
  1. 简谈化归思想在数学解题中的运用

    The Application of the Idea of Conversion in Solving Mathematical Problems

  2. 浅谈化归思想在数学中的应用

    A brief talk about application of transforming thought in the mathematics

  3. 化归思想方法与中学数学教学

    The Mathematical Conversion Approach and Mathematics Teaching in Secondary School

  4. 化归思想在求向量组的极大线性无关组的应用

    Application of Transformation Thought to Seek Maximum Linear Independence Group

  5. 高师数学教学点滴谈&化归思想的渗透

    A Discussion on the Mathematics Teaching of College Tteachers & The Infiltration of Returning Idea

  6. 化归思想方法是最基本、最常用的思想方法。

    The reduction thinking method is one of the most basic and commonly used thinking methods .

  7. 化归思想贯穿于解析几何全部内容,是蕴涵在解析几何知识中的主要数学思想方法。

    The idea of conversion , an important mathematical way of thinking winds through a course of analytic geometry .

  8. 在此介绍了化归思想在数学解题中的几个应用,并提出了加强化归思维的教学对策。

    There are some examples in solving mathematics problems in this article . And it offers some teaching countermeasures to strengthen return thought .

  9. 数学化归思想方法作为中学数学最为基本的思想方法一直受到广大数学教育工作者的高度重视。

    Maths transformation method , as one of the most essential methods in the maths teaching in middle school , has been paid special attention .

  10. 化归思想方法的教学途径有:在课堂教学中进行教学、利用专题讲座进行教学、通过社会实践进行教学。

    Its teaching ways follow : Carrying on the teaching in the class instruction , using the special course , and through the social practice .

  11. 初中数学中的重要数学思想与方法包括化归思想与方法,符号化、方程与函数思想,数形结合思想,分类讨论思想。

    Important mathematics method of thinking of junior high school include with transform , symbolism , equation and function , numeral-form combination , classification discussion .

  12. 其中化归思想方法的教学原则包含:化隐为显原则、螺旋上升原则、系统教学原则、启发诱导原则。

    Its teaching principles include : shift implicit to plain principle , the spiral rising principle , the system teaching principle , the inspiration and guiding principle .

  13. 用数学思想方法指导学生的学习,数学会变得更容易理解和掌握,中学数学中常见的思想方法有符号和图形思想、函数思想、转化与化归思想、分类讨论思想等等。

    There are such kinds of mathematics idea and method as sign and graph , function , inversion ; discussion and so on in the mathematics teaching in the middle school .

  14. 高中数学中许多重要的数学思想方法如分类讨论、整体换元、数形结合、转化化归思想,都可以借助于不等式教学来实现。

    High school mathematics discussed in many important mathematical thinking methods such as classification , overall in yuan , several form combining , the transformation of thinking , can be implemented by using inequality teaching .

  15. 化归思想作为中学数学的基本思想之一,几乎贯穿于全部中学数学内容,统领着众多的数学方法,且符合中学生的思维能力及他们的实际生活经验,受到广大数学教育者的高度重视。

    Mathematics transformation thought , as one of the basic teaching methods , which is almost used throughout all secondary school mathematics , is in line with the thinking skills of secondary school students and their real life experience .

  16. 教师在传授知识的同时要有意识地向学生传授化归的思想方法。

    As a conclusion it is pointed out that the teachers should consciously convey the reduction thought to the students in class .

  17. 在中学数学教学中运用化归的思想方法、数形结合的思想方法、归纳类比的思想方法,可以提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。

    In the teaching of mathematics in high school , by using the method of converting , the method of combination of numerals and forms , the method of in-duction and analogy , we can improve students ' ability in analyzing and solving problems .

  18. 通过对化归理论(包括化归的界定、化归思想、化归方法和化归原理)的探讨及其化归在数学实践教学中的应用,反思了化归的积极方面与消极方面。

    The paper reflects positive and negative of transforming through discussing the theory of transforming ( including definition , thinking , method and principle ) and in the application of transforming in maths teaching .