
  • 网络faulty packing;defective packing;insufficient packing;bad packing
  1. 很明显这是包装不良所致。

    This was apparently attributable to faulty packing .

  2. 这次损害的主要原因可能在于包装不良。

    The damage appeared to have been mainly caused by the faulty packing of the goods .

  3. 货物包装不良或者标志欠缺、不清;

    Inadequacy of packing or insufficiency of illegibility of marks ;

  4. 商检局的调查表明,货物损坏是因包装不良所致。

    The investigation made by the Commodity Inspection Bureau has revealed that the da .

  5. 这份检验报告可以证实,货物的短重是由于包装不良所致。

    The survey report can certify that the weight shortage was caused by improper packing .

  6. 贵公司来信认为破损系由包装不良所致一节,深为感谢。

    Thank you for your letter about the breakage that you believe was caused by poor package .

  7. 如果你发现包装不良,我们将把它们修复或替换。

    If you find anything wrong with the packing , we 'll have them reconditioned or replaced .

  8. 考察了不同贮存和制备条件对铜精矿样品铜含量的影响,得出在包装密封不良时铜含量因氧化而产生的变化结果及其趋势;

    The effects of various conditions of storage and sample preparation on the content of copper in copper concentrates has been investigated . It was found that the changes in copper content in samples under bad sealed packing condition resulted from oxidation .

  9. 比如,缺乏创新意识;消费市场细分不够;同质化包装等等,这些不良的现象都不能适应消费者的需求。

    Forexample : the lack of innovation , the consumer market segmentation is not homogeneous , packaging etc. .