
  • 网络North Caucasus;Northern Caucasus;North Caucasian
  1. 俄罗斯独立军事专家AlexanderGolts说,情况表明北高加索地区的安全状况无法被控制。

    Independent Russian military expert Alexander Golts says the situation suggests that security in the North Caucasus cannot be tightened further .

  2. 第二,他给车臣和北高加索强行带去了和平。

    Second , he imposed peace in Chechnya and across the north Caucasus .

  3. 在北高加索地区,还有的绵羊奶酪。

    Traditional sheep cheeses are found in the Northern Caucasus .

  4. 切尔克斯人所说的北高加索语系的一个分支。

    A N Caucasian language spoken by the Circassian people .

  5. 达吉斯坦是北高加索地区几个共和国之一。

    Dagestan is one of several republics in Russia 's North Caucasus area .

  6. 最近,反复无常的俄罗斯北高加索地区发生了一系列严重的致命袭击,此次爆炸是最近的一次。

    The bombing is the latest in attacks in Russia 's volatile North Caucus region .

  7. 而且,它增加了北高加索地区的动荡程度。

    And it has raised the spectre of unrest across the whole of the North Caucasus .

  8. 世界上很少有地方有与北高加索地区相提并论的悲惨历史。

    Few parts of the world have as miserable a history as the north Caucasus ( see article ) .

  9. 俄罗斯官员表示,初步迹象表明,袭击是北高加索地区的好战组织所为。

    Russian officials say early indications are that the attacks were the work of militant groups from the Northern Caucasus .

  10. 内高加索,北高加索:苏联欧洲部分东南部高加索地区的干旷草原,位于高加索山脉主脉以北。

    Ciscaucasia : steppeland of southeast European U.S.S.R. in the Caucasus north of the main range of the Caucasus Mountains .

  11. 普京能做什麽呢?在他看来,其首要任务就是阻止武装分子实现他们搅乱北高加索局势的目的。

    What can Putin do ? He sees his first task as preventing the gunmen realising their aim of igniting the North caucasus .

  12. 为解决北高加索地区的危机,参加第三轮国际会议的代表一致认为,已经取得了进展。

    Representatives attending a third round of international talks aimed at resolving the crisis in the North Caucasus region agree that progress has been made .

  13. 第22届冬季奥运会将于2月7日至23日在俄罗斯北高加索地区的索契市举办,这是俄罗斯历史上首次举办冬奥会。

    The 22nd Winter Olympic Games , the first time to be held in Russia , are slated for Feb. 7-23 in the North Caucasus city of Sochi .

  14. 没有人立即宣布对此次爆炸事件负责,但俄罗斯新闻机构表示,有关部门正在调查来自北高加索地区、与此次袭击事件有关的三名男子。

    There were no immediate claims of responsibility but Russian news agencies said authorities were investigating three men from the north Caucasus region in connection with the attack .

  15. 尽管还没有任何组织宣称为这次爆炸事件负责,然而,这次袭击却具有俄罗斯最南部北高加索地区伊斯兰组织袭击的特点。

    Although no group has claimed credit for the bombing , the attack bore the hallmarks of radical Islamic groups from the Russian 's southernmost region , the Northern Caucasus .

  16. 在北高加索奥塞梯共和国首都,有六人于周四在一起小巴爆炸事件中丧生。

    Six people were killed Thursday in a minibus explosion in the capital of the North Caucasus republic of North Ossetia , the RIA Novosti news agency reported , citing police sources .

  17. 俄罗斯联邦的第14例病例是9月25日出现瘫痪的一名儿童,这使北高加索联邦区的病例总数达到六例,其中达吉斯坦和车臣地区各有三例。

    The Russian Federation's14th case , the child paralyzed on25 September , brings the total number of cases in the North Caucasus Federal Region to six , three each from Dagestan and Chechnya .

  18. 普京在纪录片中表示,他曾经告诉美国总统,美军特种部队在支持北高加索地区的武装分子,而美国总统向他保证,他会收拾他们。

    In the documentary , Mr Putin said he had told the US president that US special services were supporting militants in the North Caucasus , and the president assured him he would kick their ass.

  19. 俄罗斯反复无常的北高加索地区当地警察局附近,一名自杀式爆炸者引爆一辆卡车,造成至少20人死亡,100多人受伤。

    Truck Bomb in Russia 's Caucasus Kills 20 At least 20 people have been killed and 100 others wounded after a suicide bomber blew up a truck at a local police station in Russia 's

  20. 索尔达托夫说,在北高加索地区日常的大部分杀戮事件都没有得到俄罗斯位于莫斯科的媒体的报导。巴夫说,在过去的十年中,克里姆林宫的反恐战略消除了大批反叛分子。

    Soldatov said that the daily killings in the North Caucasus go largely unreported in Russia 's Moscow-based media . Baev said during the last decade the Kremlin 's counter-terror strategy has eliminated large groups of rebels .