
  • 网络tradable;non-tradable shares;shareholder structure
  1. 近年来,随着股权分置等一系列资本市场制度的改革与创新,我国证券市场不断发展,上市公司的数量日益递增,市场价值也不断攀升。

    In recent years , with the reform of tradable and a series of other capital market system , Chinese stock market have made a continuous development , the number of listed companies became more and more , and the market value has also increased .

  2. 中国股市股权分置问题的认识和思考

    Cognition and consideration on the problem of non-tradable shares on Chinese stock market

  3. 本文认为产生这种差异的原因在于:第一,股权分置改革后,影响IPO定价效率的因素发生了显著变化。

    This paper holds that the reasons for such differences are : first , the impact factors have dramatically changed since equity separation reform .

  4. 自2005年股权分置改革以来,我国资本市场快速发展,上市公司市值与GDP的比值稳步上升。

    Chinese capital market has expanded dramatically since the split share restructures reform in 2005 . The percentage of market capitalization of listed companies to GDP is growing steadily .

  5. 含B股、H股、N股公司的股权分置改革涉及比较复杂的法律关系,有可能引发外资股股东提出的国际集团诉讼。

    Companies which have issued A-shares , B-shares , H - shares and N-shares tend to be involved in complicated legal relation in the course of non-tradable shares reform , and may end up with international lawsuits .

  6. IPO效率乃一级市场效率,是资本市场效率的重要组成部分。股权分置改革必定会对其产生深远影响。

    IPO efficiency , the primary market efficiency , is an important part of capital market efficiency , which equity separation reform absolutely has a profound impact on .

  7. 中国的股权分置是世界范围内极其独特的交易制度安排,股权分置改革的实践为了解和研究中国投资者对其制度革新的反应,进而如何影响IPO抑价提供了独一无二的机会。

    Split share structure is very unique in the world trading system arrangements . Non-tradable share reform provides an opportunity to study response of Chinese investors to its innovative system , and the affection on the IPO underpricing .

  8. 而QFII对我国证券市场的风险究竟有何影响,尤其在股权分置改革后QFII对我国证券市场的风险会怎样变化是很值得研究的。

    It is necessary to study how the QFII ( Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors ) influences the possible risk in the domestic security market , particularly after the reform of non-tradable shares .

  9. 本文选取05和06年进行了股权分置改革的上市公司数据,按年份将其分为两个样本,运用修正的Jones模型对盈余管理的存在性进行回归分析。

    This article select he listed data of companies which make the reform in 2005 and 2006 , break the date into two samples , using the Jones models to perform a regression analysis on the existence of earnings management .

  10. 若市场上存在感性投资者,发行人的最优策略是分阶段发行以获得更高的利润。其次,对存在股权分置时,发行人选择承销商售出IPO股票也即对承销的情况进行分析。

    The issuer is best to offer shares with many times to get a higher profit . Second , analyze the case that the issue chooses underwriter to sell IPO stock ( under-writing ) when the stock market exists split share structure .

  11. 涉及股权分置改革的,账户名格式为“xx公司股权分置改革权证行权专用证券交收账户”。

    In case of involvingwhere the equity distributionsplit share reform is involved , the form of the account name shall be " exclusive securities account for warrant exercise of XX company for distribution split share reform of warrant exercise " .

  12. 迄今,由于国内股市在解决了股权分置问题后走势良好,市场人气提升,qdii一直仅限于固定收益投资。

    So far , QDII has been largely restricted to fixed-income investments at a time when the domestic equity market has performed relatively well following the workout of the untradeable shares problem , and improved sentiment .

  13. 论股权分置的治理与制度创新

    On Governance of the Structure of Split Shares and System Innovation

  14. 权证、股权分置改革与证券市场发展

    Stock Warrants , Equity Division Reform and Development of Securities Market

  15. 股权分置与上市公司治理

    The Divided Stock - Share and Listed Firm 's Corporate Governance

  16. 股权分置改革对价理论与实务研究

    Research on Consideration in Split-share Structure Reform and its Practice Problems

  17. 股指期货波动性与股权分置改革关系研究

    Study on Volatility of Stock Index Future and Split Stock Reform

  18. 股权分置改革给我国证券市场带来什么?

    What can shareholder structure reform bring to Chinese securities markets ?

  19. 股权分置与中小股东权益保护

    Sub-owned Shares Reform and the Protection of the Interests of Small Shareholders

  20. 股权分置改革的理论探讨及影响对价水平因素的实证分析

    Theory Discussion on Non-Tradable Shares and Empirical Studies on Consideration

  21. 有关股权分置对价确定方法的讨论

    Discussion on methods of determining corresponding value in division of share equity

  22. 通过本文的研究,主要得出以下结论:1、股权分置改革之后超能力派现现象有所减弱。

    High cash dividend phenomenon weakened after the reform of non-tradable shares .

  23. 我国股权分置改革中的市场参与:一个复合的事件分析

    Market Participation in Non-tradable Share Reform : A Composite Event Study Methodology

  24. 股权分置改革试点的八大问题

    Eight Issues on the Reform of the Split Share Structure

  25. 继续推进上市公司股权分置改革。

    We will continue to reform the shareholder structure of listed companies .

  26. 基于股权分置改革的股权激励制度分析

    Discussion on Option Incentive System Based on Option Division Reform

  27. 关于解决我国股市股权分置问题之拙见

    Solving the Problem of the Stock Right Dividing in China

  28. 股权分置对价支付方式的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of the Ways of Consideration of Stock Rights Distribution

  29. 我国股票市场股权分置效率损失及对策研究

    Study on Inefficiency and Countermeasures Due to Split of Shares in China

  30. 股权分置改革后我国股票市场财富效应研究

    Wealth Effect of Share Market after Reform of Non-tradable Shares