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sháo zi
  • spoon;scoop;ladle;dipper
勺子 [sháo zi]
  • [ladle;spoon;scoop] 舀东西的器具

勺子[sháo zi]
  1. 在新加坡人均GDP只有500美元的上世纪60年代中期,他记得有一项学校食品供应计划,可以让自己和其他孩子一起用一个长柄勺子从桶里舀牛奶喝。

    In the mid-1960s , when its per capita gross domestic product was $ 500 , he remembers a school feeding programme where he drank milk from a pail using a ladle shared with other children .

  2. 像用勺子一样移走;把液体。

    Remove with or as if with a ladle ; of liquids .

  3. 他吹了吹勺子里的汤,然后啧啧地喝了下去。

    He blew on his soup before slurping it off the spoon

  4. 用勺子抄起薄饼,把它们转盛到盘子里。

    Remove the wafers with a spoon and transfer them to a plate

  5. 别忘了,这东西具有腐蚀性;戴上手套或用勺子。

    Remember that this is caustic ; use gloves or a spoon .

  6. 打开盖子,用勺子盛些调味汁到碗里。

    Remove the cover and spoon some of the sauce into a bowl

  7. 他用勺子把速溶咖啡舀入两个杯子中。

    He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs .

  8. 他用勺子把冰激凌舀进杯子,喂给她吃。

    He spooned the ice cream into a cup and fed it to her .

  9. 如果她再扔勺子会怎么样?

    What will happen if she throws the spoon again ?

  10. 当你的孩子在你喂饭时第六次把勺子扔在地上时,你说,“够了!我不会再捡起你的勺子了!”

    When your child throws her spoon on the floor for the sixth time as you try to feed her , and you say , " That 's enough ! I will not pick up your spoon again ! "

  11. 她用勺子舀着土豆泥,看上去很高兴。

    She was spooning mashed potatoes and looking happy .

  12. 当我们选择一个大勺子而不是一个小勺子时,总摄入量增加了14%。

    When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one , total intake jumps by 14 percent .

  13. 把盘子、勺子和叉子放在桌子上

    " Put plates , spoons and forks on the table . "

  14. (将奶油打到不从勺子上掉下为止。)

    Whip the cream until it refuses to fall off the spoon .

  15. 胡乱地抓了一个勺子,他坐下来让自己平静一下。

    After jumping twenty feet in the air and grabbing a spoon out of the drawer , he sat down to calm himself .

  16. (season被误为seasoning调味品)每年春天,鲑鱼逆流而上游到勺子里。

    In spring , the salmon swim upstream to spoon .

  17. 7.scoopn.勺子格雷斯:妈妈,可以给我钱买冰淇淋吗?

    Grace : Mommy , can I have money for ice cream ?

  18. 几周前,Twitter上出现了一条怪信息:在一家很高档的餐馆,美国某美食作家当场在Twitter上贴出了一张勺子照片。

    A couple of weeks ago , an odd message appeared on Twitter . An American food writer , sitting in a very exclusive restaurant , posted a picture of a spoon .

  19. 去布鲁克林湾脊区的香柏糕点店(CedarsPastry)挖一勺冰激凌,会发现它向上拉伸,拽着勺子,不肯松开。

    Try to scoop up the ice cream at Cedars Pastry , in Bay Ridge , Brooklyn , and it stretches upward , tugging at the spoon , resisting .

  20. 举个例子,在第一次会议上,我们有一个非常有趣的话题&“没有勺子”,是CoreyHaines带领的。

    For example , at the first conference , we had a very interesting discussion about ," There is no Spoon " [ led by Corey Haines ] .

  21. EPS产生菌在芬兰传统酸奶(viili)中占据了主导地位。这种酸奶的粘度大到你甚至能用勺子将它拉出被子1英尺。

    EPS producers are the bacteria that dominate in Finnish viili , which is so clingy that you can stretch it a foot or more between bowl and lifted spoon .

  22. StackExchange用户drhodes恰好测量了搅拌、不搅拌、不停把勺子浸入和拿出对茶冷却速率的影响。

    Stack Exchange user drhodes measured the rate of teacup cooling from stirring vs. not stirring vs. repeatedly dipping a spoon into the cup vs. lifting it .

  23. 作为一个长期试点项目,这些胡同和店面不断被创意公司重新开发,比如设计工作室Re-Up和壹勺子糖咖啡馆(SpoonfulofSugar),它将首次展示为该区域设计的公共装置模型,并提供“创意有机饮食体验”。

    In a long-term pilot program , these alleys and storefronts are being sustainably redeveloped by creative businesses like the design studio Re-Up and the cafe Spoonful of Sugar , which will debut prototypes of public facilities for the neighborhood alongside a " conscious food and wine event . "

  24. 有太多的叉子,勺子和刀了。

    There were so many forks , spoons , and knives .

  25. 他们是叉子,刀子,勺子和筷子。

    There were forks , knives , spoons , and chopsticks .

  26. 它用很大的勺子吃饭。

    He 's eating his food with a very big spoon .

  27. 现在的大勺子(至少海事组织)。

    Now for the big scoop ( at least imo ) .

  28. 你的勺子在哪里?在桌子上。

    Where 's your spoon ? It 's on the table .

  29. 这是我的勺子,我喜欢喝汤。

    This is my spoon . I like to eat soup .

  30. 汉朝时期,人们制造了一种形如勺子的指南针。

    During the Han Dynasty , people made a spoon-like compass .
