
  • 网络employment contract
  1. 教师与学校之间除存在聘任合同外,还存在心理契约。

    There is not only a employment contract but also a psychological contract between teachers and colleges .

  2. 聘任合同的聘任期限等具体内容不能完全由高校和教师自由约定,须受到法律法规的适当限制。

    The articles such as term of service in a employment contract should not be made by promises but be regulated by laws or regulations .

  3. 浅谈教师聘任合同的订立、解除与终止

    On the Formation , Discharge and Termination of Teachers ' Contract

  4. 6个月以后,她得到一张聘任合同。

    After six months she was offered a contract of employment .

  5. 实行中层干部聘任合同制管理模式的探索与实践

    On Exploration and Practice of the Model of Managing Middle-level Carders with Contracts

  6. 这里所说的教师聘任合同,是指教师在聘任中必须与学校或教育行政部门签订的合同。

    It is a contract signed between concerned teachers and education administrative departments .

  7. 教师聘任合同究竟是属于行政合同还是劳动合同,由于立法并未给予明确规定,因此在学界一直争论不休。

    The legislation does not specify the nature of the contract of engagement .

  8. 严格控制人员编制、实行全员劳动聘任合同制同样可以增加经济效益。

    While holding the staff establishment and carrying out engaged contract institution could also improve the economic benefit .

  9. 从聘任合同管理到心理契约管理&民办高职院校师资管理模式的转型

    From Appointment Contract Management to Mental Contract Mangement & Transformation of Teaching Staff Management Model of Non-governmental Higher Vocational Schools

  10. 第一章主要是回顾上海市实施教师聘任合同制的实践发展过程和主要特点,描述上海市教师聘任合同制改革的三个阶段以及有关的法律法规建设进展。

    The first chapter reviews the main steps of the development and the main features of the system of appointment and contract .

  11. 上市公司应和经理人员签订聘任合同,明确双方的权利义务关系。

    Employment agreements shall be entered into by a listed company and its management personnel to clarify each party 's rights and obligations .

  12. 对于如何克服聘任合同中的风险问题,我国很多学者往往根据委托代理理论,提出了一些激励建议。

    On overcoming the risks in faculty contract , many internal scholars put forward some incentives based on the principal - agency theory .

  13. 教师与学校签订聘任合同在合同的订立、解除、终止这三个方面都存在不少问题,需要认真分析和探讨。

    Many problems exist in the employment , discharge and termination of the contracts , which needs to be analyzed and discussed seriously .

  14. 聘任合同的签订、变更或者解除,应当报同级公务员主管部门备案。

    The conclusion , alteration or withdrawal of an employment contact shall be put on archival filings in the administrative department of civil servants at the same level .

  15. 当前,部分民办高校教师与学校之间的劳动关系纠纷繁杂、个别问题突出、教师权益得不到具体保障。究其原因,一部分是因为教师聘任合同的不规范、不完善所致。

    Presently , the labor relations between some colleges and teachers are complicated and the rights of teachers cannot be guaranteed , which were partially due to substandard contracts .

  16. 聘任合同作为保障公立高等学校法律地位和教师劳动者法律地位的基本形式,是贯彻和落实教师聘任制的直接依据。

    As a basic form to ensure the legal status of public colleges and universities and teachers , appointment contracts is the direct basis to carry out the appointment system .

  17. 在排他性私有产权激励下,高校与教师在分别经过各自搜寻权衡谈判,达成了有关教师人力资本产权部分转让的事前制度安排,即高校教师聘任合同。

    According to exclusion of private ownership , higher teachers and higher schools separately seek and then reach precontracts of property rights of partial higher teachers , that is faculty contract .

  18. 高校教师聘任合同性质为一种以提供教育教学及其科研行为的劳动力商品为客体的特殊的民事合同。

    The character of college teachers ' appointment contract is the special civil contract as the object of labor force commodity providing the education and teaching and the scientific research behavior .

  19. 因此,教师聘任合同中存在一些不容忽视的问题,如学校和教师双方合同意识淡薄,使教师聘任合同成为教师单方的契约;

    Naturally , some issues in teachers hiring contract can not be neglected , such as the weak contract consciousness of both teachers and schools , which makes the contract a single-party document ;

  20. 纵观教育系统这些年来的人事制度的情况,可以肯定,学校劳动关系市场化、契约化的趋势日益彰显,但目前缺乏法源性、规范性法律文件对教师聘任合同予以规范。

    Looking back at the personnel system of education departments , it can be concluded that the working relationship in schools is coming in the direction of market and agreement but there are no relevant regulations or laws to bind this process .

  21. 同时也可以促进作者所在学校积极创造条件,进行教师聘任合同制的新探索,期待通过教师聘任合同制形成学校发展和教师个人共同发展的教师管理新机制。

    It is expected that this research could enhance improvement of the school conditions , which the author works in , for the new exploration of this system , and thus to form a new teacher administration system to develop both the school and the teachers themselves .

  22. 但由于对公立高等学校法律地位和教师法律地位认识的不一,教师聘任合同的性质问题仍然停留在行政合同与民事合同或者特殊合同的争议之中。

    However , because of different opinions on the legal status of public colleges and universities and teachers understanding of the different legal status of teachers , the issues of the nature of the appointment contract still have three answers : administrative contract and civil contracts or special contract .

  23. 随着高等教育体制和教师人事制度改革的深入,公立高等学校与教师之间原有的行政隶属关系逐渐被打破,教师通过与高等学校签订聘任合同,与之构成受法律保护的人事关系。

    With the deepening of the reform in higher education system and personnel system for teachers , the previous relationship between public higher educational institutions and teachers has gradually been broken . Through signing up the letter of appointment , teachers started to enjoy a personnel relationship protected by law .

  24. 实践视域下公立高校教师聘任制合同的法律性质

    The nature of the engagement contract of teachers in the light of public universities

  25. 第四部分主要是对教师聘任制实施过程中教师聘任合同的问题进行理论思考,并提出应有的对策。

    The fourth part focuses on the problem of teachers ' recruitment contract , and proposes relevant strategies .

  26. 随着我国教师聘任制实施的深化,教师与学校之间签订聘任合同已是教师从教工作中的常规行为。

    With the development of Chinese teachers ' employment system , it is normal that the employment contract is signed between teachers and schools .

  27. 对比美国高校的终身教职制度,我国高校教师聘任制实施过程中存在观念落后、招聘制度不够科学、聘任合同法律效力不强、缺乏淘汰和考核机制等问题。

    Compared with the tenure system in America , many problems crop up in the implementation of the teacher engagement system in our country such as backward modes of thought , unscientific employment system , low efficiency of employment contract , imperfect elimination and assessment system and so on .

  28. 高等学校的教师的聘任,应当遵循双方平等自愿的原则,由高等学校校长与受聘教师签订聘任合同。

    Employment of teachers of institutions of higher learning should abide by the principle of mutual equality and voluntarism , and an employment contract shall be signed by the president of an institution of higher learning and the teacher who accepts the employment .

  29. 尽管如此,我国目前的教师聘任制度仍然存在很多不完善的地方,比如:选择机制不健全,淘汰与考核机制不完善,聘任合同法律效率不强等等。

    In spite of what has been mentioned above , there are still many problems concerning the college teacher employment system , such as imperfect selection system , incomplete elimination & check-up system , and low legal efficiency of employment contract , etc.

  30. 教师聘任制这种新型的用人机制,主要是使学校在完善多年岗位聘任制基础上进一步深化学校的用人制度改革,逐渐实行聘任合同制。

    Teacher employment system , this new kind of person-employing mechanism mainly makes schools gradually carry out teacher employment contract system .