copyright is a trust legal relationship .

  30. 卓茂文表示,收购目标领域包括资产管理、保险及信托公司。

    Mr Jacob said acquisition targets included asset management , insurance and trust companies .