
  • 网络employment contract;contract of employment;Employment of Contract
  1. 你的聘用合同十二月到期。

    Your contract of employment will terminate in December .

  2. 论事业单位聘用合同关系的法律适用

    Legal Applicability of Employment Contract Relationship in Public Institutions

  3. 雅虎在递交的SEC文件中表示,卡斯特罗将获得聘用合同约定的遣散福利,但没有给出进一步的详细说明,也没有明确离职支付款项的性质(不清楚是合同终止,还是辞职)。

    In its SEC filing , Yahoo said that he will receive the severance benefits provided in his employment letter & but did not break it down further or specify any departure-related payments ( unclear if this is officially a termination or resignation ) .

  4. 60所医院聘用合同制护士现状调查

    Investigation of the current situation of contract nurse in 60 hospitals

  5. 聘用合同制护士呈上升趋势。

    The trend of hiring contracted RNs is increasing .

  6. 实施全员聘用合同制的探讨与实践

    An investigation and implementation of a system of the staff employ contract in the hospital

  7. 十、本附件与标准聘用合同具有同等效力,是合同不可分割的一部分。

    This accessory and standard employment contract have the same effect and could be of indivisibility .

  8. 聘用合同护士的管理

    Management of Engaging Contract Nurses

  9. 所在会计师事务所的聘用合同或者工作调动证明;

    Employment contract or employment remove certification of the certified public accountants firm in which the applicant practiced ;

  10. 这类条款规定,如果有关键顾问从一家银行离职,那么聘请这家银行做并购咨询的企业就能终止聘用合同。

    Such a clause allows a company to withdraw the M & A advisory mandate if a key adviser leaves the bank .

  11. 打破人才单位所有制,坚定实行聘用合同制;

    To break through the limit of the system that persons attached to library , and implement firmly the system of contract employment .

  12. 报告还称,沃尔福威茨违反了他本人的聘用合同条款。这些条款要求沃尔福威茨遵守世行的行为准则。

    The report also concludes that Mr Wolfowitz violated the terms of his contract , which require him to abide by the institution 's code of conduct .

  13. 高校实行全员聘用合同制是深化高校人事制度改革,建立高素质社会化专业技术人员队伍的重要措施。

    Employment of all staff members by contract is an important measure adopted to strengthen commitment to the cultivation of highly-qualified professionals and to the renovation of personnel management .

  14. 推行聘用合同制要注意工作方法:将思想工作贯串于改革全过程;

    The system of SEC must be handled with care : At rifst , the ideological work must be insisted upon through out the whole course of the reform .

  15. 他很快就能睡到自然醒了,因为他上周得到通知,他的聘用合同将于11月30日终止。

    Soon he will be able to sleep in as late as he wants , having been notified last week that his employment will be terminated on November 30 .

  16. 被国家机关开除公职或者被医疗机构解除聘用合同未满5年的人员。

    Or8.the person who has been dismissed from public office by the state organs or whose employment contract has been discharged by a medical institution for less than five years .

  17. 实行聘任制,增强职工竞争上岗意识;逐步推行聘用合同制、人才引用制,从而建立起现代化医院人事制度。

    Gradually implementing a contract engagement system , introducing specialists , promoting the consciousness of competition of the staff members so as to establish modernized human resource system in a hospital .

  18. 国家应有相关规定,学校聘用合同也应有相应规定,以便相关从业人员参照执行,也以便对违规行为的按章处分。

    The relative rules should be included in the state regulation and school employment agreement so that the relative persons could act accordingly , or else be punished according to the rules .

  19. 赛季结束不到一周,总经理约翰-哈蒙德就和他签下聘用合同,这个漫长的夏季他都能和队员们交流。

    Since general manager John Hammond acted quickly and hired him less than a week after the conclusion of the regular season , Skiles will have a long off-season in which to get this act together .

  20. 以东莞办事处的名义与具资格的对外服务公司签订聘用中国雇员合同幷办理中国雇员合法聘用手续。

    Sign the contract on the employment of Chinese employees and go through the relative procedures of employment in the name of the representative office with an authorized agent .

  21. 政策建议1.改革人事制度,乡镇卫生院人事制度可实行全员聘用制或合同制管理,考试上岗,年终考核制度,实现能者上庸者下的竞争机制。

    It should be reformed the personnel system and implemented national engaging or contract management system , at the same time , pushing position competition and the year-end assessment in township hospitals 2 .

  22. 就业协议是用人单位与求职人员之间签订的关于未来劳动聘用关系及劳动合同主要内容的书面文件。

    Employment Agreement is the file which the Employer and the Employee signed for the future relation of employment between them .

  23. 人事代理制度是市场经济条件下的一种新的人事管理方式和制度,其特点是强化用人单位与被聘用人员之间的聘用合同关系。

    Personnel agency system is a new mode and system of personnel management under the condition of market economy . It is characterized by a strengthened contractual relationship between employing units and employees .

  24. 当前,高校应从思想观念、设岗、聘用、考核、分配、分流等方面着力巩固和完善全员聘用合同制。

    To reinforce and perfect the system , measures should be taken in terms of philosophy , the placement of positions , recruitment , assessment , distribution of incomes , and unemployment .

  25. 猎头公司表示,即便是新聘用的首席执行官,也未必都能上任,因为他们接到了条件更优厚的聘用合同。

    Headhunters say even freshly recruited chief executives fail to turn up because they have accepted better offers .