
  1. 低密度聚乙烯产品被评为北京市名牌产品。

    LDPE has been awarded as Beijing Famous Product .

  2. 高密度聚乙烯树脂为北京市名牌产品,并于2002年荣获全国质量稳定合格产品称号。

    HDPE product is listed as famous product of Beijing . It won the title of On-spec Product of the State in year 2002 for its quality stability .

  3. 北京一所名牌大学的一名经济学家表示,近期的政策举措可能反映出央行与其它政府部门之间的分歧。央行关注的是通胀,而其它政府部门正推动继续大举放贷。

    An economist at a leading university in Beijing said that recent policy moves could reflect a split between the PBoC , which is focused on inflation , and other parts of the government , which are pushing for the continued aggressive lending .

  4. 我还考上了首都北京的一家名牌大学读第二学位。当我接到通知书时我真感动得热泪盈眶了。

    When I received the admission notice for a second degree course at a prestigious university in Beijing , the national capital , tears welled up in my eyes .

  5. 北京要进入世界城市行列,必须突出北京服务特点,打造北京服务名牌。

    Beijing wants to turn into the world cities , we must stress Beijing service features , establish Beijing service brand .

  6. 2002年,公司的体外临床诊断试剂又经北京市质量技术监督局、北京市经济委员会共同评选为“北京名牌产品”。

    In2002 , the company 's in vitro clinical diagnostic reagents were again reviewed by the Beijing Technology Quality Control Office and judged to be a renowned Beijing brand .