
gǎng wèi
  • post;station
岗位 [gǎng wèi]
  • (1) [station;post]

  • (2) 原指军警守位的地方

  • (3) 也泛指职位

  • 岗位责任制

岗位[gǎng wèi]
  1. 他重新回到了自己的岗位。

    He was reinstated in his post .

  2. 迅速返回各自岗位!

    Quick men , back to your post !

  3. 随着现代技术的到来,许多工作岗位不复存在。

    With the coming of modern technology , many jobs were lost .

  4. 未经允许,不得离开岗位。

    You are not to leave your station without permission .

  5. 约翰被平级调动到销售部门的一个岗位上。

    John was shunted sideways to a job in sales .

  6. 警卫受命不得擅离岗位。

    The guards were ordered not to leave their posts .

  7. 动完了手术,她渴望回到工作岗位上去。

    She is raring to get back to work after her operation .

  8. 目前,申请人数和就业岗位的比例为100:1。

    The ratio of applications to available places currently stands at 100:1 .

  9. 那家工厂一关闭,很可能1000个工作岗位就没有了。

    The closure of the factory is likely to cost 1 000 jobs .

  10. 她由于身体不好而被迫早早地从教学岗位上退休。

    She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health .

  11. 她在新的工作岗位上好像还挺开心。

    She seems reasonably happy in her new job .

  12. 我在新的工作岗位上觉得很孤独。

    I felt very isolated in my new job .

  13. 在那个岗位干了十年之后,她觉得腻了,需要换换工作。

    After ten years in the job , she felt stale and needed a change .

  14. 那时期工作岗位多得很。

    In those days jobs were plentiful .

  15. 该小组将考察这一地区是如何应对减少几千个工作岗位的局面的。

    The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs .

  16. 我到新的工作岗位只有几天的时间。

    I had been in my new job only a few days

  17. 纺织和服装业又要减少75,000个工作岗位。

    Another 75,000 jobs will be lost in textiles and clothing .

  18. 他们逐步用一台计算机淘汰了我的工作岗位

    They phased out my job in favor of a computer .

  19. 见解独到的人士要么被调往次要的岗位,要么就不被提升。

    Independent thinkers are shunted into minor jobs or refused promotion .

  20. 大部分工作女性处于低薪的岗位。

    The majority of working women are in low-paid jobs .

  21. 我重新找到一个合适的工作岗位的希望很渺茫。

    My prospects of returning to a suitable job are dismal

  22. 戴夫急于回到工作岗位。

    Dave was in a hurry to get back to work

  23. 我现在渴望尽早回到工作岗位。

    I now look forward to going back to work as soon as possible

  24. 广告里有大量电话销售的岗位。

    There are a wealth of telesales jobs advertised .

  25. 这些人没有一个到岗位报到。

    None of the men had reported for duty .

  26. 预计将失去相当于192份全职工作的岗位。

    It is anticipated that the equivalent of 192 full-time jobs will be lost

  27. 各公司正在把工作岗位转移至生活费用较低的城镇。

    Companies are moving jobs to towns with a lower cost of living .

  28. 我的打算是继续呆在岗位上,直到选出继任者。

    It is my intention to remain in my position until a successor is elected

  29. 在这些职业中,只有20%的岗位是由女性担任的。

    Only 20 per cent of jobs in the professions are held by women .

  30. 为维持经济改革的正常进展,必须裁掉6万个国有部门的工作岗位。

    To keep economic reform on track , 60,000 public-sector jobs must be cut .