
  • 网络Drug Development;drug discovery
  1. 因此,VEGF被认为是抗肿瘤血管生成药物开发的理想靶标。

    Based on these evidences , VEGF is considered as a rational target for antiangiogenic drug development .

  2. RNAi在后基因组时代的基因功能研究和药物开发中具有广阔应用前景。

    RNAi has the promise of the study of gene function and drug development .

  3. RNA干扰类药物开发策略及临床研究进展

    Research on development strategies and clinical trials of RNAi-based drugs

  4. 本文就TRAIL诱导凋亡的机制及其TRAIL药物开发的前景作一综述。

    This paper reviews the mechanism of TRAIL inducing apoptosis and the prospect of TRAIL pharmaceutical exploitation .

  5. 该复制型HBV转基因小鼠模型为研究HBV的发病机制研究以及抗乙肝药物开发研究提供了良好的实验动物模型。

    The replicative HBV transgenic mice had provide an ideal animal model for the study on nosogenesis of HBV and anti-HBV drugs .

  6. 本文就肿瘤血管生成、VEGF家族的特性、VEGF在抗肿瘤药物开发中的应用做一综述。

    This thesis gives a review on tumor angiogenesis , the features of VEGF family , the application of VEGF on anti-tumor drugs .

  7. 许多大学、政府和商业研究实验室都使用BlueGene研究射电天文学、蛋白质折叠、气候、宇宙学和药物开发。

    Many universities , government , and commercial research labs use Blue Gene for computational studies in radio astronomy , protein folding , climate research , cosmology , and drug development .

  8. 为直接客户和众多OEM厂商设计和生产HPLC等产品,涵盖了药物开发、蛋白质组等生物医药前沿领域。

    We design and manufacture a wide selection of products for end-users and OEMs in the fields of HPLC , Drug Discovery , Proteomics and beyond .

  9. 近年来,AD作为抗肿瘤、抗病毒药物开发的先导化合物已成为基于AD新药开发的热点之一。

    In recent years , AD , as a lead compound for the synthesis of anti-tumor and anti-viral drugs , has become one of the hot spots in the new drug development area .

  10. DarrenZhu在许多高科技领域都有过涉猎,包括分子自旋电子学、治疗性药物开发等。

    Darren Zhu has conducted research in a wide range of cutting-edge areas , from molecular spintronics fabrication to therapeutic drug design .

  11. 她说,今年秋天FDA将揭晓关于通过标准化的形式和临床试验数据的内容来降低药物开发成本的提议。

    She said the FDA would unveil proposals this autumn on reducing drug development costs by standardising the format and content of clinical trial data .

  12. 因此探讨慢性内脏炎痛刺激及吗啡耐受间共同的细胞机理及N甲基D天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体相关的调节机理,为合理用药及药物开发提供实验依据。

    In the present study , the common cellular mechanism of chronic visceral inflaming pain and morphine tolerance and the regulation of N methyl D aspartate ( NMDA ) receptor were investigated .

  13. PDZ结构域蛋白被认为是下一代药物开发的潜在靶点。

    PDZ domain containing proteins are the potential target for next-generation of drug development .

  14. 同时本文还综述了CyPA相关的疾病以及以CyPA为靶点的药物开发研究。

    In this article , we review the Cyp A-related diseases and the new drugs research whose targets are Cyp A.

  15. 尽管如此,由于新药开发的费用日趋升高、周期越来越长、安全性评价日益严格,因此,抗PD的药物开发在相当长的一段时间内仍将趋于平缓。

    Nevertheless , it is estimated that the near future will see only a limited progress in anti-PD medicine development because of the growing R D expenses , increasing research cycles and more demanding evaluation on medicine safety .

  16. 目的设计一种更贴近人类老年性痴呆(AD)病变特征的新的多因素模型,为研究AD的发病机制和药物开发提供理想的实验模型。

    Objective To design a new animal model of Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ), which can more completely mimic the distinctive changes of human AD and will be very helpful in the investigation of pathogenesis and pharmacy of AD in the future .

  17. 本论文的研究成果为进一步开发非喜树碱类TOPOI抑制剂提供了有指导价值的信息,为抗肿瘤药物开发奠定了基础。

    The results of the present study in this thesis provide useful information for the design of non-CPT Topo I inhibitors and may be further utilized to help the developments of more potent antitumor drug candidates .

  18. 相比首创性新药开发,me-too类药物开发具有风险小、难度低和成功率高的优点,是新药研究的一条重要和实用的途径。

    Compared with pioneering innovative drug development , it is a less difficult and risky but more successful way , and is classified as an important and practical approach in drug research .

  19. 疟疾药物开发项目(MMV)的IanBathurst说,除了增加青蒿素的供应量,该研究还将帮助发展中国家种植这种作物的农民。

    As well as increasing the amount of artemisinin available , the research will help farmers in developing countries who grow the crop , says Ian Bathurst of the Medicines for Malaria Venture ( MMV ) .

  20. 小鼠胚胎干细胞(mESCs)已在发育生物学、人类疾病和药物开发等研究领域中得到广泛应用,小鼠ESCs建系技术的丰富完善为建立人类和动物ESCs系提供了参照标准和理论依据。

    Mouse ESCs have been widely used in those research fields like developmental biology , human disease and drug development . The establishing technique of ESCs series have provided reference standard and theoretical basis for the establishment of human and animals ESCs series .

  21. Me-too类药物开发是以临床Ⅲ期或上市药物为先导化合物,经结构修饰和改造,快速获得活性强、毒性低的候选新药物分子的模拟创新策略。

    Me-too drug development is a kind of follow-up drug discovery strategy which can quickly obtain the strong activity and low toxicity candidate drug molecules that come from structure modification of clinical phase III stage or marketed drugs , called lead compounds .

  22. 天然活性成分的生物转化与创新药物开发

    Biotransformation of Natural Bioactive Compounds And The Development of Creative Drugs

  23. 一些嘧啶并环类化合物在药物开发中的应用研究

    Research and Applications of Some Pyrimidine-fused Cyclic Compounds in Drug Development

  24. 多组分反应在合成含肽类药物开发中的应用

    Application of Multicomponent Reactions in the Synthesis of Peptide Drugs

  25. 本文综述了近期反义药物开发与应用的进展。

    Recent advances in development and application of antisense drugs were reviewed .

  26. 展望了小单孢菌在海洋药物开发中的前景。

    A potential role of micromonospora in marine drug development is proposed .

  27. 超声波技术在药物开发研究中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Technology in Development and Research of Medicament

  28. microRNA&前景光明的药物开发新靶点

    MicroRNA : a Novel Drug Target with a Bright Perspective

  29. 目前在韩国正在作为相应的药物开发。

    Now it was taken as relevant drug for developing .

  30. 目前存在一些抑制新药物开发的科学和经济因素。

    A number scientific and economic disincentives to new drug development exist .