
  • 网络medical imaging technology;medical imaging technique
  1. 磁共振成像(MRI)是一种新兴的医学影像技术。

    Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) is a new medical imaging technology .

  2. 随着计算机技术、医学影像技术的不断发展,计算机断层摄影(ComputerTomography,简称CT)在医学界得到广泛的应用。

    With the development of computer , medical imaging technology , Computer Tomography ( CT ) is implied in the medical widely .

  3. 随着医学影像技术的飞速发展,包括多排螺旋CT在内的先进的成像设备开始在临床上广泛使用。

    With the rapid development of medical imaging technology , some advanced imaging equipments , such as Multi-slice Spiral CT , are clinically widely used .

  4. 医学影像技术的发展与PACS

    Development of Imaging Medicine Techniques and PACS

  5. 现代医学影像技术在影像引导手术(IGS)中的应用

    Applications of Modern Medical Imaging Technology in the Imaging Guided Surgery

  6. 放射治疗的发展与现代医学影像技术密不可分,CT成像的空间分辨力和时间分辨力的提高使得动态CT日益成为临床应用的有效手段。

    The development of radiotherapy is closely linked with modern medical imaging technique . 4-dimensional CT increasingly becomes an effective measure due to the improvement of temporal and space resolution of CT imaging .

  7. 与其它医学影像技术(CT,MRI)相比,超声成像有其独特的优点:实时,可交互,无电磁辐射、无创,经济、方便、易重复检查等。

    Compared with other medical imaging techniques ( CT , MRI ), ultrasound imaging has its unique advantages : real-time , interactive , non-electromagnetic radiation , non-invasive , economical and convenient , easy to repeat the examination .

  8. 正电子发射断层(PET)是一项强大的医学影像技术,它通过检测正电子-电子湮灭所产生的光子以确定正电子放射性物质的体内分布。

    Positron emission tomography ( PET ) is a powerful medical imaging method for measuring the distribution of the positron emitter in the human body by co-incidence of the annihilation photons resulting from positron decay .

  9. 自从100多年前伦琴发现X射线至今,多种医学影像技术先后问世并取得了前所未有的发展,医疗水平也获得了极大的提高。

    More than one hundred years ago , Roentgen discovered X-ray . Ever since then a variety of medical imaging technologies have come out and have achieved unprecedented development . Medical treatment level has also been improved greatly .

  10. 文章围绕在影像引导手术(IGS)中应用的现代医学影像技术展开了系统的讨论。

    The thesis discusses systematically the applications of modern medical image technology in the Imaging Guided Surgery ( IGS ) .

  11. 因此,医学影像技术和计算机软硬件技术的快速发展,基于DICOM数据的三维重建因其显著的优点已广泛的运用。

    Following the rapid development of medical imaging technology and computer technology , 3D reconstruction technology , based on the data in the DICOM , owing to its significant advantages , has been widely used .

  12. 结合笔者的临床应用体会,提出了当前HIFU临床肿瘤治疗应遵循的基本原则和注意事项,强调了现代医学影像技术在HIFU应用中的作用。

    Through preliminary clinical results of the extracorporeal tumor treatment , the author put forward some basic principles and important procedure in HIFU practice . The usefulness of current medical imaging techniques in HIFU treatment was emphasized .

  13. 正电子发射体层显像是目前唯一在活体分子水平完成生物学显示及定量评价体内生化改变的医学影像技术,其中放射性核素18F标记的2-脱氧葡萄糖(18F-FDG)在临床肿瘤学中已得到较为广泛的应用。

    Positron emitter tomography ( PET ) is the unique medical image technique to complete the biologic manifestation and evaluate quantitatively the biochemical change in molecular level of human body in vivo at present , in which 2-deoxy-2-18F fluoro-D-glucose ( 18F-FDG ) PET has been widely used in clinical oncology .

  14. 核医学影像技术在淋巴瘤诊疗中的应用

    Application of nuclear medicine imaging in diagnosis and treatment of lymphoma

  15. 医学影像技术是医学诊断技术中最活跃的研究领域之一。

    Medical imaging is the most progressive part in medical diagnosing .

  16. 医学影像技术的下一个热点是什么

    What will Be the Next Hot Area for Medical Imaging Technology

  17. 高职医学影像技术专业教学模式的思考

    Reflections on teaching model of medical imaging technique speciality for vocational education

  18. 〈医学影像技术学〉多媒体教学分析

    Analysis of multi - media teaching of Medical imaging technology

  19. 医学影像技术是正畸治疗术前常用的检查手段。

    Medical imaging technique is commonly used prior to operative orthodontic treatment .

  20. 从展览会看医学影像技术进步

    Progress of Medical Imaging Technology Overviewed from an Exhibition

  21. 医学影像技术的主要进展及前瞻

    The Main Advances and Foreground in Medical Imaging Technology

  22. 高层次医学影像技术人才培养亟待加强

    Cultivation of High - levelled Technicians of Medical Imaging is Urgent to Enhance

  23. 我国医学影像技术的最新发展

    New Development of Medical Digital Imaging Technology in China

  24. 目的探讨在医学影像技术中傅里叶变换和小波变换的应用。

    Purpose it discusses the Fourier exchange and wavelet transforms during digital image processing .

  25. 医学影像技术在针灸学科研中的应用与展望

    Application and prospect of medical imaging techniques in scientific research of acupuncture and moxibustion

  26. 医学影像技术在肿瘤诊断中的进展

    Development of Medical Tomography In The Tumor Diagnosis

  27. 医学影像技术与设备的过去,现在与未来

    The past , the present and the future of medical imaging technology and equipment

  28. 小波变换在医学影像技术中应用

    Application of wavelet transform to medical imaging technology

  29. 现代医学影像技术的网络化发展趋势

    Networking Development Trends of Modern Medical Imaging Technology

  30. 炭材料与现代医学影像技术

    Carbon materials and modern medical imaging technique