
  • 网络Beihang University;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;BUAA;Beijing Univ Aeronaut & Astronaut;buaa.edu.cn
  1. 本文是北京航空航天大学外国语学院五年来开设“计算机辅助翻译”课程的教学思考。

    This paper reflects on the teaching of a course in computer-aided translation at Beihang University for the past five years .

  2. 该文结合北京航空航天大学实验室用房管理改革的实际来探讨怎样搞好高校的实验室用房管理。

    This paper discussed how to improve university laboratory housing management based on the experience of BeiHang University laboratory housing management reformation .

  3. CH-2010/MONC开放式数控系统是北京航空航天大学开发研制的基于工控PC机和Windows操作系统的多轴多通道开放式数控系统。

    CH 2010 / MONC is a multi purpose open system CNC based on PC hardware and Windows operating system , and developed by Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics .

  4. 北京航空航天大学研制开发的CMTAS多功能真彩色病理图象分析系统。方法:实验于2004-06/2005-12在延边大学医学院完成。

    And CMTAS multifunction true color pathological image analysis system developed by Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics .

  5. 为探讨现代飞行器非对称流动中主涡的形成机理,利用染色线显示和荧光诱导激光片光技术,在北京航空航天大学1.2m水洞对细长体绕流过程进行了实验研究。

    To study the generation mechanism of asymmetric vortices flow over modern flight vehicle , the dynamical process of vortices flow around rocket-shaped cylinder was studied experimentally using streak and laser-induced fluorescence techniques in a 1.2-m water tunnel of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics .

  6. KAB创业项目于2006&2007年度在中国青年政治学院、清华大学、北京航空航天大学、黑龙江大学、天津工业大学、北京青年政治学院6所院校进行为期一年的项目试点工作。

    KAB venture project tried as a one-year pilot project in China Youth University for Political Sciences , Tsinghua University , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Heilongjiang University , Tianjin Polytechnic University , Beijing Youth College for Political Science during 2006 and 2007 year .

  7. 北京航空航天大学宇航学院;

    Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , School of Astronautics ;

  8. 北京航空航天大学学生活动中心

    Students activity centre , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  9. 北京航空航天大学第七研究室;

    The Seventh Research Division , Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics ;

  10. 北京航空航天大学出版社,1998。

    Beijing : Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Press.1998 .

  11. 北京航空航天大学(北航)汉语培训中心成立于1994年,隶属北航国际学院。

    CLTCBU was established in1994 and attached to International School of Beihang University .

  12. 理性与浪漫的交织&北京航空航天大学新校区规划设计

    Planning and design of the new campus for Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  13. 北京航空航天大学

    Beijing University of Aeronautics & amp ; Astronautics

  14. 北京航空航天大学学报2005年第31卷总目录(总第143期一总第154期)

    Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2005 Vol.31 total contents ( sum143 ~ sum154 )

  15. 航空发动机共享试验数据库课题是北京航空航天大学仿真中心委托开发的项目。

    The sharing test database of aero engine is an item consigned by the emulation center of BUAA .

  16. 这家实验室集结了来自百度、清华大学、北京航空航天大学以及中国信息通信研究院在人工智能领域的专家和人才。

    The lab gathered AI experts from Baidu , Tsinghua University , Beihang University and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology .

  17. 北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程专业学生、22岁的陈秋娟(音译)认为,对于大四学生来说,朝九晚五的工作会更好。

    For seniors , 9-to-5 jobs are better , says Chen Qiujuan , a 22-year-old material science and engineering major student at Beihang University .

  18. 整旧如新融新于旧&记北京航空航天大学图书馆改造设计

    Repairing the Old as Good as New , Assimilating the New into the Old & The Remodeling Design for the Library of Beijing Aerospace University

  19. 这8位志愿者都是来自北京航空航天大学的在校研究生生,他们被分成两组,第一组已于上周三进入“月宫一号”。

    The volunteers , all civilians and elite postgraduate students from Beihang University , are divided into two groups . The first four stepped into Yuegong-1 last Wednesday .

  20. 统计学「长江学者讲座教授」。汤涛教授今夏将前往北京航空航天大学进行为期两个月的交流,负责领导该校的航空学术研究工作,及协助制订未来的研究方向。

    Professor Tang will spend two months at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics this summer , leading the University 's research efforts and assisting in its planning .

  21. 22岁的徐胜军(音译)是来自北京航空航天大学飞行器设计与工程专业的大四学生。他也是班里散伙饭的组织者。

    Xu Shengjun , 22 , a senior majoring in flight vehicle design and engineering at Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics , organized the farewell party for his class .

  22. 采用文献综述法、数理统计法对北京航空航天大学2001~2003年学生获得体育奖励学分的情况进行了研究。

    With document summary and mathematical statistical method , this article makes a research on the condition that student gets sport award credit from 2001 to 2003 in Beijing Aerospace University .

  23. 刘华,博士,1972年2月出生,北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院副教授,硕士生导师。

    Hua Liu , Ph.D.She was born in1972 , and presently is an associated professor and a master student supervisor of the school of Aeronautic Science and Engineering , Beihang University .

  24. “这是日本必须做出的决定,不然中国会采取进一步行动,”北京航空航天大学的一名国际政治分析专家王想尿如是说。

    " This was a move that Japan had to make or China would have taken further steps ," said Wang Xiangsui , a foreign-policy analyst at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics .

  25. 北京航空航天大学的王湘穗表示,在海军的战略目标是什么、或如何实现这些目标方面,中国国防规划者迄今尚未达成共识。

    Mr Wang of the University of Aeronautics says Chinese defence planners have themselves yet to achieve consensus either on what their naval strategic goals should be or how they should go about achieving them .

  26. 中国名校北京航空航天大学近日宣布,陈小武被免去了研究生院常务副院长职务,他的教学资格也被取消。

    Beihang University , a well-known Chinese university , announced Thursday that Chen Xiaowu was stripped of his post as executive vice-president with the university 's Graduate School and his teaching certificate was also canceled .

  27. 北京航空航天大学知识产权法教授孙国瑞说,该战略的主要意义在于它使得知识产权创造和使用成为决策的核心价值。

    Sun Guorui , an intellectual property law professor at Beihang University in Beijing , says that the main significance of the strategy is it makes IPR creation and use a core value for policymaking .

  28. 该工艺流程已经在北京航空航天大学与北京大学口腔医院合作开发的牙齿修复体CAD/CAM软件包中实现,可满足实际需要。

    The process has already been realized in the cooperation ," CAD / CAM software of dental restoration ", between Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Peking University School of Stomatology , and this can meet the actual needs .

  29. 北京航空航天大学(简称“北航”,原名北京航空学院,1988年更名)创办于1952年10月25日,由当时清华大学、北洋大学等8所著名大学的航空院系合并而成。

    Beijing University of Aeronautics & amp ; Astronautics ( BUAA ) or Beihang university ( formerly Beijing Institute of Aeronautics ) in 1988 for short was founded on October 251952 out of the merger of the aeronautical departments of eight famous universities such as Tsinghua University , Beiyang University .

  30. 肝组织标本进行常规HE染色及HLA-I的免疫组化染色,并应用JVCKY-F30B3-CCD摄像头采集图像,北京航空航天工业大学CM-2000B型多媒体真彩色图文分析系统对肝脏HLA-I分子进行图像分析定量。

    Normal HE staining and HLA-I immunohistochemistry staining of the liver tissue specimens were performed , morphometric quantitative were made .