
shù kǒu jì
  • mouthwash;gargle
  1. 研制了抗H.pylori中药漱口剂,经临床初步验证未见局部刺激及副作用。

    Gargle with Chinese herbal medicine , which was proved clinically killing H.pylori and having no local stimulation , was developed .

  2. 复方中药漱口剂对变形链球菌致龋的实验研究

    Effect of gargle with compound herb medicine on Streptococcus mutans and its glucosyltransferase

  3. 某些漱口剂中的有效成分只不过是洗涤剂而已。

    The active ingredient in some of the mouthwashes was simply detergent .

  4. 其它漱口剂,口腔芳香剂;假牙清洁剂。

    Other mouth washes , oral perfume ; denture cleaner .

  5. 经常用漱口剂可使口腔清新。

    Using a mouthwash regularly freshens the breath .

  6. 你的漱口剂在哪里放在药橱里

    Where 's your mouthwash ? Uh , it 's in the medicine cabinet .

  7. 暂未发现中药漱口剂的不良反应。

    No side effect was found with using gargle with Chinese herbal medicine presently .

  8. 他用漱口剂漱口。

    He rinses his mouth out with mouthwash .

  9. 含镧漱口剂治疗牙龈炎和牙周炎120例疗效观察

    Effects of Gargle Contained lanthanum in the treatment of 120 Patients with Periodontitis and Gingivitis

  10. 也有益于呼吸道问题,或可作为天然的漱口剂。

    Also beneficial for respiratory problems and may be used as a natural mouth wash .

  11. 她用具有消毒灭菌作用的漱口剂来清洁口腔。

    She gargle with an antiseptic mouthwash .

  12. 中药漱口剂对口腔幽门螺杆菌的抑制作用及其对口臭的疗效观察

    Inhibition of Gargle with Chinese Herbal Medicine on Helicobacter Pylori and Its Inhibition Effect on Bad Breath Observation

  13. 他和他的研究小组比较了漱口剂,冰片和安慰剂在225名接受化疗的胃肠道肿瘤患者身上的效果。

    He and his team compared the effectiveness of mouthwash , ice chips and a placebo in225 patients being treated for gastrointestinal cancer .

  14. 本研究采用双盲自身对照实验方法,比较了一种新型浓缩芳香复方含酚漱口剂&口洁素,与0.15%洗必太抑制菌斑和实验性龈炎发生的效果。

    The experimental gingivitis model and double blind self-control design were used to compare the mouth-cleaned gargle , a new type of concentrated aromatic phenolic compound .

  15. 我是那样一种人,无论到哪里去,我都会带着一个热水瓶、一瓶漱口剂、一件雨衣和一个降落伞;

    I was one of those people who never went anywhere without a thermometer , a hot water bottle , a gargle , a raincoat and a parachute ;

  16. 伦敦(路透社)-抗菌漱口剂或者冰片能够预防接受化疗癌症患者的痛性口腔溃疡,在星期天研究者说。

    LONDON ( Reuters ) - An antiseptic mouthwash or ice chips can prevent painful mouth sores in cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy , researchers said on Monday .
