
  • 网络managerial option;management option
  1. 通过研究企业在进行投资决策时如何运用实物期权这种柔性投资策略,准确计算投资项目价值,有效管理风险,可以为企业在投资分析实践中运用实物期权和管理期权提供借鉴。

    This paper is the study on how to applying flexible investment tactics of real options and calculating accurately the value of the investment project and implementation of effective management . It is expected to offer valuable suggestions for the enterprises to applying real options and management option .

  2. 管理期权度量方法与传统度量方法在营销审计中的比较研究

    The Comparision Research Between Managerial Option and Traditional Measurement Method in Marketing Audit

  3. 首先介绍欧式买入期权(calloption)定价公式,在此基础上引入四种管理期权:绩效嵌套期权(Performance-vestedoption);

    First we introduce European call options pricing formulate , then present four kinds of executive options : Performance - vested option ;

  4. 管理期权在投资决策中的应用探讨

    Study on Application of Managerial Option in Investment Decision-Making

  5. 管理期权在投资项目评估中的应用

    Application of Managerial Options in Evaluating Investment Projects

  6. 二个基本点为项目不确定性和管理期权,四个方面为项目不确定性、管理期权的分类和确认、管理期权的属性和特征、管理期权的建模和估价。

    The two basic themes are uncertainties of project and managerial options , and the four aspects are uncertainties of project , the classification and recognition of managerial options , the features and characteristics of managerial options , the modeling and valuation of managerial options .

  7. 所以,所有者给管理者期权,希望管理者创造利润。

    Therefore , owners give the share option to administrators and hope the administrators create profits .

  8. 创始股东尊重关于授予高级管理层期权的事实。

    The Founding Shareholders respect the fact that stock options were awarded to the senior management team .

  9. 企业财务管理中的期权特征分析

    The Analysis of Options Character in Financial Management of Enterprises

  10. 人力资本流动风险管理:实物期权理论的应用

    Managing the Risk of Human Capital Turnover : Application of Real Options

  11. 换句话说,实物期权评价法将投资机会和各种管理柔性看作期权并可用期权定价模型来求解,最终判定投资项目的真实价值。

    In other words , real option valuation is treating investment opportunities and the different types of managerial flexibility as options and valuing them with option valuation models .

  12. 对支持利率风险管理的利率期权评价模型进行比较分析。

    The object of this article is to investigate the question of which interest rate options valuation models are better suited to support the management of interest rate risk .

  13. 本文旨在研究管理者股票期权制度的激励机制的有效性问题。文章立足于解决三个问题,即管理者股票期权激励机制的机理是什么?

    This dissertation aims at analyzing the validity of the incentive mechanism of manager stock options , which focuses on three problems : How does the incentive mechanism of manager stock option run ?

  14. 在此基础上,本文通过实证研究从公司业绩和投资者对业绩的预期两方面对我国上市公司管理层股票期权激励的效应进行了探讨。

    On this basis , this paper carries out an empirical study to discuss two aspects of the effect of executive stock option incentive which are the influence on company performance and the influence on investors ' expectation of company performance .

  15. 政府资助ASP模式的策略选择与风险管理&基于实物期权思想

    Policies Selection and Risk Management of Government Subsidizing ASP Model & A real options perspective

  16. RD项目中的管理柔性价值实物期权在RD项目价值评估中的应用

    The Value of the Managerial Flexibility in R D Projects the Application of Real Option in Evaluation of R D Projects

  17. 动态竞争和不确定性环境下的企业战略管理研究&基于期权博弈的新视角

    Study on Strategy Management under Uncertainty and Dynamic Competition from Options Game Perspective

  18. 介绍了管理弹性和R&D期权的特点;

    The characteristics of managerial flexibility and R & D option are introduced .

  19. 对公司的经营管理者实行股票期权是目前国内外普遍运用的一种激励制度。

    Carrying out to the managers of company has become a general incentive institution .

  20. 中国企业刚刚开始向管理人士提供股票期权,给予他们更大的激励,换得更多的忠诚。

    Chinese companies are just beginning to offer share options to executives to give them greater incentives and to buy more loyalty .

  21. 人力资本实物期权是基于人力资本管理活动的实物期权,是管理人力资本不确定性及风险的重要工具。

    Human capital real option is one kind of real options based on human capital management and an important tool to measure uncertainty .

  22. 逻辑上,,如果在业绩恶化时请求股东同意管理层的股票期权薪酬计划,股东更有可能投否决票。

    Logically , as performance worsens , shareholders are more likely to vote no if asked to approve a stock option compensation plan for management .

  23. 股权激励是一种在国外公司中广为采用的一种激励方式,通过授予管理层股权或期权的形式,激励其工作。

    Equity incentive is widely used in foreign companies , inspire the managers to work hard through supplying them a number of stocks or stock options .

  24. 随着企业管理创新,股票期权这一金融衍生工具被引入企业激励机制。

    Along with the enterprise 's management innovation , the stock option , a financial derived tool , is introduced in the enterprise 's motivation system .

  25. 在此基础上,本文以期权绩效考核指标作为盈余管理路径研究股票期权激励下的盈余管理手段及动机。

    On this basis , this paper analyzes earnings management means and motivation under the stock option incentive regarding options performance evaluation indicators as earnings management path .

  26. 高层管理人员享受股票期权,奖金超过其年薪,汽车,房子和无数津贴,其中包括丰厚的风险金和离退金,即使他们失败也会保证拿到。

    The top executives were given stock options , bonuses exceeding their yearly pay , cars , houses and numerous allowances including golden handshakes even when they failed .

  27. 本文在借鉴国外企业实施股票期权制度的基础上,就如何在改制后的火电施工类企业对企业高级管理人员实施股份期权制度作一分析和探索。

    This article , basing on the use of foreign enterprise stock option system , makes analysis and exploration on how thermal power construction enterprises with system reformed implement stock option system on senior managers .

  28. 我们在委托代理理论的框架内构造了一个关于管理者的股票期权的模型,推导出满足股票期权最优水平的公式,从中发现了股票期权最优水平的决定因素。

    We construct a model of managerial stock option in the principal-agent framework , and then derive the formulation that meets the optimal level of stock option , from which we find the determinants of optimal level of stock optio .

  29. 从商业银行利率风险的防范及利率市场化条件下金融产品的定价等方面论述了利率敏感性缺口管理、利用隐含期权的商业银行利率风险管理等利率风险管理的技术和方法。

    The author analyzes technologies and methods of interest rate sensitivity gap management and management of interest rate risk of commercial banks from the angle of avoiding interest rate risk and the pricing of financial products under the condition of interest rate marketization .

  30. 运用战略管理、项目管理、实物期权的思想方法和工具,构造革新的投资决策管理模型,以期权思想规避实际投资风险和进行风险管理,提供一种企业进行投资决策的更为完美的新思路。

    The author offers a new idea to perfect the decision-making of investment , constructing the innovated investment decision-making management model , avoiding the real investment risks and implementing risks management by application of strategy management , project management and real options .