
  • 网络Drug prevention and treatment;chemical control;pharmacotherapy
  1. 化学药物防治是综合防治的主要措施;

    The chemical control is the main method of integrated control .

  2. 文中综述了藤壶附着的生物化学、藤壶在红树林附着的生态学、藤壶对人工红树林幼林的危害和国内所采用的化学药物防治措施等方面的研究进展,以及今后的研究方向。

    This paper reviewed the biochemical and ecological studies on the settlement of barnacle , its damage on mangrove seedlings , and its chemical control .

  3. 复方Ca(OH)2等三种药物防治根管预备后激惹反应的临床研究

    A clinical study of compound Ca ( OH ) _2 etc in the prevent of irritation response after root canal preparation

  4. 目前其发病机理仍然不十分明确,研究DR的发病机理及寻找有效药物防治始终是各国眼科界研究的热点。

    To study the cause of the disease and to find effective drug are the hot spot in each country 's ophthalmology .

  5. 由于PVR的手术治疗效果仍不理想,许多学者已经研究了多种药物防治PVR,包括抗代谢药物、皮质类固醇药物、维生素类药物、钙通道阻滞剂以及基因治疗等。

    Effects of surgical therapy are not ideal . Parmaceutical studies have been developed , including antimetabolite , corticosteroid , nutramines , calcium-channel blockers , gene therapy and so on .

  6. 正确应用抗菌药物防治外科感染

    Reasonable application of antibacterial agents for the treatment of surgical infection

  7. 药物防治性同期对照试验论著的方法学质量评价

    Comments on the Methodological Quality of Drug Therapeutic Concurrent Controlled Trials

  8. 药物防治的临床药理学与水产药物学问题

    Clinical Pharmacology and Aquatic Materia Medica in Pharmacal Treatment and Prevention

  9. 提出了农家养鸡的参考免疫程序和药物防治方法。

    Reference immunity procedure and medicine cure are meanwhile put forward .

  10. 联合应用降压药物防治高血压及其并发症的临床疗效观察

    Efficacy of combination of multiple drugs in the management of hypertension

  11. 药物防治蝇害的研究进展

    The research on the treatment and prevention of the fly by medicine

  12. 椎基底动脉闭塞性疾病的药物防治进展

    Advances in Medical Prevention and Treatment of Vertebrobasilar Artery Occlusion

  13. 药物防治瘢痕的研究进展

    The study progress in preventing and controlling scars by medicine

  14. 杂色鲍肌肉萎缩症的药物防治试验

    Test on drugs prevention and cure of withering syndrome of Haliotis Diversicolor Reeve

  15. 流感病毒性肺炎及金刚烷胺药物防治的实验病理学研究

    Pathological Study of Influenza Virus Pneumonia in Mice and Prophylaxis-Treatment by Using Amantadine

  16. 斑节对虾杆状病毒病的药物防治研究

    Pharmaceutical Prevention and Treatment of Penaeus monodon Baculovirus Disease

  17. 内镜下注射硬化剂联合药物防治食管静脉曲张出血40例

    40 cases of endoscopic injection sclerotherapy combined with drugs on bleeding esophageal varices

  18. 鱼病药物防治几个问题的探讨

    A Study on Some Problems of Preventation and Treatment of Fish Disease With Drugs

  19. 因此早期药物防治白内障具有重大的实际意义。

    Early drug prevention and treatment of cataract is therefore of great practical significance .

  20. 中华鳖出血性肠炎的药物防治研究

    Study on Medicament of Prevention and Cure of Hemorrhagic Enteritis for Chinese Amyda Sinensis

  21. 三种药物防治奶牛球虫病试验三种化学药剂防治鼢鼠的试验研究

    Test on prevention and cure of coccidiosis in dairy cow with three anticoccidial drugs

  22. 实验性珍珠鸡组织滴虫病临床、病理学及药物防治研究

    Study on Clinic , Pathology , Prevent and Treatment of Experimental Histomoniasis in Keet

  23. 中性粒细胞对缺血心肌的损伤作用及药物防治的研究

    Study of the injurious effects of neutrophils on myocardium and their medicinal therapy in rabbits

  24. 褐藻酸降解菌对海带配子体克隆的作用及其药物防治研究

    Effect of alginic acid decomposing bacteria on Laminaria japonica cloning gametophyte and its medicine control

  25. 这些鳖病可以通过调节生态环境、使用药物防治、疫苗预防等综合措施得以预防和控制。

    These diseases could be prevented and controlled by regulating ecosystem and using medicines and vaccines .

  26. 药物防治外伤性增殖性玻璃体病变&家兔眼内纤维增殖模型的制作

    The Rabbit Model of Intraocular Proliferation

  27. 淡水养殖鱼类细菌出血性败血病药物防治研究

    A study on control of the bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia in cultured freshwater fishes by Drug Administration

  28. 细菌性猪呼吸道病病原学及药物防治研究

    Isolation and identification of bacteria associated with porcine respiratory diseases and the screening of effectual drugs

  29. 视网膜光损伤的药物防治

    Medicament for retinal light injury

  30. 目的寻求一种高效、优质药物防治家兔球虫病和大肠杆菌病。

    Objective In order to seek effective method which can control domestic rabbit coccidiosis and the coliform disease .