
huà xué zhàn
  • chemical warfare
  1. 毫无疑问这个问题的意义已经超出了化学战的范畴。

    Make no mistake & this has implications beyond chemical warfare .

  2. 他们还在用豚鼠进行电子和化学战实验。

    They are still experimental guinea pigs for electronic and chemical warfare .

  3. 他曾是北部化学战部队的头儿。

    He was the head of a chemical warfare battalion in the north .

  4. (化学战)一种吸入或接触后导致中毒的气体。

    ( chemical warfare ) a gas that is poisonous to breath or contact .

  5. 一切开始于化学战,死亡射线和火枪甚至扼杀了夜晚。

    It began with chemo war , death rays and fire guns even killed the night .

  6. 长此以往,我国军队在战场上将再次面临化学战的局面。

    Over time , our troops would again face the prospect of chemical warfare on the battlefield .

  7. 一种无色有毒的气体,有刺激的杏仁味,已经被用于化学战中。

    A colorless toxic gas with a pungent almond odor ; has been used in chemical warfare .

  8. 所有这三种化合物都是细菌在自然状态下生产出来用于在某种化学战中针对其它细菌使用的。

    All three compounds are naturally produced by some bacteria for use in a kind of chemical warfare against other bacteria .

  9. 最后,她谈到中东化学战的受害者,她描述了腐蚀性化学物质给当地穷人带来的一大堆健康问题。

    Finally , she talked about the victims of chemical warfare in the Middle East and how the caustic chemicals have caused the poor people a multitude of health problems .

  10. 当今,化学战和化学恐怖袭击已经成为国际社会实际遇到的重大军事与安全问题,也是我军在未来信息化战争和反恐怖斗争中所面临的重要问题之一。

    Today , chemical warfare and chemical terroristic attack have been important military problems about security encountered factually by the international society , which is one of the important problems that our army will face in intending informatization warfares and counterterror battles .