
  1. 企业员工薪酬实行岗位等级工资制的探索

    Exploration of Station-graded Wage System Instituted in Enterprises for the Workers ' Salary

  2. 基于可拓学的岗位等级综合评价

    Grade evaluation of position based on Extenics

  3. 本文得出的主要结论是:1.不同岗位等级、不同学历的员工,交易型心理契约有显著差异。

    Transactional psychological contract has a significant difference in staff with different and position grade different degree . 2 .

  4. 宽带薪酬与传统薪酬结构相比,强调的不再是岗位等级结构而是更注重员工的能力与绩效。

    In contrast to traditional salary design system , broad-band salary emphasizes not on the hierarchy but on employees'competency and performance .

  5. 岗位等级结构设计分两步:岗位等级划分和员工能力档次确定;

    There are two steps in position rank structive design , the classification of position rank and ability rank of employee .

  6. 第二部分对岗位等级工资的运行结果进行了分析,评价其合理性、有效性和可靠性。

    In the second part analysis is made on the application and results of job-based ranked salaries system in consideration of its rationality , effectiveness and reliability .

  7. 绩效工资与岗位等级和绩效考核紧密挂钩,考核的依据是全院统一模式的岗位绩效合同;

    Performance salaries are closely linked with post grades and performance assessment , with a hospital wide unified model of post and performance contracts being the basis for assessment ;

  8. 薪点制作为一种新的薪酬设计方法引入企业领域,改变了主要依据岗位等级确定员工薪酬的传统薪酬制度设计模式。

    The point salary distribution system is introduced to the field of enterprise as a new salary design method , change main basis post grade confirm staff traditional salary system design mode of salary .

  9. 激励性薪酬设计包括三个方面:岗位工资等级结构改进、岗位工资调整方法设计以及绩效奖金设计。

    The next it designs the motivational salary system , which includes three respects : Post wage category structure improve , post salary adjust method design and performance bonus design .

  10. 改革后公司实行岗位效益等级工资制度,其内容主要由基本工资、岗位工资、绩效奖励和特殊津贴所组成。

    After the reform , the company carries out the laborage system of the post benefit in different grades ; the main contents are made up of base pay , post pay , performance encouragement and special allowance .

  11. 利用公务员收入模拟测算岗位工资水平,等级工资从4039!1元到75792!

    Referring to the civil servants 's income , we calculated the post wages which ranged from 4 039.1 Yuan to 75 792.7 Yuan .

  12. 在针对教师的工资设计中,采用了宽带薪酬的设计方法,将教师岗位级别和考核等级结合起来,充分调动教师的工作积极性。

    Design for the salaries of teachers with the design method of broadband pay , teachers ' job level and assessment level combined , and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the teachers .

  13. 岗位目标工资设计,包括岗位等级结构设计与工资等级结构设计两个阶段。

    The position wage by object design includes position rank structive design and wage rank structive design .

  14. 其次对薪酬设计的工具进行了多方面的研究和比较,主要采用因素计点法完成对电力医疗的岗位评价、岗位归级及岗位薪点工资等级表的设计。

    Second on compensation design tools for a wide range of research and comparison , mainly uses the point method to complete post performance salary wage .

  15. 第三部分岗位风险控制的理论基础。介绍风险控制的理论渊源、岗位风险等级划分的理论基础和确定因素、岗位风险控制的手段。

    Part Three is Theoretical Basis for Position Risk Control , which mainly introduces the theoretical origin of risk control , the theoretical basis and identification factors of position risk status classification , and the means of risk control .