
yào shàn
  • medicated food;health-building diet
药膳 [yào shàn]
  • [food cooked with medicinal herbs] 配有中药做的菜肴或食品,如参芪鸡、虫草鸭、银耳羹、杞子羊肾粥等

  1. 对《黄帝内经》中饮食疗法,如热饮疗法,冷饮疗法,食补疗法,食泻疗法,食忌疗法,饥饿疗法,醪酒疗法,药膳疗法进行分别论述,提示该疗法有重要的临床应用价值。

    The paper presents a discussion on the diet therapy in Huangdi 's Internal Classic , including hot drink therapy , cold drink therapy , diet tonifying therapy , purgation by food regulation , starving therapy , mellow wine therapy , and medicated food therapy to show their clinical importance .

  2. 因此,药膳食疗研究要纠正以补为主的传统思路,着眼于生活习惯病的防治,重点开发素雅、清淡的药膳食品。

    Medicated diet is supposed to put right " tonic-centered " tradition by focusing on the prevention of habit-forming diseases and the development of medicated food with lite and delicate flavor .

  3. 药膳饮食对严重烧伤大鼠肠道SIgA的影响

    Effect of medicined diet on intestinal SIgA in severe burned rats

  4. 说明加用药膳后,对体重、身体质量指数(BMI)均有明显改善作用。

    This explains that adding the Chinese medicated diet of lotus leaf has an apparent function of improvement on weight and BMI .

  5. 猴头菌属(Hericium)真菌是珍贵的药膳兼用菌,利用猴头菌属真菌发酵液浸膏制成的药物在临床应用中治疗胃炎、胃溃疡等消化系统疾病取得了显著的疗效。

    The fungi in genus Hericium are valuable for both pharmacopoeia and edibility . Medicines made from concentrated barmy liquid show obvious effects on gastricism , gastic ulcer and other digestive system diseases in clinical applications .

  6. 在相同氮处理下GS活性远高于GDH活性,说明GS在三种药膳植物的氨同化过程中起到关键性作用。

    Uder the same treatment of nitrogen nutrition , the activity of GS is much higher than that of GDH . It is suggest that GS has a key role in the process of ammonia assimilation of the three herbal plants .

  7. 进食药膳,便成为许多人的选择。

    Eat foods , has become the choice of many people .

  8. 蜜源花粉的保健、美容与药膳

    Health Care and Beauty Function of Pollen and Its Dietotherapy

  9. 中医药膳减肥的研究现状

    The Present Research Situation on Fat-reduction with Chinese Medicative Diet

  10. 中医药膳食疗的特点及其应用原则

    The Characteristics and Applied Principles of Chinese Medicative Diet for Food Therapy

  11. 中医药膳在慢性胃炎患者中的临床应用

    Chinese Medicinal Diet in Patients with Chronic Gastritis in the Clinical Application

  12. 盛世食药膳,国宁人康健。

    Fresh foods prosperity , the people healthy Ning .

  13. 竹的药膳史及竹食品开发

    Bamboo development history of bamboo as medicine and food

  14. 药膳对运动性疲劳的机理研究

    Mechanism of herbal meal treatment to sport exhaustion

  15. 药膳治疗对肝癌介入术后肝功能恢复的临床观察

    A Clinical Observation on the Recovery of Liver Function in Post Intervene Liver Cancer

  16. 方法回顾历史,分析现状,提出我国鹿产品药膳食疗的发展意见。

    Method : To make specific suggestions according to the history and current situation .

  17. 接下来,我们来认识一下药膳中常见的几种药材。

    Let 's get to know some regular Chinese herbal medicine in herbal cuisine .

  18. 观察药膳饮食对严重烫伤大鼠免疫功能紊乱的调理作用;

    To observe the opsonization of medicined diet on immune dysfunction in severely burned rats ;

  19. 滋补养颜药膳,具有改善人体外在形象、起到养颜美容的作用。

    Medicinal diet for preserving countenance is useful to improve one 's appearance and looks .

  20. 中国鹿产品药膳食疗的历史、现状及建议

    The History , Situation and Suggestion on Health Building-diet and Food Therapy of Chinese Deer Product

  21. 药膳对2型糖尿病病人的饮食干预效果分析

    Analysis on effect of medicined diet for diet intervention of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

  22. 目的:观察中药药膳治疗肝硬化腹水的临床效果。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effect of medicated diet of TCM on cirrhosis ascites .

  23. 指导肝硬化腹水患者服用药膳的疗效观察

    The clinical effect of medicated diet with Chinese herbs in patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites

  24. 药膳疗法减轻鼻咽癌放疗中涎腺损伤的临床研究

    Clinical Research of Reducing Injury of Salivary Gland by Medicine Meals During Radiotherapy on Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

  25. 我希望中国和以前一样,更多地将牛奶当作药膳来使用,而不是将它当作大众消费品来消费。

    I wish China still used milk more like medicine instead of consuming it as a mass-marketed product .

  26. 目的探讨中国鹿产品药膳食疗应用发展问题。

    Objectire : To discuss the problems in the development of health-buieding-diet and food therapy of deer products .

  27. 天津在新加坡开设的药膳受到当地政要的关注。

    The " Medicinal Diet " established in Singapore by Tianjin attracts the attention of local political figures .

  28. 同时由药膳用药引申出的一系列问题亦正引起学术界与有关方面的关注和重视。

    Some problems caused by the medicated diets , have been recognized in the academe and other fields concerned .

  29. 药膳是一种兼有药物功效和食品美味的特殊膳食。

    Herbal cuisine is a special dietary cuisine which combines the effect of medicines and de taste of foods .

  30. 有名的药膳包括“百合鸡汤”和“莲子百合粥”。

    Famed medicinal dishes include " lily decoction with chicken " and " porridge with lotus seeds and lily . "