
  • 网络Equity Trust;share rights trust;equity reit
  1. 最后,针对我国股权信托登记的试行提出了几点建议。

    At last , the dissertation proposed several suggestions against the running of the registration of share rights trust .

  2. 随着现代企业制度的推行和资本市场的发展,股权也日益成为社会财富的一种重要类型,股权信托的应用市场前景广阔。

    Along with the push to Modem Corporation System and development of capital market , share rights is increasingly becoming one of the necessary society treasures , and share rights trust will have a bright future .

  3. 国有股权信托若干问题

    Several Issues on the Trust of State-owned Stock Right

  4. 第二章对股权信托进行了解构。

    Trust of right of shares is analyzed and constituted in the second chapter .

  5. 第四章股权信托制度的完善。

    The fourth chapter , shares Trust Perfection .

  6. 第二,指出股权信托运行的重点是信托合同履行问题。

    Secondly , the focus of the trust running is the equity trust contract performance issues .

  7. 股权信托最早源于美国,在美国其表现形式为表决权信托。

    Shares Trust originated from the United States , the original form of it is Voting Trust .

  8. 股权信托,简而言之,就是以股权作为信托财产的信托。

    Shares Trust , in short , is a trust that the equity as the trust property .

  9. 国有资本股权信托运营制度研究&以国有企业改革为视角

    A Study on State-owned Capital Shares Trust Management & from the perspective of the reform of State-owned Enterprise

  10. 第一,要加快健全股权信托登记方面的法律、法规,从制度层面解决扼制我国股权信托发展的瓶颈。

    Firstly , accelerating the establishment of equity trust registration laws and regulations , curb the Chinese equity trust bottleneck from the system level .

  11. 本章首先简述了我国信托业及信托登记的现状,指出股权信托登记目前的需求十分紧迫。

    Firstly , it makes a brief introduction of current situation of trust registration , pointed out the need for trust registration is urgent .

  12. 因此,为促进股权信托业务的发展,需要在相关规范和政策方面作进一步的改进。

    Therefore , in order to further develop in share right trust , it is necessary to make farther improvement on related rules and policies .

  13. 但是由于我国现行法律规定的缺憾,股权信托登记制度在我国迟迟未能建立。

    Nevertheless , because of the deficiencies of legal regulation in our country , the registration system of share rights has not been established yet .

  14. 在国有资产信托中,可根据国有资产的不同特点和需要,采取财产信托、国有股权信托、表决权信托等不同形式。

    Different forms of trust can be adopted to manage state-owned property , such as estate trust , state-owned stock ownership trust , voting right trust , etc.

  15. 第三,说明股权信托终止的条件,重点论述信托终止后信托股权的处理。

    Thirdly , describe the conditions of termination of the Trust shares , focuses on the handling of the trust shares after the termination of the Trust .

  16. 鉴于国有股的特殊性质和在国民经济中的重要影响,安全应该是国有股权信托追求的首要目标。

    In view of the special characters of state-owned equity and its important influence in national economy , safety should be the primary target that state-owned equity trust pursues .

  17. 由于股权信托方式涉及的法律关系非常复杂,笔者仅挑选了信托登记公示制度和股权信托合同两个实际操作方面进行了具体分析,同时,这两个方面又是隐名股东实现股权信托的重要方面。

    Since the legal relationships for trust of right of shares are very complicated , author only specifically analyze the practical operations for trust registration system and trust contract for right of shares accordingly .

  18. 本章开篇首先阐述传统民法理念解释隐名股东问题存在的诸多不足之处,进一步对以股权信托制度重构隐名股东制度的优势进行分析。

    First of all , it is summarized of the shortcomings by explaining the nominee shareholders with traditional civil law concept , and then analyze the advantage by solving nominee shareholders by trust of right of shares .

  19. 名义股东与实质股东均主张股东权利的,除非涉及善意第三人,原则上应当认定实质股东为股权信托的适格委托人。

    In the case of both nominal shareholder and substantial shareholder all claim their rights , substantial shareholder should in principle be recognized as qualified settler , unless a third party is involved as a bona fide purchaser .

  20. 其次,从信托与隐名股东现象的契合点出发,结合我国《信托法》的具体规定,论述用股权信托制度规范隐名股东法律问题的优势。

    Secondly , from institutional fit between the trust and the implicit shareholders phenomenon , combined with the specific provisions of Chinese " Trust Law ", I discussed the advantages to rule anonymous shareholders legal issues by trust system .

  21. 我国的房地产信托市场近年来步入快速发展时期,大量发行的房地产信托普遍采用了信托贷款、股权信托和优先收益权等模式。

    REITs market of our country steps into the fast developing period in recent years , a large number of issued REITs has generally adopted the trust loan , stock right trust , preferential aut fructus and other modes .

  22. 该部分主要从信托财产、信托法律关系和信托当事人、信托管理的连续性三个方面对信托基本理论进行说明,主要目的是为下文股权信托的论述提供铺垫。

    It is illuminated mainly from the aspects of trust property , trust relationship and parties , continuity of trust administration , which aims at offering foundation for the dissertation of trust of right of shares in the following text .

  23. 根据城市轨道交通车站建设具有收益性的特点,分析了股权信托应用于城市轨道交通车站建设的方法。通过股权信托,可有效降低城市轨道交通项目的负债率,改善资本结构。

    This article analyzes the methods of applying shares trust in construction of urban rail transit station and yards because of its profitability characteristic , and argues that by using shares trust , we can effectively reduce the ratio of liabilities to assets , and thus improve the capital structure .

  24. 国有股权的信托行使

    The trust exertion of state-owned stock right

  25. 第二章,介绍了股权投资信托、股权融资信托和股权管理信托以及它们各自的特点。

    Chapter II introduced the investment trusts , financing Trusts , management Trust , and The characteristics of them .

  26. 主要包括对信托当事人的选择、信托方案中两个相互联结又相互融合的部分即投资信托和股权管理信托各自的内容、特征及职工持股信托各方当事人的权利义务。

    This paper also probings the trust solutions to the ESOPs such as the selection of the parties , investment trust and management trust .

  27. 在私募股权投资信托契约中,投资者和信托公司是两个最为重要的当事人,私募股权投资信托实践中对投资者和信托公司的资格都有较高的要求。

    The investors and trust company are two important contracting parties in the private equity investment trust contract , and their high qualifications are required for the practice of private equity investment trust .

  28. 为了改变这一现象,银监会曾下发了一系列文件,严格限制信托公司的信托业务,务求回归股权投资信托本质。

    In order to change this phenomenon , the CBRC has issued a series of documents . So the CBRC can strictly limit the trust business of trust company and make the trust return to equity investment trust .

  29. 与其它商事信托契约的订立相比,私募股权投资信托在要约邀请、合意内容和契约形式上具有特殊性,另外,在订立的程序上也较其它商事信托复杂。

    In comparison with the conclusion of other commercial trust contracts , the private equity investment trust owns its particularity in offer invitation , agreement contents , and contract forms ; in addition , it has a more complex concluding procedure .

  30. 近年来,我国私募股权投资信托市场蓬勃发展,各大信托公司纷纷开展私募股权投资信托业务,同时,在实际操作中经常出现投资者利益被侵犯的现象。

    In recent years , the private equity investment trust market develops rapidly in China so that each large-scale trust company engages in business of private equity investment trust ; simultaneously , the infringement of investors ' interests occurs in the practical transaction .