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yī xué shǐ
  • history of medicine
  1. 我们生活在一个地球村,密歇根大学医学史教授霍华德·马克尔(HowardMarkel)说。

    We are a global village , said Howard Markel , a professor of the history of medicine at the University of Michigan .

  2. 如果说有什么东西会吓到人,地铁上出现埃博拉患者可是个很好的办法,密歇根大学安娜堡分校(UniversityofMichigan,AnnArbor)医学史教授霍华德·马克尔(HowardMarkel)说。

    If something is going to scare someone , an Ebola guy on the subway is a pretty good way , said Howard Markel , a professor of the history of medicine at the University of Michigan , Ann Arbor .

  3. 一百多年前,X射线的发现引发了一场医学史上的革命。

    More than 100 years ago , the discovery of X-ray caused a revolution in the medical history .

  4. Mouret成功的完成了世界医学史上首例腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopiccholecystectomy,LC),这一手术的成功即引起了世界外科学界的轰动。

    Mouret successfully carried out the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy ( LC ) by means of electronic laparoscopy , which made a great stir in the surgical field all over the world .

  5. 出生于伊朗的FereydoonBatmanghelidj博士曾经在两本书里对饮水的益处大加推崇。他说,依赖口渴来调节饮水量是“医学史上最大的悲剧”。

    Fereydoon Batmanghelidj , an Iranian-born doctor who extolled the benefits of water in two books , called relying on thirst to regulate hydration'the greatest tragedy in medical history .

  6. 几种史学方法及其在医学史研究中的应用举隅

    The Historiography Methods and Application Sample in Medical History Research

  7. 中国医学史课程教改初探

    Preliminary Exploration on Teaching Reform of TCM Academic History Course

  8. 医学史的教学及其研究中的困惑

    Puzzles in Chinese Medical History Teaching and Research

  9. 建国前,中国军事医学史还是一片未开垦的处女地。

    Before Liberation , the study on Chinese military medicine is a virgin land .

  10. 李健颐是近现代医学史上一位颇有建树的中医学家。

    Li Jianyi was a traditional Chinese physician with great achievements in modern times .

  11. 浅谈学习医学史的意义

    On Significance of Studying the History of Medicine

  12. 这是免疫学,乃至医学史上的一个里程碑。

    This is immunology , and even a milestone in the history of medicine .

  13. 医学史是以医学为研究对象的专门史。

    Medical History is a specialized history with medicine as the object of study .

  14. 1995-2005年利物浦大学医学史课程的发展

    The Curriculum Development of " History of Medicine " in the University of Liverpool 1995-2005

  15. 中国医学史教育在美国

    Education of Chinese Medical History in U.S.G

  16. 改变医学史考察传统的以医学本体研究为主的路径。

    The research method based on medical ontology in the traditional medical history should be Changed .

  17. 他拥有信息研究和科学医学史研究的双硕士学位。

    He holds postgraduate qualifications in law , information studies and the history of science and medicine .

  18. 医生的演讲谈到从罗马时代到今天的医学史。

    The doctor 's talk covered the history of medicine from the Roman time to the present time .

  19. 英国科学家今天宣布在实验室制造出了人类精子,开创了医学史新纪元。

    British scientists were today claiming to have made medical history by creating human sperm in the laboratory .

  20. 他们揭示了运动员在运动训练中的免疫球蛋白消失现象。这是世界医学史上的新发现。

    They revealed the disappearing phenomenon of immunoglobulin , which was a new discovery in the world medicine history .

  21. 数字博物馆中主要展示内容包括中国医学史及中药两大部分。

    Manifestation contents in the digital museum are mainly two parts : history of Chinese medicine and Chinese pharmacy .

  22. 打破了鱼鳞病不能治愈的神话,堪称医学史上最伟大的成就之一。

    Ichthyosis broke the myth can not be cured , medical history can be called one of the greatest achievements .

  23. 应用电场和磁场的物理特性治疗疾病在人类医学史上已有悠久历史。

    There is a long iatrical history for human to treat diseases applying the characteristic of electric fields and magnetic fields .

  24. 我翻译医学史,安慰忧心家庭,记录人口统计资料,诊断和进行了73个手术。

    I translated medical histories , reassured worried families , and recorded the demographics , diagnoses , and procedures of the73 operations .

  25. 收集了二十四史目录中有关针灸书目的史料,论述了正史目录在针灸医学史发展中的作用与贡献。

    The role of the catalogue of bibliographical history books in the development of medical history of acupuncture and moxibustion was discussed .

  26. 知道你的家族医学史,但是即使没有乳腺癌史,也不要轻信。

    Know your family 's medical history & but even if there is no history of breast cancer , don 't be complacent .

  27. 并从医学史发现:18世纪以前,我国并没有普遍实行行之有效的节育措施。

    In addition , according to the medicine history , no effective action had been taken to control birth before the 18th century .

  28. 带上人类学的眼镜看医学史&从席文对中国古代医学史的研究谈开去

    Study on the Medical History from the View of Anthropology & A Case of Sivin 's Study on the Medical History in Ancient China

  29. 其对脊柱骨折的整复和固定器具的革新完善,在当时世界医学史上处于领先地位。

    Their effects on spine fracture reduction and fixation apparatus is improved , at the time theworld leading position in the history of medicine .

  30. 女性主义医学史研究的意义&对两个相关科学史研究案例的比较研究

    The Meaning of Feminist Research on the History of Medicine : A Comparative Study of Two Relevant Cases of Research in the History of Medicine