
  • 网络management position;Managerial position
  1. 任何雇佣过好几个保姆的候选人,都会直接被我的保姆测试剔除,并且不应进入任何管理岗位。

    Any candidate who has employed a succession of nannies fails my nanny test outright and should be rejected for any managerial position .

  2. 基于层次分析法的管理岗位评价技术

    Analytical Hierarchy Process Based Technology of Management Position Evaluation

  3. 过去二十年间多数女性迅速进入职场,尤其是走上专业和管理岗位的女性数量增加,不但改变了女性的购物方向,而且还从经济和时尚的角度改变了女性对自己外表的要求。

    The rapid entry of the majority of women into the work world over the last 20 years , particularly the increase of women in professional and managerial positions , has changed not only women 's shopping priorities , but the control — financial and stylistic — women exert over the way we look .

  4. 举例来说,早在10多年前,宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)就创设了一种名为“产品类别经理”(categorymanagers)的新管理岗位,其职能是管理多种品牌。

    It is more than a decade , for example , since Procter & Gamble created a new cadre of " category managers " to oversee multiple brands .

  5. 此外,机器人也不会辞职——据美国酒店业协会(AmericanHotel&LodgingAssociation)估算,在美国酒店业中,非管理岗位的员工流动率高达50%左右。

    In addition , robots don 't quit their jobs , whereas the hotel industry , according to the American Hotel & Lodging Association , experiences staff turnover of around 50 % in non-management staff .

  6. 由于X一代的人数太少,难以填补婴儿潮一代退休(每天有10000人会达到65岁)所留下的空缺,所以许多千禧一代纷纷开始走上管理岗位。

    Since the number of Gen Xers is too small to fill all the corner offices vacated by retiring boomers who are turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 a day many millennials like you are stepping into management jobs .

  7. 早在1942年,英荷集团联合利华(Unilever)就决定培训印度员工,由他们(而不是欧洲人)担任一些初级和资深管理岗位。自1978年来,就有一名印度人担任联合利华的主要董事。

    Unilever , the Anglo-Dutch group , decided to train Indians to take over junior and senior management positions instead of Europeans as long ago as 1942 , and has had an Indian main board director since 1978 .

  8. 游说团体“30%俱乐部”(30%Club)最初关注的是在富时100(FTSE100)成分股董事会中实现最低30%的妇女比例。后来,该团体将注意力转移至更年轻的妇女身上,试图改善妇女晋升至管理岗位的培养管道。

    The 30 % Club , a lobby group , initially focused on achieving a minimum of 30 per cent women on FTSE 100 boards , and has subsequently turned its focus to younger women in a push to improve the pipeline of women progressing to management positions .

  9. 高管培训师罗莉·迈耶(RaleighMayer)建议客户在参加管理岗位面试的时候提前一点到达,“留意能帮你解读该公司文化的任何蛛丝马迹。大家在洗手间打招呼吗?上有没有什么有意思的艺术品?”

    Raleigh Mayer , an executive coach , suggests that her clients arrive early for a management job interview and ' look for every possible clue as to their culture , ' she said . ' Do people say hello in the bathroom ? Is there interesting art on the walls ? '

  10. 关于工程造价管理岗位人才要求的探讨构筑护理岗位人才的培养框架

    On the Post Requirements of Construction Costs Management Structure for Educating Nursing Professionals

  11. 有百分之二十的高级管理岗位是由女性担任的。

    Women fill twenty percent of senior management positions .

  12. 总经理做分层审核的记录可作为管理岗位人员表现评估的依据。

    GM may appraise management jobholder 's performance according to his layered process audit result .

  13. 到去年12月,国资委16个公开招聘的高级管理岗位已有15个得到填补。

    By December , 15 of the 16 senior management positions advertised had been filled .

  14. 竞聘上岗有只针对中层管理岗位和变个人私下相马为集体公开相马的局限性,岗位动态管理制度是克服局限性的好方法。

    The better way of overcoming its limitations is the regulation of dynamic management of job stations .

  15. 新打算的目标是让年青人疾速走上管理岗位。

    The new program is meant to put young people on a fast track to management careers .

  16. 作为技术专家,他们在工作了几年之后会更快地跳到更高的管理岗位。

    They have worked for a few years as technical specialists and quickly moved into higher management positions .

  17. 管理岗位?哇,我真没想到自己能那么快从初级职位升为管理人员.

    Wow , I had no idea I could move so quickly from entry level to managerial staff .

  18. 但她们在中层管理岗位中只占25%,在高层岗位中只占19%。

    But they occupy only 25 % of middle management positions and 19 % of senior level positions .

  19. 正因如此,我们需要为女性人才创建一个进入高级管理岗位的通道。

    This is why we need to focus on creating a pipeline of female talent for senior executive positions .

  20. 企业管理岗位职能分类有多种方法,面向具体业务内容的管理职能划分方法更具有针对性与可行性,也便于实现定性模拟。

    The classification of management responsibility , oriented to concrete operation , is more feasible for realizing qualitative simulation .

  21. 这是至关重要的,因为大部分有关高级管理岗位的决定都由某个元老团队做出。

    This is vital , since most of the decisions about the top jobs are made by a senior team .

  22. 至少五年以上媒介代理,营销或公关管理岗位经验,岗位与现有公司架构相同。

    A minimum of five years in an advertising , marketing or PR management position within a similarly structured company .

  23. 它们需要确保女性拥有进入高级管理岗位、担负起盈亏职责的机遇。

    They need to make sure women are given opportunities to enter senior management positions with profit and loss responsibility .

  24. 管理岗位上的女职工,在其档案身份不一致情况下,如何确定其退休年龄,已成为不少人关注的一个热点问题。

    How to define the retirement age for women workers when their file status is discordant has become a hot issue .

  25. 抓牢他们是必需的,但如果给他们任何重要的管理岗位,那就是发疯。

    It is vital to hang on to them , but it would be crazy to give them any significant management duties .

  26. 研究表明,在过去一年里,伦敦金融城处于顶级管理岗位的女性所占的比例增长了一倍。

    The proportion of women reaching top-level management positions in the City has doubled in the past year , research has found .

  27. 调查揭示,从事专业和管理岗位的车主当中,每17人中只有1人一星期洗一次车。

    Only one in 17 car owners from professional and managerial backgrounds wash their vehicle once a week , reveals the survey .

  28. 管理岗位?哇,我真没想到自己能那么快从初级职位升为管理人员。

    M2 : Management ? Wow , I had no idea I could move so quickly from entry level to managerial staff .

  29. 它是按劳动者在企业生产经营管理岗位上工作的复杂性、承担的责任、环境的优劣和做出的贡献来计算的股权。

    The amounts of labor stock shares issue according to staff ′ s type of work , responsibilities , work situations and contribution .

  30. 那些以任务为导向的人,特别是已经处于高级管理岗位的人有时会难以发现聆听可以为他们提供的帮助。

    Task-oriented people , especially those who have arrived in senior positions , sometimes find it hard to see how listening can help them .