
  • 网络otc;chemical medicine;chemical drug;pharmaceutical chemicals
  1. 中药与化学药(天然药物)复方释药系统研究现状

    Recent Progress in Complex prescription drug delivery system of Traditional Chinese medicine and Chemical medicine

  2. 加用化学药5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)的增效试验显示,高、中剂量组抑制率分别为68.04%、52.40%。

    The inhibition rate of high , middle dose group with 5-FU was 68.04 % and 52.40 % , respectively .

  3. 如何利用中药优势,提高抗HIV化学药的疗效和减轻毒副作用,是中西医结合治疗艾滋病的一个突破口。

    How to make use of the advantages of Chinese medicine to enhance the chemical anti-HIV drug efficacy and reduce side effects is a breakthrough in the treatment of AIDS .

  4. 该药可以阻断引起慢性髓细胞性白血病(CML)的突变蛋白,成为第一个特异靶向癌细胞的化学药。

    The drug blocks a mutant protein that causes chronic myelogenous leukemia ( CML ), becoming the first chemotherapy to specifically target cancer cells .

  5. 含化学药(西药)成分中成药的安全使用

    The safe use of Chinese traditional patent medicines containing chemical drugs

  6. 植物药与化学药相互作用研究现状及发展趋势

    Research status quo and development of herbs and chemical medicines interactions

  7. 《新编国家中成药》收载品种中含化学药成分的统计与思考

    Components of Pharmaceutical Chemicals in Newly Edited National Chinese Traditional Patent Medicines : Statistics and Reflection

  8. 目的:安全合理使用含化学药(西药)成分中成药。

    To study the rational and safe use of Chinese traditional patent medicines containing chemical drugs .

  9. 这和完全没有临床实践经验的西药化学药是完全不同的。

    This is not the practice of clinical experience in western medicine chemical drugs are completely different .

  10. 中成药中药饮片化学药制剂抗生素生化药品生物制品化妆洗涤日用品的零售。

    Pieces of proprietary Chinese medicine Chinese medicine preparations antibiotic drugs biological products and biochemical makeup of the retail washing daily necessities .

  11. 但化疗(包括使用化学药、中药及天然药物)存在一些不良反应甚至还带来毒性问题。

    But the chemotherapy ( include to use the chemistry medicine , Traditional Chinese Medicine and natural medicines ) exists some bad reactions including the toxicity problems .

  12. 以往大多数人认为中药来源于天然植物,安全无毒,也不会像化学药一样易发生药物间相互作用。

    The past , most people think of TCM derived from natural plants , safe and non-toxic , unlike the chemical drugs as vulnerable to drug interactions .

  13. 结论药品生产单位应完善中成药说明书中化学药成分相关信息;

    CONCLUSIONS : For pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprises , the related information concerning the components of pharmaceutical chemicals should be added in the notes of Chinese Traditional patent Medicines .

  14. 对服用抗病毒化学药出现耐药性患者仍有疗效;也能挽救生命垂危的临终期患者,能使其恢复正常生活劳动。

    It is effective even in patients who have become resistant to some anti-virus medications , including dying AIDS patient , recovering his ( her ) health , and leading a normal life and working .

  15. 目前中药的作用机理研究大多照搬化学药的研究模式,即少数有效成分的药物动力学研究和病理模型的药效动力学研究。

    The mechanism study on traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) usually imitates the model of study on pharmaceutical chemicals , which involves the pharmacokinetic study of major active components and pharmacodynamic study on pathological model .

  16. 加速甘蓝种子健康检测和杀菌剂预防保健处理、筛选适合与土壤消毒的化学药进行应急防治的配套技术措施研究是病害综合防治的重点。

    For disease integrated management , it is the most important and the key point to detect cabbage seed health , to try fungicide seed treatment , as well as to screen chemicals for soil sterilization .

  17. 近年来人们不断合成了各种各样的化学药,其起效快、物质基础明确,但同时也存在毒副作用强的缺点。

    In recent years , people synthesis a variety of chemical drugs constantly , although they have quick efficacy and the clear material basis , but there are also have many shortcomings such as the side effects .

  18. 分别以格列齐特和碘海醇为研究对象,建立了化学原料药中19种金属杂质的ICP-AES测定法。

    An inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry method was established to determine nineteen elemental impurities in chemical bulk drugs simultaneously by choosing gliclazide and iohexol as research object .

  19. R8605是我所在系统寻找癌化学预防药研究中研制的第三代维甲类化合物。

    It belongs to the third-generation compound of retinoids and was found during the systematic screening of chemopreventive agents in our Institute .

  20. 化学原料药及制剂装置工程设计探讨

    Probe on Engineering Design of Chemical Raw Pharmaceutical and Preparation Plant

  21. 化学原料药在中国已经有了几十年的发展历史。

    Chemical raw pharmaceutical in China has been developed for decades .

  22. 有区别地加强重点,发挥化学原料药的比较优势。

    We should do the work to amplify the comparison advantage of the Chemical drug .

  23. 江苏A药业有限公司主要从事化学合成药DL-萘普生的生产。

    Jiangsu A medical company produce DL .

  24. 中药制剂及保健品中违禁添加9种化学降糖药的HPLC-MS/MS定性检测

    Detection of Anti-diabetic Agents in Traditional Chinese Medicines and Health Care Products by HPLC-MS / MS

  25. 五味子醇取物的化学-药代-药效指纹图谱研究

    Chemical-pharmacokinetic ( PK ) - pharmacodynamic ( PD ) fingerprints study of Schisandra chinensis alcoholic extraction

  26. 中药制剂和保健品中11种化学降糖药的快速检验

    HPLC-MS / MS fast detection of eleven kinds of anti-diabetic agents in traditional Chinese medicines and health care products

  27. 木材、机制纸、化学原料药等下降百分之一点一到百分之九点二。

    Timber , machine-made paper , drugs made of chemical materials , etc. dropped 1.1 % to 9.2 % .

  28. 分别以拉米夫定和磺胺甲恶唑为研究对象,建立了化学原料药中总汞含量的测定方法。

    A new method was established to determine total mercury in chemical bulk drugs by choosing lamivudine and sulfamethoxazole as research object .

  29. 随着全球性经济的高速发展和科技进步,精细化工产品及化学原料药的生产已步入成熟期。

    Along with global economy high-speed development and scientific advancement , the fine chemical industry product and chemical material medicine production have already became mature period .

  30. 药物中间体是化学合成药的基础,因此糖类药物中间体的发展快慢在一定程度上决定着糖类药物的发展。

    Pharmaceutical intermediates are basic of chemical pharmaceuticals by synthesis , development speed of carbohydrate drug intermediates determines the development of carbohydrate drugs to some extent .