
dònɡ tài dònɡ cí
  • Dynamic verb;dynamic/actional/volitional verb
  1. 像飞和跑这样的词是动态动词。

    Words like fly and run are dynamic verbs .

  2. 瞬间动词又包括部分完成动词、绝对终止性动词和部分动态动词。

    Punctual verbs include some perfective verbs , absolutely terminative verbs , and some dynamic verbs .

  3. 运用进行体通常是动态动词,而静态动词一般不用于进行体。

    Generally Speaking , only dynamic verbs not stative ones are used in the progressive aspect .

  4. 第四章分析了频率副词后面所修饰的动词和形容词的类型。分析得出频率副词只能修饰动态动词、可以转化为动态形式的静态动词和能够转化为动态的形容词。

    In Part Four , we analyze the categories of the verbs and adjectives modified by frequency adverbs , and draw the following conclusions : frequency adverbs can only modify the dynamic verbs , static verbs that can be changed into dynamic ones , and the dynamic adjectives .

  5. 动态和动词的结果的状态可以发生在过去、现在或者未来。

    The state of an action or the result of an action can be in the past , present , or future .

  6. 找出了形容词动态性和动词动态性的语义和语法差别,并对形容词动态性进行语义学分类。

    It examines the differences of dynamic characteristics between adjectives and verbs , and classifies the semantic meanings of adjectives ' dynamic characteristics .

  7. 这些句子成分包括具有参照时间义的时间名词、时间副词,也包括动态助词和趋向动词、语气词等。

    These elements include time noun , time adverbial , dynamic auxiliary words , directional verb and modal particle with the implication of referent time .