
láo ɡǎi yínɡ
  • labour camp;gulag;reform-through-labor prison
  1. 一个名为花生(Peanut)的壮实男人从劳改营中逃出来,重新激活几十年前他与英国情报机构建立的间谍网络,曼根发现自己陷入了该网络。

    Mr. Mangan finds himself enmeshed in a spy ring when an escapee from a labor camp , a burly man known as Peanut , reactivates a decades-old espionage network he had set up with British intelligence .

  2. 一个名为“花生”(Peanut)的壮实男人从劳改营中逃出来,重新激活几十年前他与英国情报机构建立的间谍网络,曼根发现自己陷入了该网络。

    a British journalist . Mr. Mangan finds himself enmeshed in a spy ring when an escapee from a labor camp , a burly man known as Peanut , reactivates a decades-old espionage network he had set up with British intelligence .

  3. 其中包括申淑子(ShinSuk-ja),她是一个被朝鲜关押的韩国人,1987年,因为丈夫叛逃欧洲,她和两个女儿一起被关进劳改营。

    One is Shin Suk-ja , a South Korean prisoner of North Korea who was sent into penal labor with her two daughters in 1987 after her husband defected to Europe .

  4. 裴俊浩在朝鲜劳改营被判处15年。

    Bae was sentenced to 15 years in the North Korean labor camp .

  5. 都兰南部的香日德劳改营曾一度关有囚犯十万人。

    The Xiangride Prison Farm south of Dulan at one time had100,000 prisoners .

  6. 150个像我这样的小角色在1月10日被送往德累斯顿的一处劳改营。

    One-hundred-and-fifty such minor beings were shipped to a Dresden work camp on January 10th .

  7. 我们害怕不知道什么时候就会被送去劳改营。

    We feared that at any moment we could be sent to a hard labour camp .

  8. 他在劳改营里度过的整整十一年时间里,一直不准许他们前来看望他。

    During his entire eleven years in the camp , they were never permitted to visit him .

  9. 比如说,你是否曾为劳改营越狱的场景而远赴青海?

    Did you go out to Qinghai Province , for example , for the labor camp breakout scene ?

  10. 但在他最初的叙述中,他说自己直到逃亡前都生活在第14号劳改营里。

    In his original account , he said he had lived all his life in Camp 14 until his escape .

  11. 它和主流的监狱及劳改营制度不同后者在收押人员之前是经过司法程序的。

    It is different from the mainstream system of prisons and labour camps whose inmates have been through the judicial system .

  12. 我喝了许多该死的圣约翰草茶,其分量足以让一整团苏联劳改营开心起来,却不见任何成效。

    I drank enough of that damn Saint-John 's-wort tea to cheer up whole a Russian gulag , to no noticeable effect .

  13. 在夹边沟被关闭之后,一位医生被派到劳改营,花了六个月的时间为每一名囚犯编造病历。

    After it was shuttered , a doctor who was assigned to the camp spent six months fabricating the medical records of every inmate .

  14. 凤子在1969年被下放到北京以外的一个强制劳改营,偶尔获准回来探家,1975年才被释放。

    Phoenix was sent to a forced labour camp outside Beijing in 1969 and allowed only occasional visits home before her release in 1975 .

  15. 申东赫提到自己向一名劳改营的守卫告发了自己母亲和兄弟的越狱计划,致使后者二人被处决。

    He said he informed a prison guard of a plan by his mother and brother to escape Camp 14 and both were executed .

  16. 有各种预测说,一旦被定罪,这两名记者将会被判处从高至10年的监禁或至10年劳改营的各种刑期。

    There are various estimates of a possible sentence if they are convicted , ranging as high as ten years in a prison or labor camp .

  17. 但是他估计,在受灾严重的四个省里,有多达5千到1万人被关押在监狱和劳改营。

    But , he estimates as many as 5000 to 10000 are being held in prisons and labor camps in four of the severely affected provinces .

  18. 他们一般都不会提起大清洗运动中死亡的数百万人和在劳改营中死亡的人。

    They often fail to mention the millions who died from famine during forced collectivization , and those who died in the Gulag hard labor camps .

  19. 他还批准了一本把斯大林描绘成高效管理者的教科书,而实际上,斯大林是一位把政敌送进劳改营、导演了屠杀数百万人民事件的人物。

    He also approved a textbook describing the man who dispatched political opponents to gulags and orchestrated the murder of millions of people , as an efficient manager .

  20. 围绕该劳改营(长50公里,宽40公里)是否仍在使用,近年来有一些分析人士(通过研究卫星图像)进行了辩论。

    There has been some debate in recent years from analysts that study satellite images , if the camp 31 miles long and 25 miles wide is still operating .

  21. 西宁。愿慈爱的天父在此城得荣耀。西宁人口937750人。南滩劳改营是全世界最大的监狱设施。

    Pray for the Loving Heavenly Father to be glorified in XINING , pop . 937,750 , whose Nantan area has one of the worlds largest concentrations of prison-related facilities .

  22. 在书名故事中,一个女人来到劳改营探望丈夫,但是同监囚犯吞吞吐吐地告诉她,她丈夫刚刚死去。

    In the title story , a young woman travels to the labor camp to visit her husband , only to learn from reluctant fellow inmates that he has just died .

  23. 不过,绝对不会出现在旅游路线上的一个设施就是朝鲜按面积计算最大的一座劳改营,这座被称为22号营地的劳改营就在这个城市附近。

    One facility that definitely won 't be on the tour is the largest of North Korea 's prison camps by area , known as Camp 22 , near the city .

  24. 劳改营作为人类面对的异己性生存处境的象征,人在极端生存环境下的生理与心理状况、人与环境的冲突、以及人对这一制度的反思与反抗是明显的。

    As a symbol of human facing alien situation , the trilogy describes physiological and psychological conditions during the extreme environment , conflicts between human and circumstance , and reflection and resistance of this system .

  25. 1970年诺贝尔文学奖得主索尔仁尼琴不仅是苏联“劳改营题材文学”的开创者,而且是苏联“回归文学”的卓越代表。

    Alexander solzhenitsyn , Nobel Literature Prize winner in1970 , is not only the pioneer of the Soviet union " literature based on labor reform camp " but also the prominent representative of the Soviet union " regressional literature " .

  26. 他是苏联劳改营题材文学的开创者,曾向世界宣告一句真话的分量比整个世界还重,被誉为俄罗斯的良心,他的作品具有强烈的批判意识和人道主义情怀。

    As the pioneer of the Soviet Union " Literature based on Labor Reform Camp ", he has claimed that a true word is more important than the whole world , which was known as " the Conscience of Russia " .

  27. 索尔仁尼琴以劳改营为题材的三部作品内容相关,主题相连,表达作者对劳改营的思考也愈发深刻,故笔者将这三部作品看做一个整体,称其称为劳改营三部曲。

    The contents are relative , and the themes are connected , that express the thinking about this problem become deeper and deeper . Thus the author regarded these three works as a whole , and named ' the convict farm trilogy ' .