
pìn lǐ
  • bride-price;present;betrothal presents
聘礼 [pìn lǐ]
  • (1) [bride-price]∶订婚之礼

  • (2) [present]∶古代诸侯间相互聘问之礼

聘礼[pìn lǐ]
  1. 有两户人家送来聘礼求婚。

    Two families delivered betrothal1 gifts to propose marriage .

  2. 嫁妆与聘礼:一个学术史的简单回顾

    Dowry and Betrothal Gifts : A Review of Relevant Theories

  3. 他没钱没势,甚至连聘礼也没有。

    He is a man without rank , fortune or permanent engagement .

  4. 试析云南少数民族婚俗聘礼的文化内涵

    The Cultural Dimension of Betrothal Gifts among the Minority Peoples of Yunnan

  5. 为了赢得芳心,他许诺了什么聘礼呢?

    His offer to win her hand ?

  6. 我已经将这件事告诉了家人,他们也愿意帮我积攒聘礼。

    I have shared this with my family and they are willing to help me raise the bride price .

  7. 跨文化视野中的聘礼&关于中国少数民族婚姻聘礼的比较研究

    Bride Price in a Cross-Cultural Perspective : A Comparative Study on the Bride Price among the Ethnic Minorities in China

  8. 约翰·罗夫曼(雅蒲岛历史协会):比如说,石头货币不用来作聘礼。

    John Runman ( Yap 's Historical Society ): Stone money is not used to ask for a wife , for instance .

  9. 商代王室的婚姻与政治紧密相连,并有一定的礼制约束。四、商代的朝聘礼。

    Marriage of the royal family in Shang Dynasty is closely related with politics and restricted by certain rules of rites . 4 .

  10. 随着留声机播放的音乐翩翩起舞;木制的彩绘礼品盒是用来装聘礼的,但并不是所有的新娘都可以得到这么大的礼盒。

    Dancing with the music played by this gramophone ; the red gift box is so huge ! It is every bride-to-be 's dream !

  11. 在实际生活中,宋代厚嫁之风比唐更为盛行,嫁妆的数量甚至多于聘礼。

    But the dowry of the Song Dynasty is more prevalent than the Tang , and even more than the quantity of betrothal gifts .

  12. 凯普勒特蒙泰戈兄,把您的手给我;这是给我女儿的聘礼,因为我不能要求更多。

    CAPULET O brother Montague , give me thy hand : This is my daughter 's jointure , for no more can I demand .

  13. 她正在寻求khula--即穆斯林妇女可以通过返还她收到的聘礼而让她的丈夫离婚的一道程序。

    She is seeking ' khula ' , a procedure through which a Muslim woman can divorce her husband by returning the dower that she received .

  14. 聘礼接收的几天后,女方会叫人将女方的嫁妆送去男方家。

    Several days after the presentation of the betrothal gifts , the girl 's family sent porters with an inventoried dowry to the boy 's house .

  15. 然而,由于皇室家庭的反对,他不得不从一个普通的家庭选一个女人给他大量的聘礼。

    Yet because of the objection of the imperial families , he had to select a girl from an ordinary family and provide her with many betrothal gifts .

  16. 然后经过谨慎的商讨,双方父母就给女方的聘礼的费用和礼品达成一致。

    Then , after extensive bargaining , the two families would arrive at the amount of money and goods that would make up the gift to the girl 's family .

  17. 本文以作者在宁夏南部一个回族聚居村单家集所开展的调查为基础,对乡村回族婚姻中的聘礼和通婚圈进行了初步分析。

    On the basis of fieldwork in Shanjiaji , a Hui village in southern Ningxia Autonomous Region , this paper analyzes the bride price and marriage circle of the rural Huis .

  18. 伊朗男人可能会因为欠聘礼而坐牢,伊朗司法界也一直在争论这项法律是否应根据男方的经济状况而做出调整。

    An Iranian man can end up in jail over dowry debts and there has been a judicial debate whether it should be adjusted according to the man 's financial status .

