
  • 网络The food crisis
  1. 现在,这一非洲最大的经济体正面临粮食危机,原因在于主要的西红柿田正被一种昆虫破坏,导致全国范围内的西红柿短缺及价格上涨。

    Now , Africa 's largest economy is facing a food crisis as major tomato fields have been destroyed by an insect , leading to a nationwide shortage and escalating prices .

  2. 专家认为,粮食危机即将来临。

    experts argue a food crisis is coming .

  3. 该论坛是G20支持的农产品市场信息系统(AgriculturalMarketInformationSystem)的一部分,该系统在法国的提议下于去年成立,被视为是对2007-08年粮食危机的关键应对措施。

    The forum is part of the G20-backed Agricultural Market Information System , created last year at the initiative of France and seen as a key response to the 2007-08 crisis .

  4. 联合国(UN)昨日宣布建立特别工作组,以应对全球粮食危机。联合国将粮价急剧上涨形容为全球范围内一场前所未有的挑战。

    The United Nations yesterday announced establishment of a task force to combat the world food crisis , describing a dramatic escalation in prices as an unprecedented challenge of global proportions .

  5. Dar得出结论说,政府采取支持旱地农民的积极政策能够减轻全球粮食危机。

    Proactive measures by governments in support of dryland farmers could alleviate the global food crisis , concludes Dar .

  6. 国际原子能机构(IAEA)呼吁增加对一种可能应对全球粮食危机的核技术的投资。

    The International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) has called for increased investment in a nuclear technology that could tackle the global food crisis .

  7. 世界银行《食品价格观察》(en)指出,坏天气已然推动形成了2008年的粮食危机,过去一年中也已推高食品价格,因主要粮食生产者遭受了干旱、多雨和洪灾的影响。

    Already , bad weather helped create a food crisis in2008 , and has driven up prices over the last year after major grain producers suffered droughts , excess rain and flooding .

  8. 日本官员表示,2007年至2008年的粮食危机,是几十年来农业投资不足所致,八国集团(g8)也认同这一观点。

    Japanese officials say the 2007-08 food crisis stemmed from decades of under - investment in agriculture , a view shared by the group of eight rich countries .

  9. 这项协议是与投资银行摩根大通(jpmorgan)达成的,此时中国与印度刚刚安然度过2007至2008年粮食危机过后的第二次农产品价格上涨。

    The deal , struck with investment bank JPMorgan , comes as countries such as China and India weather a second surge in agricultural commodities prices following the 2007-08 food crisis .

  10. 20与联合国(un)负责农业事务的高级官员正在讨论召集一个新的应急论坛的会议,原因是玉米价格现已升至历史高点,超过了2007-08年粮食危机期间的水平。

    Discussions among senior G20 and UN agriculture officials about calling a session of a new emergency forum come after the cost of corn , or maize , surged to an all-time high , surpassing the level seen during the 2007-08 food crisis .

  11. 世界银行尼日尔局局VincentTurbat说,粮食危机对该国家的妇女儿童打击最大。

    The World Bank 's Country Manager for Niger , Vincent Turbat , says the crisis has hit the country 's women and children the hardest .

  12. 一份为八国集团(g8)部长会议起草的报告警告称,世界面临着永久性的粮食危机和全球不稳定局面,除非各国马上采取行动,把农业产量提高一倍,以养活数量激增的人口。

    The world faces a permanent food crisis and global instability unless countries act now to feed a surging population by doubling agricultural output , a report drafted for ministers of the group of eight nations has warned .

  13. 该报告发布于肯尼亚首都内罗毕。报告指出,这种名为Ug99的小麦锈病菌株在1999年首次出现在乌干达,它几乎一定会向世界其它地方蔓延,有可能造成世界范围的粮食危机。

    The report warns that a strain of the wheat stem rust fungus discovered in Uganda in1999 will almost certainly spread to the rest of the world , potentially creating a global food-security crisis .

  14. 农药在缓解粮食危机方面起着不可忽视的作用。

    Pesticide is playing an important role in relieving food crisis .

  15. 贾善和:“全球粮食危机的深层原因、影响及启示”。

    Power hungry : six reasons to regulate global food corporations .

  16. 受粮食危机影响最为严重的当属穷人了。

    Hardest-hit by the food crisis are the world 's poor .

  17. 另一场粮食危机看来并非不可能。

    Another food crisis does not look out of the question .

  18. 粮食危机论:折射经济学家的思维分歧

    Food Crisis Theory : Refraction the Economists ' Different Thoughts

  19. 它影响了植物的生长发育,造成作物严重减产,加剧了全球性的粮食危机。

    It affects the growth of plants and sharply reduces the yield .

  20. 从粮食危机反思拉美贸易和农业政策改革

    Reflections on Trade and Agricultural Policy Reforms in Latin America

  21. 协调当前的粮食危机非常重要。

    It is important to get the present food crisis into proportion .

  22. (乙)直接导因:1953年粮食危机;

    ( second ) the immediate cause : Grain crisis in 1953 ;

  23. 世界粮食危机的深层原因、影响及启示

    Causes and Impact of World Food Crisis and the Implications for China

  24. 联合国秘书长潘基文组建了一个高层工作小组来应对全球的粮食危机。

    UN Forms Task Force to Deal With Global Food Crisis

  25. 这次粮食危机决非凭空而来。

    This crisis did not come out of the blue .

  26. 当前的粮食危机只是又一个市场异常行为吗?

    Is the current food crisis just another market vagary ?

  27. 吉拉尼总理和布什总统还讨论了全球粮食危机。

    Prime Minister Gilani and President Bush also discussed the global food crisis .

  28. 在世界粮食危机的背后,是全球公平性的棘手议题。

    Global equity is the awkward issue lying behind the world food crisis .

  29. 发展中国家粮食危机产生的原因及其对策分析

    Analysis on the Causes of Food Crisis in Developing Countries and the Countermeasures

  30. 世界正面临粮食危机?

    Is the world headed for a food crisis ?