
jiā yóu jī
  • refueller
  1. 基于IP核的加油机编码器芯片设计

    Design of a Refueler Coder IC Based on IP Core

  2. 加入WTO后,2004年底成品油零售市场对外开放,国外大油公司进入中国,又给加油机行业带来了前所未有的发展机遇和挑战。

    China 's WTO entry and multinational oil company entering China market give dispenser industry unprecedented opportunity and challenge of development .

  3. 加油机飞行员接到的A-10飞行员最多的请求是再飞慢一点。

    Tanker pilots relate that the most common request from A-10 pilots is to slow down .

  4. 完成了加油机协议与IFSF协议转换的模块设计及主要程序设计。

    Completed the module design of conversion from dispenser protocol to IFSF protocol and the specific programe design .

  5. 诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司和EADS在周一晚间退出了此次竞标。它们表示,美方的招标规则旨在偏袒其竞争对手波音(Boeing)提出的、体型较小的空中加油机方案。

    Northrop Grumman and EADS pulled out late on Monday night , saying the rules of the US tender were designed to favour the smaller air-to-air refuelling tanker proposed by rival Boeing .

  6. 一架B-52轰炸机在飞越地中海时,另一架加油机逐渐靠近准备进行空中加油。

    A B-52G bomber was flying over the Mediterranean Sea when it was approached by a tanker for a standard mid-air refueling .

  7. 据报道,两架狂风(Tornado)GR4战斗轰炸机在一架航行者(Voyager)空中加油机的支援下,周六早晨从位于塞浦路斯的皇家空军阿克罗蒂里基地(RAFAkrotiri)起飞,下午返回基地。

    Two Tornado GR4 bombers supported by a Voyager air-to-air refuelling aircraft were reported to have taken off from RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus on Saturday morning and returned to base in the afternoon .

  8. 类似的,eads在直升机产品上取得了一些成果,也正在发展空中加油机,但很多专家仍预计它将输给波音公司。

    Similarly , EADS has had some helicopter success and is in the running to supply air refuelling tankers , though most experts still believe it will lose out to Boeing .

  9. 该舰队已根据未来的战略采购加油机(FSTA)计划。

    The fleet has been procured under the Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft ( FSTA ) programme .

  10. 本课题利用SK-V1税控燃油加油机专用监控微处理器和计量微处理器W78E516BP芯片,设计税控加油机的电脑控制器。

    This topic uses special monitoring micro-controller SK-V1 of ( CCPFPM ) and W78E516BP chip as count micro-controller to design computer controller of ( CCPFPM ) .

  11. 对IFSF协议进行详细的剖析,针对不同厂家不同品牌的加油机具有不同的协议,设计了加油机与IFSF协议的相应转换模块,实现了IFSF协议在TCP/IP上的应用。

    Based on the detailed anatomy of IFSF protocol , and aimed at the different protocol of dispenser come from different factory and different brand , it designed the corresponding conversion module between different dispenser communication protocol and IFSF protocol , and realized application of IFSF via TCP / IP .

  12. 电脑加油机嵌入式控制系统的设计与实现

    Study and Implementation of Computer Controlled Fuel Dispenser Embedded Control System

  13. 一种IC卡电脑加油机控制器的研制

    Research on Automotive Oil Controller Utilizing the IC Card and Micropocessor

  14. 探管锥套式空中加油机油库输油管线热力计算软件的数据库创建

    D-drogue-type tanker Database Creation of Oil Depot Pipeline Thermal Calculation Software

  15. 流量对加油机误差的影响

    The Impact of Flow Rate on the Error of Fuel Dispensers

  16. 加油机比例阀气压测试性能的研究

    Research on the Pneumatic Testing of Proportional Valve in Gas Station Machine

  17. 加油机IC卡收费系统的软件设计

    The Software Design of IC Card Charging System of Refueler

  18. 温度对加油机示值的影响

    The Effect of Temperature to the Dispenser ′ s Indication

  19. 燃油加油机快速自动检测装置测量不确定度分析

    Analysis of Uncertainty about Fuel Tanker Rapid Automatic Detection Device

  20. 浅谈计量检定技术在防止燃油加油机作弊中的应用

    The Application of Metrology Measurement Technology to Prevent Cheating in Fuel Dispenser

  21. 燃油加油机的作弊手段及识别

    How to Identify the Cheating Methods of Fuel Dispenser

  22. 加油机叶片泵工艺要素的选择

    Technological Elements to Choose Practically on the Vane Pump of the Refuel Dispenser

  23. 逻辑加密存储芯片在智能卡加油机中的应用

    Application of the Logic Crypto Memory in the Gas Machine of Intelligent Card

  24. 注意:本加油机禁止打汽油。

    Note : Petrol is forbidden for this machine .

  25. 随着加油机的机龄增长,他们的维护保养变得越来越贵。

    As tankers age , they become increasingly expensive to maintain and support .

  26. 提高微电脑加油机性能指标的途径与方法

    The Methods of Improving the Quality of Computer Dispensers

  27. 合同上协定将要供应空军179架加油机。

    The contract will supply the Air Force with one hundred seventy-nine tankers .

  28. 对汽车加油机及其市场的分析

    An Analysis On Car Refueling Machine And Its Market

  29. 三是观察加油机流速是否均匀正常。

    Third , watch if the flow of fuel via dis-penser is uniform .

  30. 新式停车计时器就像一个加油机。

    Prototype parking meter looks like a gasump .