  19. 春秋时期的朝聘礼,是由西周时期最重要的五礼之一的宾礼发展而来的。

    The rites of pilgrimage of Spring and Autumn period have originated from one of the five most important ceremonies of Western Zhou Dynasty & the rite of reception to guest .

  20. 男方家庭体谅女方家庭带大孩子的不容易,而经过接受聘礼,女方家庭会将女儿托付给新郎。

    The boy 's families gifts acknowledged the parents ' efforts in raising the girl , and by accepting the gifts , the girl 's family pledged her to the boy 's.

  21. 一般而言,较高的聘礼,代表更多的尊重,新郎是支付给新娘和她的父母(因为他看重她!)。

    Generally , the higher the Bride Price , the greater respect the Groom is paying to the Bride and her parents ( as he is literally putting a high value on her !) .

  22. 订婚仪式过后,媒人会向男方家庭要几个黄道吉日同时也会择日给予聘礼。

    After presenting engagement takens , the go-between would ask the bride 's family to chose among several auspicious wedding dates suggested by the boy 's family and also set a date for presenting betrothal gifts .

  23. 在婚姻法律关系正式确立之前,男女双方及其家长亲友会以一起交换信物、接受聘礼和经常性互相赠送财物等方式进行着婚约的确立。

    In marriage legal relationship before the formal establishment , men and women with their Friends and Family , exchange keepsake together will trust , accept dowry and often give each property to hope establishment of engagement .

  24. 作为政治外交方面的一项重要礼仪,朝聘礼在西周时期发展成熟,经春秋时期逐步走向衰落,至战国时期最终消亡。

    As a kind of significant etiquette of politics and diplomacy , the rites of pilgrimage became maturity in Western Zhou Dynasty , gradually declined in Spring and Autumn period and totally withered away in Warring States period .

  25. 在发展过程中,朝聘礼已不仅仅是一种礼仪,而是作为一种礼制为维护周代统治秩序不断发挥作用。

    During the process of its development , the rites of pilgrimage are more than a kind of etiquette , but a type of ritual system which plays a continuing role in maintaining the rule of Zhou Dynasty .

  26. 根据伊朗法律规定,女方可以在婚后任何时期或离婚时向男方索要“麦亥尔”(聘礼),即男方在结婚时承诺赠予女方的礼物。

    Under Iranian law , a woman can claim her dowry or mahr , which is a gift pledged by the man at the time of marriage , at any time during married life or when getting a divorce .

  27. 尽管学者对嫁妆与聘礼的看法差异很大,但他们还是站在一个共同的基点之上,即二者在给出妻子集团和接受妻子集团之间的姻亲关系的建立上是一个重要的因素。

    Although scholars have different viewpoints concerning this issue , all of them share the idea that dowry and betrothal gifts are an important factor in building marriage relationship between the wife 's family and the husband 's family .

  28. 去年情人节的婚礼有着真实婚礼的一切要素:付给夏班固的7000兰特(南非货币单位)聘礼,夏班固穿上白色的婚纱,他们交换戒指和誓词,然后接吻。

    Last year 's Valentine 's Day wedding had all the elements of a real one : R7000 lobolo was paid for Shabangu , who wore a white wedding gown , and they kissed before exchanging rings and vows .

  29. 诸侯对周王行礼僭越不断,霸主国开始挑战周天子权威,小国纷纷沦为大国的附属国,朝聘礼中一些礼仪的内涵和作用都开始发生变化,其中的等级制度必然受到影响。

    Dukes arrogated in saluting to Zhou King . Hegemonies began to challenge the authority of Zhou King . Ministates became the dependencies of great powers . Because of the connotations and functions of some etiquettes began to change , the rites of pilgrimage hierarchy were inevitably affected .

  30. 男方家庭的聘礼包括金钱和贵重物品,比如茶叶,“龙凤饼”老婆饼,几对家禽,果脯和喜糖,红酒和烟草等等。

    The boy 's family presented betrothal gifts of money and significant items such as tea , " Dragon ( male ) and Phoenix ( female ) " bridal cakes , pairs of male and female poultry , sweetmeats and sugar , wine and tobacco , accompanied by an itemized statement of these gifts .